So this.... is the power.... of a Never Trumper intellectual

So this.... is the power.... of a Never Trumper intellectual.

post nudes of his sis

Ben is a giant faggot

Ben should get some perspective instead of grand standing all the time I enjoy his banter sometimes but good god the shill sounds like he'd be happier with hillary

well, yeah. he's the other side of the coin.

b-but muh based Jew

If the Dems move a little closer to the political centre Shillero would be among the first to jump the Republican ship.

He IS the coin. Goy faces are etched on its sides.


I disavow Ben shapiro

He knows where he stands. Hes an Israel First Neocon pretending to be an Anti Establishment Libertarian.

keep pushing Shapiro and his huge following to the left guys. FUCK MAINSTREAM APPEAL. HEIL HITLER GAS THE JEWS


I love how Shapiro has been shilled on this board for the last couple of months despite the fact that he:

>is a neocon fucktard
>is a zionist anti-Palestine retard
>is a globalist scum
>hates Trump

Thats right, goy, don't question his true motives at all.

That's not her.

>keep pushing Shapiro and his huge following to the left guys
He's doing that himself.

Benji is just mad that his sister is such a qt who took all the tall outgoing genes, while he's stuck being a manlet intellectual.

>nationalist and a globalist
>pro-israel, anti palenstine
tell me how these couldn't apply to both Shapiro and Trump?

She's a disgusting kike

Shapiro is a nationalist, but not for the US

>Shapiro is Israel first
>Trump is Israel first
What's his fucking problem then?

Kike women are the definition of butterface

I love trump but I'm embarrassed he said that.
>they didn't thank me I should have left them in jail!
I mean I agree, but don't just say it in public.

Has anybody made a smuggie meme for Ben Shapiro? Pic kinda related.

I'd like more of her



post em anyways, dont play coy with me you slut


It's one of their nigger attention whore fathers that didn't thank him, the players actually did thank him and the government for stepping in, that's why Shapiro thinks it was fucking retarded of Trump to say that.

it is her but Ive been banned twice for posting them

3's the magic number. I didnt make that up. you really kinda havs to now.

Why would trump ever say this though? Leave americans in a foreign jail, illegally, because they didn't approve what you did?
This is actually insane why would a president say that

you post em i dont wanna be b& more

Because they are niggers.

illegally? the fuck? some niggers stole shit he should have let the chinks abuse animals the way they love to

>this coming from a man that gets head from a child

Being so much of a giant faggot is an inspiration to manlets everywhere, jew god bless this little fucking uptight dipshit retard merchant

go to bed ben

You suck dicks don't you?

leave Americans in jail legally because said Americans shoplifted while in china.
like, they were literally the only fucking black people in the country, are 7 feet tall in a world of 5 footers, and still shop lifted.
and got caught.
and there brother is an NBA player and their dad owns a "HIP HOP CLOTHING LABEL"
so they are quite rich.
and still shoplifted.
on a college trip.
in another country.
which was China.

i means, what the fuck did they think was gonna happen?honestly a little roughing up by a Chinese cop would of done more to teach them about authority then their own father ever did. but thats typically of black American families, sad.

i dont have them user, that is the central crux to this problem.

Her head is really attractive. The jew nose could go, but then her other features wouldn't look as good as they do in comparison. An example, her ears are huge, but her giant nose distracts you from that long enough to get a boner.

Ben's intellect is overrated.

If anything, Trump's tweet has increased my respect for him. I was annoyed he helped those niggers in the first place. They go to another country and fucking shop lift? Then their families act like sociopathic niggers? Yeah, fuck them and fuck these fake right wing pieces of shit who preach personal responsibility and talk about how facts don't care about your feelings until it's convenient to abandon all that. And it's telling since those exact same principles were their rationalization for abandoning Trump. As we can see, they're more than willing to violate their principles so why did they really oppose Trump? I can guarantee they're frauds.

thats unfortunate they're really good. theres so many of them too
like all jewesses shes a little whore

I'd like to thrust into the central crux of his sister.

Because they're psychopathic fucks who spit on someone who didn't have to help them? There are good people dying forgotten in this world. I'm tired of seeing shit being helped.

And I'm tired of fake 'conservatives' serving evil to line their pockets working an outrage industry after decades of them railing against the left for doing exactly that. Trump's attitude is what will save the west, not cunts in bow ties.

>this coming from a man that gets head from a child

I listened to his podcast every day and greatly valued his opinions until a couple weeks ago and I’m done. I’m sick of his fucking narrow minded limp-dicked conservatism. His ideology has allowed the left to ruin this country and I have had fucking enough.

Pretty much this. I've gone off him. Makes you wonder how he gets so many listeners in the first place.

Ben is a fucking kike anyways, fuck him

>the shill sounds like he'd be happier with hillary
If you've ever actually listened to his show, you'd know that is absolutely not the case.

They where in jail for stealing.
They stole shit.
There is video evidence, and they didn't even bother denying it.

In china, stealing isnt a slap on the wrist and a pat on the back while you pay a fine like in America. When in a foreign country you abide by there laws, and if you break them you are punished by them. Americans dont get a free pass.

These nogs should have been left to serve there year in jail doing hard labor, they would come home and maybe no longer be shitbags.

Personally, I think he made a mistake getting involved at all. They were arrested committing a crime and should have been punished for it.


Well he's right though.
If your reaction for getting your son's ass bailed out off jail is "whatever, shoplifting is no big deal", you and your son probably deserve jail anyways.

I dumped him when he was quoted in an interview saying that it's racist to say western civilization needs ethnic Europeans to survive. He has to be historically illiterate to say that, or unfathomably dishonest. If you've ever read any serious work on civilizations he'd know western civilization is a less precise term for European civilization which is actually the favored term. And you know, it's not so convincing to play the race card when you say European civilization needs Europeans to survive. And why was he playing the race card against a logical argument in the first place? Why was he contradicting his facts don't care about feelings mantra?

Because he's a dishonest piece of shit.

What exactly do you disagree with him on?

Why are niggers so entitled?

That's just the problem. When niggers get famous, they think they're above the law. And quite frankly, why wouldn't they. The Liberal media typically defends their bullshit.

A reminder - those criminal nigs will eventually graduate to murder, and their victims' blood will be on Trump's hands.


How fucking entitled are you? Jesus christ you people are unironically brain damaged.

I'm embarassed that Trump bailed them out

Glad he disavowed, probably redpilled a lot of normies on the nigger question

>unfathomably dishonest
That's an apt description for a Jew. I also prefer Marti Noxon's "emotional terrorist".

Based Jews amirite magapedes
Hahaha praise Israel

How many people on this board are actually anti-semetic, and how many just think saying kike is funny? It gets a little boring either way.

Speaking for myself, it's his attitude I despise the most. He's contradictory and nasty. Even when I was a basic bitch right wingers listening to talk radio, I never liked his acidic personality.

Now that I see him stifling discussion of important issues by screaming racism at people I actually hate the fucker.

What does nit picking Trump on this do? And how do you articulate disagreeing with someone on this sort of thing? Trump's absolutely morally correct here. Those assholes were not entitled to jack shit. And their families should be grateful. Instead they're acting pridefully and arrogantly.

ANY CONSERVATIVE should side with Trump here. What the fuck are these assholes fighting for? You know Ben's prophets had people killed for less. The cock isn't consistent in any possible respect.

Ben, just because someone doesn't like you, doesn't mean they're anti-semetic

It's good to show his base who the ungratefuls are

They were obviously reading words that weren't their own and one had the gall to say "who(?)" when asked about Trump.

Not a Jew hater here. But I hate people like Ben who use trolls are a shield of rhetorical convenience. It's a wonderful distraction from meaningful criticism.

Ben just spent the entire last 2 years getting everything wrong, and yet he still hasn't learned anything.

Arrogant prick needs to wake up to himself. His "true conservative" shtick will never amount to anything except ruin.

*as a


I'd like to drop Abigail's Jewssy on muh HUWHITE GOYDICK

He skipped a grade or two and mistook that for actual genius. Oh and daddy helped him get a few jobs in the media.

He's not showing vision or meaningful intelligence where it counts unfortunately.

What did you mean by this? Could you elaborate?

why did you wait so long?

This just lets the Chinese know we let niggers do whatever they want and let them get away with it.
>muh poor outdated farm equipment is human goy

To be honest I’m more sick of conservatism as a whole. The days of being the “don’t stoop to their level” side has only dug this country into an enormous hole and now it’s at emergency levels. The left understands that politics is a zero sum game, you have to be fucking cutthroat or you will lose.

Conservatism has conserved exactly zero things. It’s a failure in every sense of the word and something stronger and bolder must take its place.

It's actually amazing that the cuck right is fighting for an abstraction while the very thing that could save this country, that is a masculine sense of right and wrong, honor and respect, are things of apparently no value to them. How can people so perfectly miss the forest for the trees?

This. Motherfucking this. I was a big fan up until about a month and a half ago when he suddenly started offering those tumblers and went full Jew.

If self-important cunts like Ben have shown anything, it's that they'll do their best to impede and/or destroy anyone who is willing and capable of doing what it takes.

Please go and start thieving in China, I'd love to see how long you last before you're begging for the governments help.

Trump had no obligation to help these criminals, yet he did it anyway. These ungrateful apes basically won the lotto with Trump helping them out, and instead of showing gratitude they were completely disrespectful.

The issue is secular judaism is modern liberalism. Since Ben is a secular Jew, the liberal tendencies are built into his world view. Because of his up bringing he isn't able to completely see the conservative point of view, but thinks he understands it. Take the comment to Trump in OP pic. It's an appeal to a moral authority which is techinically a logical fallacy. If Ben weren't Jewish, he might have seen that before he posted, but the liberal tendencies built into his mindset are forced to express themselves sometimes.

I don’t hate Jews. Hell, Bob Dylan and David Horowitz are among my favorite people. I think a good portion of it is just people being edgy.


You are missing it like everyone misses the point with trump tweets.
Trump started shit with the NFL knowing that journos would side with the NFL and with BLM faggots and align themselves with people who hate Murica. There are more ppl who love Murica than haters so Trump wins this battle with ease.
Same thing here: GEOTUS is baiting journalist faggots into rabidly defending the worst of thug nigger behavior. They can't help themselves and will do it even if they know he's setting a trap.
Easy win for Trump.


I've been to China, the shop keeps are good people trying to make living. Things work a bit different there socially and how people live.

Life is much more simple. You will see young men throw casting nets into the water and come back after class or work and bring home some eels, fish, and crabs. No one steals, people suck at driving, food is cheap, and there is a bunch of rental bikes everywhere.

The idea of being an American, a well off American, who is going to China as a guest to play sports, and stealing from a shop blows my fucking mind. I knew Trump was going to get them out, and I knew he shouldnt.

You can give a Nigger anything and everything. It will treat you like shit back.

God I hope you’re right. I hope all day tomorrow is nothing but lefties in the media sticking up for shoplifting niggers.

he's actually dumb



Depends on what you mean. Do I think Jews tend to be disgusting parasites that (although smart) mooch off of the ethnic people of a host nation while pushing far-left propaganda in order to normalize their sexual fetishes and desire for a multi-cultural nation? Absolutely. There's a reason every host nation begins to despise them over time.

Do I think every Jew is like that? No. Do I think it is anit-Semitic to bring this up when it is clear as day? No.

I don't hate Jewish people, I hate them for being kikes.

for those digits ill post em

I love the Jews

Why does this person get such attention here? When are mods going to genocide the shills?

>Babies who were dropped on their heads should be shunned

