Why is Mio so weak? I'd reckon everyone on Sup Forums could beat her up in a fight.
Why is Mio so weak? I'd reckon everyone on Sup Forums could beat her up in a fight
She's actually stronger than Mugi. So I doubt that the average Sup Forumsnon could beat her up.
Ritsu = 48kg
Because I'll always be there to protect her.
K-on is over and there is nothing to discuss. Stealth general is still a general.
The hype is never over.
Discussing bygone anime does not make the thread a general.
There's nothing to discuss. You'll just breed shitposting. Get fucked newfags.
Aw did hiro reject your janitor application faggot?
End of K-On
That's depressing.
she is tall (for a young girl) and relatively fit
strong enough
What a waste
Worst girl.
thats not yui
Azusa is actually a miracle and one of the top keions.
It's a miracle that anyone would like her, let alone consider her a top keion.
It's a miracle that someone with as shit taste as you exists.
Fucking gotem
Remove her and nothing will change
But remove her clothing, and suddenly....
somebody gets it
you see a small writing on her butt: Komeiji was here.
It hurts my soul
>Discussing non-seasonal shit is against the rules
Which K-on skwats the heaviest?
>Miofag makes threads about her every day
>no one notices
Without Azusa we would not have Tenshi ni Fureta Yo
>that one vanilla doujin where Anzu is an adult and takes a shota under her wing
sorry, please don't hurt me
Post the first page
What type of world do we live in where you can't discuss cute girls and fun things on Sup Forums ?
All women are weak in fights. Mio would make the best wife among them (Cutest, nice body and adorable personality that would make you get excited coming home to see her).
Keions are pretty /fa/.
Very /fa/
That's exactly it. Reported this thread and everyone posting on it.
I like her rape doujins
Sometimes I pretend to be a dragon claiming her for my hoard
For the longest time, I thought those were actual strawberries.
I wouldn't ever beat her, just fuck her so hard that it seems like a beating.
A-are they okay?
w e w
was lurking this whole time. just wanted to call you a moron
m8 it's one of her most popular ones.
Not me
Love is indestructible.
And that's why the anti-general rule doesn't work, because technically you're never allowed to make threads about old anime.
They also prevent popular anime from spamming the board with threads after WOW! episodes.
Yes, I hate the clima in some of the eternal generals, but eh. I don't go there. This whole board is a circlejerk anyway.
Did you like the Death Metal CG sets?
She's supposed to be an adult there?
I don't think I've seen those
I really hope people, who draw things like this go to prison.
There is literally nothing wrong with raw hardcore azusa sex