Haruhi Suzumiya Commercial-10 years later


New Haruhi Suzumiya commercial.
What does it mean, Sup Forums?

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Live action.

Just let it go already

It's for the super blu ray box, can't you see?

Live action but this time the bassist gets his fair share

This totally needs a thread made about it. No seriously who goddamn fucking cares cause I don't even think the author does anymore



Live action pachinko



We're getting near December again. Fuck.

>We're getting near S3 again.

>Endless 10 years of no S3
Is the loop going to be broken soon?


bd box incoming, but think the US one is more complete

isnt the US one without the movie though? this nip one has the movie according to this commercial


yeah I forgot, sorry.

>Live action

Fuck you Ritz.


>the commercial advertises Suzumiya Haruhi no Taisei ("The Completion of Haruhi Suzumiya"), a Blu-Ray boxset of the TV series, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (a film sequel), The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya, Nyorōn Churuya-san (two web short series), and footage of Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekisō ("The Extravaganza of Haruhi Suzumiya"), a voice actor concert from 2007. It goes on sale in Japan on December 18 for 29,160 yen (tax included; $263)
This is really fucking nice, really late thou

Haruhi: Christmas Keiki edition

We're blowing right past the college years that the last LN was hunting at.

>Haruhi: Christmas Keiki
Kyon, tap that shit already.

I actually wouldn't mind this.

Endless Eight remastered

They must really want one of us to go and start a killing spree

when I saw on futakuro I thought - wait, is this ponytailed Nanpo or Mukkie for the new Saki live action series?

And then I saw that it was for Haruhi, but only for the BD set.

>adult Haruhi

are they implying something, Kyon?


i want off this ride already
do they get enjoyment out of teasing

At this point I hope it's more Pachinko, a Live Adaptation would be terrible.

live action haruhi's endless summer.
who will play denwa?

This is bigggggggggggggger than #Pizzagate.
>Assange holds press conference.
>Wikileaks drumfs a terabyte of emails between KyoAni Hillary and Soros
>Reveal details of Operation Edging
>Hillary threw the election purposely, her new role is the english dub voice actress for Haruhi
>Wendee Lee is now behind the scenes of the Trump campaign.
>Every possible story in every possible timeline now has an episode, 4 new seasons in total.
>Months of prolonged 'leaking' of trailers, 'spoilers' and even 'Behind the scenes' stuff. Most well co-ordinated hype build of all time.
>It gets released, only the english dub gets released.
>Full on weeb meltdown. Internment camps set up and mass lynchings of random asians for days.
>Tensions escalate, Trump (Wendee Lee) declares war on Japan.
>Things go bad, Trump deposed in coup led by Hillary.
>Instant peace and the release of the sub. Docile population now accepts Hillary as undisputed dictator for life.
>Her voice acting contained secret messages to control the world.

The only question is?
Is this worth it for new episodes?

>Almost $300


no, I don't know how it ends

>Hillary is new Haruhi
picked up

>Adult Haruhi (who has long since given up on overloading the world with joy) lands a high-tier desk job and lives with Kyon now (a la those cute short comics). Naturally she's bored to hell by her job so one day she decides it's time to stir shit up again, to Kyon's chagrin.

Today I will remind them.

better meme than turkey

it means nothing. They released a brand new music video a month back but that was for pachislots...

this meme. what does it mean?

at this point it'd kinda be undead action.

Top left corner


Just in time for the december hype.
Why do they love bullying the fans. They know you won't stop believing.

>every hits in the past are getting 10 years celebration
I'm getting so fucking old fuck ;-;

I always thought it was top right corner


>the pachinko hype is already more than two years old
Where does the time go, what the fuck.

>S2 was so shit the movie barely saved the series
>even then it still died
Worst part of S2 was that mongoloid character redesign.

You are lying.
I can't believe it.

it's fucking nothing

>not the fact that 8 episodes are the same with minor differences

>haruhi hunting 2 years ago
haruhi hunting part 2 when? i'll take pachinko any day if it means keeping haruhi alive even just for a slight moment ;_;


>What does it mean, Sup Forums?
Serious? It's right there on the box. Suzumiya Haruhi Complete. Look:
涼宮ハルヒの大成ーSuper Blu-ray BOXー 初回生産限定版
>Suzumiya Haruhi Complete Super Blu-ray BOX limited first edition

If we could get FMP IV, there's no reason why I can't believe in Haruhi 3

People believe in the supernatural so you can believe in anything.

No shit. But WHAT does it mean for us?

it means more endless suffering

What killed the series was the Butthurt of Aya Hirano's Bassist.

If you want Haruhi so bad, you should write a letter to KyoAni and send it to them.

Even if they did S3 by some miracle it's not like a lot of people would care for it, especially in Japan. Too much time has passed and interest has died. I bet the original fans have long since given up and moved on with their lives

Would Sup Forums like to see a Rebuild of Haruhi film series?

Wasn't there an almost identical advert for a different blu-ray box a few years back?

The tail on Haruhi's sales is insane.
There'd be a season 3 in a heartbeat if the author would just nut up and get another book out already.

At this point, after Taahki, I'm willing to take anything

>There'd be a season 3 in a heartbeat if the author would just nut up and get another book out already.
And that's what really killed the series, not shenanigans with some bassist. LN-based anime is made to sell LNs, and there were no new LNs to shill.

It means season 3.

If they make a s3, they should animate some novels and then go to an anime original ending. There's no point in waiting for novels that will never come.


Its been like 5 years since the last LN

Its over

>they still trying to milk Haruhi

There's nothing stopping Tanigawa from writing it in 10 years even, except he probably doesn't want to

Yuko Goto looks like undead.

I never even read the last one, how did this shit end? Or is there a fan translation?

Based Sugita can't be bothered.

>Sugita the only one wearing a hat

From the thumbnail I thought she was posing behind a Canadian flag.

It was more like her producer that thought that he had the sole access to her pussy, but Aya played around with everyone in the band (except the bassist).

they are so old now... wait, this means that I'm too 10 years older. Fuck.

Endless Eight sold more than your favorite anime.