













quoting you are who



le millenom girl

stop bumping this thread you stupid newfags


Fuck off, report instead of replying with useless shit.


invisible sage was a mistake, we have a shit ton of newfags who don't know it even exists now

really need to get hiro to put it back

You mean like what you're doing now?


>wanting downvotes back


posts like this will be first to go on the day of the rope


I'm immune to ropes.

>being so fat the rope snaps


Sup Forums pls, there are higher priorities.



The amount of people that just went "?" proves the predictable, smart ass nature of this board.

All of you try and impress each other with these funny green text comments, from someone who doesn't spend all their life online, it looks ridiculous.

Fuck this I'm off, don't wanna waste my life on "addictive and funny" Sup Forums.


