Shia's capture the flag game

Sooo, how we gettin that flag?

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The French way of surrender is the only option

Burn the building down.

I say we light an arrow on fire, and then shoot it at the flag

How long before the site only has a jpeg that says he will not divide us

Then we'll just hack em

Shia's move was actually genius. France is a bunch of beta cuck faggot weenies, so I'm not laying odds on the flag coming down using a drone or any conventional methods that have been applied so far.

Burn the whole city

Wow, my 1st board on Sup Forums and it's already blowing up. Did kek smile down upon me or somethin?

Are people still trying to do this? The flag is honestly better left flying. It neutralizes its own message.

Convince the Muslims that He is Muhammad

Your prize.

Quit fucking around, saying stupid shit and just get the flag already! Or if you can't manage that, at least hack into the live stream and run a continue loop of Sup Forums's greatest memes or something.

you mean anybody but you, right?

shut the fuck up

Sniper King would gladly shoot down a flag

does a flag flap in the wind if there's nobody to look at it?
just paint over the camera lens, it'll be easy to find

I am not a 15 years old kekistani.
I am not even living close to Nantes, just came here to post that.

The flag is on top of a historic building. How do you propose the French Anons get up there?


holy shit

How did he get it up there?

also no one gives a shit about this flag.

The best season was season 3. The writing has got way downhill since.

>the current state of Sup Forums

god what is this cringe, both OP and the 15 year olds in this thread need to kill them selves.

And no one in pol says that ''kek is god'' crap, go to r9k it surely is your place.

From what I understand, there's no public access to the building, but somehow ol' La Queef was able to convince them to host his frigging flag.

ah yes, i remembered that Europeans also find this american scheme cringy too.

I feel we should just leave the flag standing as is. The original message was for people to come together against Trump. Season one and two saw failure and eventually Shia had to settle for a flag in the middle of nowhere. The message that people should come together is gone because the projects just became more and more isolated over time. Now it’s just a flag in a room, and it’s become too easy to find it. Jus pt leave it. The flag no longer holds any message because it is divided from the world. There’s no more human interaction so the message is lost.

That’s just my two cents on the topic.

Flamethrower drone

The Frogs tried burning it once already with a flaming ball on a rope attached to a drone. Turns out the flag might be made of flame retardant material.

>Fire Arrow
give me strength lord


I bet he chose France because disrespecting the white flag is a crime there.

There was an attempt with a drone and fire but we said it was fire proof
They need a flare also the drone was tracked and the guy was arrested

>Picking up the drone afterwards
For what purpose?

Looks like Shia wins this round so far.

>Sooo, how we gettin that flag?
what are you, a bitch? That little faggot nigger dumped that project off onto someone else. He isn't even involved. Waste a second trying to get that flag and that little cockburper wins

I say we start killing ourselves until Shia takes pity and just tells us

>what are you, a bitch?

Strange, I could ask the same concerning you.

what a shitty comeback



Thing is on the top of a museum right?With a bit of planing it shouldn't be that hard.

And we all know the value of a leaf's opinion.

Assuming this particular flag is the one on the french building.
I'd suggest a ranged weapon of some kind.
there was something designed to take down sails in the 1700s called the bolas round, im thinking if you could find some way to get a bolas round (homemade of course) into a (Homemade) crossbow, we might be able to take a crack at the flagpole or maybe even the flag itself