Was this the lewdest she has ever gotten?
Was this the lewdest she has ever gotten?
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This is now a best girl, Hana thread.
I mean I'm okay with this.
Season 2 when? I want to see this animated for the inevitable Sup Forums meltdown.
As long as they cut the stupid school festival down to a reasonable bit, or leave it out altogether.
Oddly enough it's her curiosity that's cute, not the golden showers.
This isn't the first time I've had to explain "I like her because of other reasons not the piss fetish she has"
Yeah it's annoying that people focus on that one thing.
This is not Hana, just some other blonde, broom haired girl who is not misandric and has not suffered being sprayed with pee.
Snake was pretty lewd.
Aside from the JAV probably.
What happened to HanaKana? She was in everything and now she's in nothing. Did she get too expensive or did her novelty finally run out due to being typecasted?
>Aside from the JAV probably.
Lies and Slander.
HanaKana would never do that.
They said the same about Nitta Emi.
Just compare this to that impostor in
It's artistic license ya pleb.
I-is that pee?
N...no its lemonade.
Oh. Can I have it when it comes out of again?
Meet me behind the bathroom later.
>you will never spend your high-school years as a urinal for a Pure Girl
Isn't that every boys desire?
I don't know, it wasn't mine when I was still in high school because this wasn't coming out then and I didn't know of such pleasures.
No, it's out of character.
She didn't have nearly the career that HanaKana does.
Despite the manga being so slow at the moment due to the headband shit, leaving out the festival would be shitty. We'd miss some funny moments. Pic related.
I think 4 episodes might be enough to cover it all. 1st episode would be the race while the last 3 would focus on the headband thing.
Just not an entire fucking season dedicated to it ffs.
I'm glad I don't have this amount of autism yet.
Hush your whore mouth! Hana is cute.
God she's cute.
more than enough material for season 2. Probably too much.
Season one was only up to chapter 81. and some parts from 88. So much shit to cover for season 2 if there is one that the festival can't take up to many episodes if its in it.
Actually thinking about it, I dont think season 2 should even include the festival. That should be for season 3.
You have the whole arc where Hana is being turned against Mari, Chiyo turning into a slut, the boys building the bottle rocket spaceship, Risa learning to dominate Andre... Along with needing to build the two relationships between Gakuto x Anzu, and Joe x Sato
Kana Hanazawa saying lewd things made my dick funny.
Not unusual for the fans and industry to move on to the next hotness.
KanaHana is shit. I've dropped shows because she voiced a main character.
Not to mention dorm hotness.
But she's got such a recognizable voice, how do you replace that?
Your Hana is just an empty superficial shell.
Literally who?
What's it like being this gay?
The same way hip-hop songs are considered "old" after a year.
Why she doesn't really looks like Japanese?
I need more Chiaki, Mikan and Hana in my life.
Not even close.
Hana is the only 3D girl i'll love!
cosplay can never really capture the feel of the anime characters they dress up as.
Ahegao looks so stupid in 3d but super hot when it isn't
That pic is wrong on many levels, delete plox.
I'm interested.
Wasn't there a video of her, or someone who sounded an awful lot like her, saying a bunch of lewd things in her Kuroneko voice?
shitty seiyuu choice for decent girl
Didn't an ex of hers brag about fugging her on 2ch?
Potemayo is the lewdest
Where's that other seiyuu thread with all the shitposting and BR fuckery?