Onion Knight General /okg/: Ultimate Redpill Edition



Why aren't you an onion knight yet? Onion juice is known to increase testosterone levels if eaten daily.

Don't be a soygoy

I swear /fit/ and Sup Forums are just mirrors of each other.

and saged. Fuck you leftypol

You can attribute that to /SIG/ and 1488 having close relations to each other.

/fit/ however has funnier stories.

also SAGE

The info is good, but why would you use this video?

why not just eat soups with onions.

like french onion soup.
its just onions.


Thanks, feeding my bf lots of onions now.

I tried eating an onion but couldn't finish it. It's just too spicy and uncomfortable

>mfw I already put tons of onion in most recipes
>mfw my in-laws literally see garlic as a side dish

Eating raw onion is pretty nasty. Has anyone thought about just injecting it? Should be safe if you pasteurize it first.

yeah sure go for it


can confirm I've eaten 1 full onion every day for the past 3 years

yea try it, inject it right up your bum

I cook with onions constantly.
Why would anyone not?

>earlier today before going to work, check out Sup Forums and see a thread about onions increasing testosterone
>get out of work and check Sup Forums, it's now an onion general

I've bought 5kg. Munching it raw

The left is actually suppressing onionmen for nu-male's sake. Hence why nu-male journo Will Sommer tried to make it look as retarded as it gets.

Because of muh pride. Sup Forums got memed by nu-male cosmopolitan. Sup Forums will never recover. Shrek is dead

What's your best method of preparing onions?

Add oil/fat to a pot and let it heat up slightly.
Chop up the onions to small pieces and add them to the pot. Add some meat sliced to cubes.
The onion will turn glassy and get a shade darker. Add water. Cook it up. The onions will pretty much dissolve. Add potatoes, green beans, whatever you feel like. Cook it. Eat it.
Easy gains.
You can make a weeks worth of food like this.

I have been looking into meal prepping for the week. I think it might be the only way I can stay on a proper diet

We need to prove the laughing leftist wrong. We won the meme war, we'll win the war in the basis of muh dick

It's great.
You just get some fresh veggies and make a salad. Pop that stew in the microwave. Maybe some cheese and bon apetit.

I just blend the onions in a magic bullet with about a dozen raw eggs.

Put some vanilla extract in if you cannot handle the taste, put vodka in if you are worried about getting sick

Done this for ten years, I bench 325 and am only 5 ft 7 manlet.

Don’t do it! You’ll end up eating a weeks worth of food in one day!

The most American post I've ever seen.

Eh he brings up a good point, that's certainly a possibility

it is true though
use raw onions with salad, simple

Don't be such a weak minded faggot.
You eat to grow stronger, not for pleasure. You do that maybe once a week, otherwise it's just for sustenance.

If you don't have the self control not to eat a weeks worth of food in one day you have bigger issues than your testosterone levels.

step one: fry onions in oil
step two: put in blender, make sure its super fine
step three: get one of those large turkey basters
step four: suck up the juice into the baster, then shove it up your ass and squeeze.

This will maximize you gains, if you cannot hold it in your anus for more then a couple minutes, try using a left over onion as an impromptu butt plug

Are fried red onions good for this? i often have eggs with a soy-based bacon substitute fried up with red onions. Will the rd onions still at least halt the faggifying of the soy when fried? White fried onions are too tart for me.

red onions work ok, but white onions are superior.
Yellow onions are ok, but you need wayyy more of them and they are smaller.
never try black onions they never work.

>Will the rd onions still at least halt the faggifying of the soy when fried? White fried onions are too tart for me.

huh? it was the left who got mrmed back in the days to constantly slurp this soy dreck (muh environment, muh animals, muh antibiotics whatever)
I am surprised everyone has forgotten about that one. was a piece of cacke realy, they almost manically convinced themselves that it would enhance their homosessualitay.

the onion stuff is true but overhyped.

t. oldfag

So I should throw away my apples and just eat raw onions instead?

Do I need to eat them with ior without the skin?

we used to wear onions on our belts, like God intended

back when men were men and faggots were faggots.

Now everyone is a faggot

for proper instructions.

This is legit famalam

All the cool alt right kids are doing it.

Hooping is the future

So you dont have to eat them raw?

>Concerted effort by multiple posters pushing this shit out of the blue

hmm, these stupid soyboys think we're that dumb