Nazi-Alien Technology

OK Sup Forums here's the deal;
I've been doing some research on this for awhile and I've come to the conclusion that Nazi's had Alien tech, which America got a hold of after the war via Operation Paperclip. Look up Die Glocke and the Kecksburg incident and tell me that is not the same fucking machine. The real question is, who are the aliens, and why were they allied with Germany? Could they possibly be the "Nordic" aliens that I've heard about, and could they possibly be the basis of all the weird mythology Hitler had about the aryan race. Or did the Nazi's haphazardly stumble into this tech? I have theories about these aliens but I don't want to veer off into off topic discussions about Atlantis or whatever.

inb4 shills start saying this should be on /x/ because it's not about politics. Fuck you this has far more political implications than threads making fun of soyboys or whatever faggotry in the world today.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Operation Paperclip was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians, such as Wernher von Braun and his V-2 rocket team, were recruited in post-Nazi Germany and taken to the U.S. for government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959; many were former members and some were former leaders of the Nazi Party.

Thank you user

Get the fuck out. Sage, and reported.

You're welcome. A German user used to post the threads like the first one every couple of days or so. If you check key words in the archive you can nearly always find something along the lines of what you're looking for.

Go back to raddit kike

It all comes down to "what technology can we get from the aliens." I believe Hitler worked with aldebarans (break away race of the pleiadians).

these shills attack threads that help redpill Sup Forums into the next level.

I think who the aliens are and their intentions for us are more important.

...and Parsons made the first jet fuel from casting a demonic spell...
>What does it matter,baka?
quit shitting up the board with babbies first x/pill
Interesting stuff. Can't say I necessarily believe in it but interesting nonetheless. Also notice all the shills bitching about this thread when there's a thread asking whether a musting or challenger is a better car, "why are young men dropping out of society", pic related and 2 or 3 threads about wigger rappers?


Yes, I believe that ayy lmaos are the final redpill. Does anyone know anything about the TR-3B?

How much of a lifeless fucking brain dead RETARD do you have ti fucking be to believe some shit like this
Can't you fucking tell fucking Hitler's fucking eyes aren't pointed at the supposed alien's direction? It's a clear photoshop job you imbecile
You fucking cretin
You fucking dumb FUCK
You fucking loser
Fuck off go be bored someplace else, cunt

>Go back to raddit kike
Go back to fuckin ATS you faggot.

I am aware it's a shop. I never claimed it wasn't. I'm trying to discuss real secret technology and it's implications. also, you're a memeflag bitch.

All these shills just prove that this thread is onto something.

wow chill alec baldwin.

trump did 9/11

"People called me out"
"This just proves I'm right"

go back to /x/

i saw one off red river road in Wyoming in 2007

it's galactic politics, they don't understand how sensitive it can be.

Read the text on the wall.
>das deutsche Volk wird sich durch die Eroberung der Zeit seinen gerechten Platz in der Welt erzwingen
>Conquering of time
They had time travel





>> By conquering time, the German people will enforce their just place in the world

Yes, but as you know, space and time are inherently connected.

>the return

Gimme the basic gestalt I can't read german

This is not politics.


Nordic Aliens will give Nordic humans time travel tech to go back and guarantee Germanic victory in WW2. The world gets HANS'D. And everything is fine.

>break your bonds
