Tall girl thread

>Sup Forums unironically likes women shorter than 170 cm

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Who cares, they aren't cute. Girls need to be under 165 cm to be considered cute otherwise they are a freak show. I can already see the betas responding "I love to be dominated" kek.

Lol what a gay

Heh.. manlets... am I right fellas? Fuck manlets.

I will fight you.


>tfw you will never be a cute manlet

you sad, insecure motherfucker. I would say you're limiting yourself but we all know you're probably scared of girls as it is.

>extraordinarily tall
Hori's just a manlet

>tfw 164 cm

>I didn't choose the tall girl life, the tall girl life chose me


Girls are kinda similar to dogs.
Big dogs are usually calm because they know they're the fucking boss around. Small Dogs have to bark.
Girls add the dimension "tits" to that. Being tall, slender with great tits you already know you are the boss, which makes for smug but also loving and caring girls who bark less.

Attractiveness is subjective of course.

While that's true, Kashima is canon 1,72m

>Big dogs are usually calm because they know they're the fucking boss around. Small Dogs have to bark.
What a coincidence, I hate small yippy dogs and love the big, huge dogs that don't harm a fly despite being so fucking massive. Great Danes (the world's largest lapdog they say), Mastiffs etc. are awesome.

>While that's true, Kashima is canon 1,72m
Yeah, she's tall for nip standards, but compared to most guys i the manga she isn't outstandingly tall, unlike for example Kagari


Why don't you have a 6'9 gf, Sup Forums?

This desu 165 best

Newfoundlands are the best dogs

Big, fluffy, huggable and the gentlest giants around

how can Kashima even compete against Mikorin

real pussy?

btw SEO best gurl

>I like flat chested, whiny cunts
We get it, you're gay.

one of these guarded baby-me and ever since I only accept higher than my knee as "dogs", everything else is rats or genetic garbage.

Pussies are gross though

152 cm and under, please.

Give me girls 180 cm or taller

There's nothing cuter than a girl taller than most guys who's embarrassed by her predominant height



Tall girls have best legs.

>not dominating a tall girl

>Doing that on a school bench
I thought Roman High was a Christian institution!

A wasp stung the inside of her thigh, he's just extracting the poison. Her face is flushed due to the pain


I unironically wish I was short and had the cutest babyface every so that a tall girl would spoil me.

>170cm is tall

since when?

Since the average male in Japan is 160cm

Femdom faggots should just go full gay. They'd be more respectable.

aw shit it's complete bruhs

Oh shit I remember this one.

Kashima is a fuckin' goddess.


>t. manlet or /cgl/

so /tallgirl/ is really a form of /ss/-as-the-shouta?

> posting cancer ridden breed

kashima is 1.76 m

Jap girls are generally short, my dude

Guess so