Politicalcompass.org post 'em

politicalcompass.org post 'em


Why not

lmao yours looks like the windows logo


Who else is /NationalCapitalist/?

Did I do it right?

You might have to retake economics class.


Being a libertarian in this country can be a bit lonely






ITT: moderate lolbertarian faggotry

did i do it wrong


this tired meme thread again? Really?


The revolution will not be televised

We'd probably be friends, me being a little more assertive than you. How does it feel knowing we're the exact opposite of Hitler?

And neither will the socialist/communist "utopia".

I feel like I'm betraying my great grandpappy for being the exact opposite of him

how did you turn from muslim to nat soc?

I pic a random flag to change my ID

politics don't save your life

ah fuck it didnt work


smoke weed every day?


Nah man my dealer got busted the other day


centrists like you only betray themselves

Where are my natsoc boys at?



Huh. I was under the impression I leaned right. Guess not!





lol someone's mad that they're secretly a lefty deep down


yay i'm still slightly right

That's "literally Hitler" turf



I'm Asian and I'm further right than you. Get woke, son.


Probably should be further authoritarian

Much more authoritarian than this test makes it appear.


wtf am I?

I have no idea how one goes about scoring Tankie on this without basically being some sort of Nazbol.

You're all fags.

absolutely degenerate

well thats us owned, huh

you guys should tkae the spekr one instead

Sup Forums has more lefties than I thought

Let's play spot the commie!


Me to, mate

inching closer to Friedman every day



Dude same


wtf are we?




>spend the last 3 years bottom left
>shift towards top left centrism
This test is bullshit. I want the degenerates and foreigners outta my country.

or, more simply

That's a nice hat, I'm okay with it.


you've been warned, user. God bless.

You're a fucking idiot, mutt.




that test is bullshit but it's not bullshit hard enough to account for you being that far left
welp. what role does gov have in the economy? start there

cheers m8

This is why.


Fuck this test 8 values is way better. I'm nat soc I should be more right than that.

Well, ok.

>forgot pic

what the fuck

Needless to say, it's not easy to find common ground with people in here regarding politics.


No. No you didnt


In here as in on Sup Forums?
I think you fit right in.


Fucking champagne communists everywhere, both here and in 3D.

Thanks tho.




viva chavez i guess

What's with all the communists around here