Dodge Challenger, Ford Mustang, Chevy Camaro?

What's the best muscle car?

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The only people I see driving those are women.

Really? I see about 90% of a time a guy driving this.

All over here in california. Mustangs for instance have always been chick cars, there was like 4 chicks at my high school years ago that all drove old 60's stangs. Nowadays all the women driving these new ones are the short haired-soccer mom-cheating on my husband-just divorced my husband looking late 30's, early 40's women

Audi RS4

66 Chevy II L79.

arguably the Shelby Cobra or the 1965 GT350


On the street where I work there's a guy who uses an imported Chevy Corvette as a penis compensator. When the engine roars it makes heads turn, but not in admiration, but in contempt. We all know people with cars like that have to use tweezers when they go pee.




Tesla 3.

>modern 'muscle' cars

gross x3

Real men drive flying trucks.

Real fuckin men with big ass hairy nuts

I like the GT350R. I saw one in person and it is nice, especially for the money.

these are what mexicans drive

Porsche Mission E

Quick summary
The Camaro on the alpha platform is the best handling of the bunch, the Challenger is the most muscle car like in the traditional sense, and the Mustang is the better daily driver.

All the mexicans where i live all drive 2 fast 2 furious stock hondas and Mitsubishi lancers with rooster decals and superglued walmart spoilers

>m*scle "cars"
Take your boats back to highschool, leaf.

Thinking about penis again?
You sound mad. Maybe you should try a nice car instead of projecting your insecurities, faggot.

the v6 models

Men get the v8 models

Both. They are women's cars.

Bmw M3 have always produced the best all-round muscle/sports car.

Calling e36 might be a stretch, also e46.
But e9x-platform went in that territory.

The title of this kind of car is more like all-around sports car, the Bmw M3 was the one who started this category in the end of 1980s.

Bmw m3 master race.

t. just topped up my 200hp 3000000 lb ft 6l v8

yeah, but once they can get rid of the mitsubishi eclipse they get a camaro. Dunno, maybe that's my experience. I'd get an SUV or less conveniently, a truck with 4wd because I actually need a vehicle that does more than one thing.

*calling e36 a muscle car might be a stretch

>Mustang is the better daily driver.

handles like shit and that long ass bonnet makes driving out of parking lots playing russian roulettes if the road is somewhat obstructed on the driver side

t. parents had one for a few months then ditched it and got themselves a cheap 97 Boxter instead with no regrets

Not where I live, from the stock rice machines they graduate to Escalades and Mercedes. Saw one just a few hours ago pulling out of this corner store by me in a black convertable Bentley

The Nissan GT-R.

W124 Mercedes

Really? I have never seen a woman driving a V8 in any of those. It's always because of some excuse.

>I don't need the power
>it gets better mileage
>it was more for the V8
>I just like it because it's pretty

Unless its pink and shaped like a literal penis, a car is a car. Grow up.

As long as it's handicap accessible.



nsfw coming through


What year Tesla is this?

Well the only thing in that image even considered a muscle car is the Challenger.

If you're gay.

You mean a Holden Commodore?

This, every girl at my old baptist Church that wanted to show off money had a Mustang of different values. They buy the whole line, not just the entry car. they will even learn stick with a v6 to try to show off.

I now literally even think an old civic/focus is more manly. You can repair everything on them and they are solid commuter cars. Only gold diggers, golddigger chasers, and Chinese want to show off their wealth with cars and even then Chinese usually do it with an Audi or Mercedes.

Drive through a working white neighborhood. Most of them have the money to buy any car they want but they make good choices instead of flashy ones.

LOL no

I would kill for an 86 corolla to fix up and play with

The only choice

Their nice cars are in the garage, user.


>Bmw M3 was the one who started this category in the end of 1980s

And was surpassed by every car thereafter

'64 chevelle is better than all 3

Catalonia, I...

1966-69 Chevelle. SS. 350 or 396.

It isn't a mans car unless you've got the SS badge on it.

Faggot Mustangs are all over the place. There's no worth in any of them. There's no joy to them. Its like owning a 60's penny. You find it everywhere and it ain't worth shit. The only Ford car worth a damn is the Galaxy and the Fairlane.

I bet it's not a shitty mustang.

>good choice

>choosing the worst years of chevelle's
not '64-'65
get the fuck out of here you piece of shit

/p/o/l/ thread?

>What's the best muscle car?
pic related

>What's the best muscle car?




Gonna have to agree with this user. 80s and 90s cars are just fucking awful in every regard.

>Oh I can work on them!

Good as a hobby, bad as a daily driver.

None of those are muscle cars.

How is this even a question?

A muscle car is by definition a rear wheel drive AMERICAN* family car(usually with two doors) with a large displacement engine.

The BMW M cars are not muscle cars they are sports cars

*Holden/Aus cars are the exception

wait.. now that I think about it, did he go way under it's max acceleration?

Probably not. More likely a decent Mustang.

>Hurr all mustangs are shitty
>t. poorfag

E30 was the only good M3

Only objectively wrong faggots would believe otherwise

Since I have been driving my Audi A3 1.6 2008. for almost (go figure) 10 years now, I ordered this bad boy last month and his coming in in 3 months (give or take).

>2.0 TDI
>top speed 250 kph
>0-100 6.8 sec

I'm super happy with my choice, because it's strong enough and is a non cookie cutter, family friendly car.

Plus, starting price was 30K euros, but I managed to get it down to 25K at the saloon.

Muscle cars are for white trash closeted faggots

The one that's made of 400 diamonds per hour.

Chevy's are the Nickelback of muscle cars.

If you wanna win, you get a Charger/Challenger/Cuda/Fury with either a 440 mag/six pack or a 426 Hemi.

69 Dodge Charger, ftw.

69 Shelby gt500 mane!

>not driving the best car ever made
just kill yourself

Or the 69 shelby gt500

is that a 500e?

Love his rant about the panel fitment

Go home, just go home.

Russian steel folded over 1000 times


I love me some good AU shitposting

Underrated post.

>The best
But that's not a Miata.

I think you know

you tell it like it is

t. Prius fan whose 2nd car is a VW.

The fuck is this????

I-is that you, Craig?

all shit kys