So tell me anons from the USA, how does it feel to know that your country does not have a real name...

So tell me anons from the USA, how does it feel to know that your country does not have a real name? What name would you give to USA?

United States of America is not a real name
>You are not named "America", since America is a continent
>You are not named North America, since Mexico and Canada are in North America aswell
>Your name is not United States, it is how you are organized, you are a group of states, also you are not the only nation called "United States". Mexico´s official name is "Estados Unidos Mexicanos" which translates like "United States of Mexico"
> Imagine a country called "Unified Towns of Asia" it is just as ugly as United States of America
> Honduras, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Germany, China, Russia, Nepal, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Canada, England, everyone has a real name

Which name would you give to the USA?

United States of America

It's "The United States Of America" ya fuckin dingus. WTF are you on about?


It is just as dumb as saying that "Group of Villages of the Big Mountain" is a real name with real identity. It might be your official nama, but it is not a real name with identity like Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Japan, Korea, etc

which name would you like to give to the USA?

its just a rip off of the UK united kingdom only its hollow fake and cheap copy of the source

how murican

The United States of America

The Republic of Dave

The United States of America would be fitting name, since its also country of capitalism it would be very fitting

this guy gets it

if it was up to you, how would you call the USA? some people have suggested "Columbia"

America means usa, you're a fag.

It makes perfect sense when you understand how the government and society of the USA works.

We are UNITED STATES, and each state has very broad autonomy over their own affairs.

This is pretty low tier thinking Mohammad. I wouldn't expect much less from a sand person though.

The United States of America.

It literally means combined areas on the continent of North America that are a country. Sage


oh fug

Mexico´s official name is "Estados Unidos Mexicanos", or "United States of Mexico", Mexico is in America, so United States of America could refer to both Mexico and to the english speaking sountry that was once called New England

That name is taken. Thats like
Jaden and Jayden.

that is what makes us special. we are autists so we take and describe everything literally. "the united states of a north american continent"

If you really think "The Group of Villages of the Big Mountain" isnt a badass name for a tribe then youre fucking retarded.

There was no "UK" before 1801.

>leaf education

America is a continent

South America is named in reference to us, the original America. This land was named for Amerigo Vespucci. Otherwise, Columbia is a gay word sometimes used to mean America. British Columbia, for example.

"particularly the center-most region of the North American continent" to be really autistic

No North and South America are continents

Yes, but Mexico works like that too, they are in fact called "United States of Mexico" officially, however they have a real name, Mexico.

United States describes your organization, but it lacks of identity

The Jewnited States of Weimerica. Better?

can´t argue with that logic

Columbia, retard

New Europe

>t. Dave

Worst slide thread ever, are (((they))) even trying anymore?

It depends on how you consider continents. There are many ways to consider them, some consider Europa and Asia the same continent since it is in the same mass of land. But some people like to consider them by their cultural differences. That is why Europa and Asia are considered appart. However the culture in North America and South America is not really different. The chanel of Panama (artiicial btw) is the way America is split in two, so in the north you have countries like Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, etc, while on South AMerica you have Argentina, Chile, etc, they are not really very diffeent in culture. So if you want to classify continents by their culture, America is a single continent, Europa is different than Asia. But if you want to classify continents by mass lands, Eurasia is a continent and North America is different than South America.

And I guess you consider Europa and Asia as different continents. so you must be congruent with your classification and consider America a single continent.

Even if you considered North America a different continent from South America, it is very retarded to say that America is in North America and South America is not in America.

>I consider it my way therefore it is

America is not a continent. North America is.

The USA is America. There is literally no other place called America. Even the two continents N and S America collectively are THE AmericaS.

I am just saying you must be congruent with your classifications. How do you classify continents? Set a rule and follow it.

England 2.0

>I'm just saying that my rules are the only ones that matter


Our name is America and you can just fucking deal with it because nobody on this continent has half the balls to stop us from claiming it.

the 56% percent

Buttmad spics treat the Americas as one continent.

no i´m not. tell me how you classify continents. Which is your logic? Do you follow culture? Geology? what?

>I'm such a pseudo intellectual that actual classifications mean nothing to me


Yankland. There's Scotland, England, Ireland, Newfoundland, why not Yankland?


I don't know OP, how does it feel to be cucked culturally, militarily and economically by a nameless country that is 100x younger than your own? Oh and I'd call it the United States of America because we don't need some barbarous name.

I don't mind it other than how awkward it can make sentence construction.

I would like to propose Goymany or Retardia.

Actually the real name is:
United Saudis of Jewmerica
but they changed it.

USA isn't a country, it's a federation, isn't it?

>What name would you give to USA?

Israel isn't even a real country either. I mean it's full of dirty rat JEWS. We should turn it into a glass parking lot before it gets worse and spreads and starts putting bullshit on American TV.

Soooo. United Arab Emirates isnt a country either?

We do have a name you meme flag EU FAGGOT. It's "MURIKA" fucking kys.

a federation is indeed a country.
it's a confederacy (I.E the confederate states of europe) that doesnt count as a country

Show your flag you beaner pussy.

We took it first, we will always be the Americans. If you dont like it, I've got a nice dick you can suck.

I never said USA was not a country. I just said you do not have a real name.

"America" you beaner. There's no other country called that so why shouldn't we use it?


ass-ravaged europoor detected

Actually, our technical name is "The Most Powerful and Successful Nation in Human History Which Will Continue Stuffing Our Fist Down Your Throat as Long as we Fucking Please". Now shut the fuck up or feel some more A-10 strafes, bitch.

>UN Jew tells us what we can and can't be called
>Your name is not United States
gr8 b8 m8