Tokyo ghoul :re thread

Predictions and waiting thread

Isn't it a little early?

We had them at this time usually


How many hours eta do we have user?




eto is alive


No shit Sherlock

Incest is best, put your half-sister to the test!

>Muh force fed pairings.
You like Ishida senpai shitting in your mouth don't you. Disgusting peasants.

Pic related is the TRUE OTP.

Have all you you anons prayed to our goddess best girl today?

It would be an awful shame if myself and my allies had to purge you godless degenerates from this thread.

Reminder that Touka is unironically the strongest female character now.


Why is Furata always 2 steps ahead of everyone?
I can't wait to watch him cuck Kaneki and marry Rize.

Probably beacause he's a faggot.

Mmm. Reminds me of

>He can't name one example of Furata being stumped so he reverts to attacking the person.


So Kaneki wants to use the white suits to distinguish GOAT from other ghouls, right?

What's the deal with the Great Wheel Act and Ogura though? Will they just be the next addition to Kanekis dicksucking circus with half a chapter worth of exposition?

>Why is Furata always 2 steps ahead of everyone?
The mangaka

I pity the fools who believe this.
>Touka strongest female
>Charges into Cochlea with a suicide plan relying mostly on luck. Their plan was shit, how did Yomo approve this shit.
>Encouters Arima, get's rekt without being able to get to Hinami. Would haver all died there if not for Kaneki.
>Is saved twice by Kaneki
>They would have all died in fain if not for Eto (plot armor) destroying that machine.
>for some stupid reason she still acts all smug, like she knows everything.
>Claiming she is strongest in order to trigger Etofags and disregarding the rest of the female cast like Kuro and even Rize.
And Toukafags wonder where the hate comes from.

Ogura is Kaiko and Scarecrow for sure. Hopefully he fucks kaneki up.

>masquerading his identity with a cheap mustache
I like this idea

She tanked arima and 2 special class investigators. Eto jobbed hard in every fight.

>tfw no pure hinami gf

to be fair, Kuro's strength is rather inconsistent and Rize isn't even in the game. Auntie Aura certainly is up there given that she'll ever get

And you are saying that Touka would not job against Kaneki or Furuta? That she would be able to put up a fight against them. user, read what you write, it's making you look stupid.

My point is now that Toukafags believe that Eto is dead thet call her the strongest only to trigger Etofags.

>She tanked arima and 2 special class investigators
Ok, so what's your point? She tanked those attacks and lost all her stamina.

soon best boy will return

*get out of the hospital

Kaneki has jobbed against her twice.

>Comparing the two special class investigators to Kaneki and Furuta, the two kings.

user, please stop.

I am done with you. It's obvious you are only shitposting.

Just wait till Touka masters lightning in the next arc.

She will finish the stronger character. It is inevitable for the progression of the story.

She will become worthy of being kaneki's queen.

Is that multiple kagune coming out of her?

Where are Rize and Hide?
Best girl and best boy have been gone to long

Ok, this is something else. This is predicting that she becomes stronger insteadof claiming like some buch of retards that she is the strongest female. While she clearly isn't.

Eto has simply fought people far above the people Touka has fought. So just because Eto has jobbed to them, does not mean that Touka is suddenly on that level because she ''can tank attacks'' And not be honest Touka's attacks did not do anyhting but startle the investigators.

>Just wait till Touka masters lightning in the next arc.
I guess she will eventually.
>She will finish the stronger character. It is inevitable for the progression of the story. She will become worthy of being kaneki's queen.


To be honest*
>Fixed it

I feel you user. I just want them back already, they're the only Reason I'm still reading this Trainwreck.

>She will finish the stronger character. It is inevitable for the progression of the story.
Yeah and that's why she got benched for 100+ chapters, because she is suddenly gonne finish the strongest character. It's not as if Ishida had no idea what to do with her character or anything.
Makes sense user.
>Can you smell my sarcasm.

Tsukiyama Family Extermination arc was the best arc in RE. Dubs confirms Papa will appear in this chapter.

Ishida knows what he is doing. She was benched to tease us. The story was great when she was gone because she was the reward at the end of it all. Doesn't been she won't become OP as fuck now with her lightning powers.

>Autisticly screeches at me for a few comments.
>Spergs out and says he won't comment any more.
>Literally next comment admits I was right and touka will become the strongest female character.


>The story was great when she was gone because she was the reward at the end of it all
That's some superb mental gymnastics

Talk about a lack of reading comprehension. How is it my fault that you started talking like a retard?

>Touka is unironically the strongest female character.

And then you start talking less retarted when you ''changed your statement and said she will become strong in the future with her lighting Kagune.

This: in contrast to your other posts is less retarted. That's why I replied this time.

Oh and I agreed that she will probably get a lighting Kagune, never did I admit that she will become the strongest. I said maybe. I cannot for a fact say that she will or won't since I am not fucking Ishida.


>Touka is unironically the strongest female character.
Shit like this triggers me. I know I should have ingnored it.

why is ogura so cocky and nonchalant in front of the one eyed king? he should feel honored to be meeting the tokyo ghoul himself.

I swear you are the user who keeps posting that Kaneki raped Jason as revenge for Jason raping him.

Never did I believe that retarted theory. If it's anyone then it's this user:I still don't understand these people who blantly ignore story and writing in order to be able to justify their retarted headcanons.

>Touka is unironically the strongest female character.
Fucking shitposters.

Keep dreaming, Furuta.

Sorry It's just the way you structure your posts.

I pray to Eto every day, sir.

I didn't know their was a goddess of jobbing.

There isn't. There is a goddess of plot armor, though. She's called Touka.


>There* was

Thanks user

You are mad that even Ishida is a Touka-fag. She was literally made to be best girl.

I can't wait to see how she progresses int he next few arcs. She is going to BTFO out countless pretenders.

You mean that girl, who attemps a suicide resque plan, fails badly. And somehow dodges all deaths by being saved and still has that smug act going on.

I know a girl like that.

Because he is Kaiko and Scarecrow.

Nice bait, Toukafalsef(l)agger.

Saiko is fucking tiny.

Ok but she still is Queen and Goddess of Plot Armor.

At this point everyone can take special class.

Touka is an ugly girl! Ugly!

I call what Touka and co did not ''taking on special classes'' Since they all got shit on.


Modified this meme for yall.

That's really your only save? How about you try to defend Touka instead of backpaddeling to the only insult you know. And if Eto is a jobber, then wat does that make Touka, who is weaker then her?

How about your girl tries fighting to the death with Kaneki and Furuta. Got a hint for you:
>She can't

Eto jobs to two of the strongest fighters in the manga, three if you count Arima.

Touka jobs to some fucker like Mado or whatever.

Don't try to counter them with logic user, they don't understand that.

Took you fuckers long enough to btfo these "jobber" posters by mentioning the simple fact that Touka needed Hinami to save her from old man quinque rapedungeon.

Why so insecure?


Actually, not to bait or shitpost, but I literally can't remember Touka winning a single fight aside from like killing that CCG bureaucrat or some Aogiri goons.

Feel free to correct me, maybe I'm overlooking something. I only remember Hinami saving her from Mado, Kaneki saving her from Ayato, Yomo saving her from herself, Kaneki saving her from Arima and maybe some stuff in between.

Touka could hypothetically beat kaneki with her lightning abilities. There is a reason ishida didn't let arima use nakamura is his second fight against kaneki. Lightning is op and kaneki is a close medium range fighter. Touka could nearly match kanekis speed and thus stay out of his range

You forgot about Tsukiyama. She defeated Tsukiyama with a bit of Kaneki's help.

Ah fuck, knew I was forgetting something. Any more?

When will Waifufags finally shut up?

I agree user. Eto stands literally no chance against the Lightning of the Two-Eyed Empress.



Akari will win all of this anons

When Tokyo Ghoul gets good again and there's a better reason to keep reading it than "muh waifu."

If it ever gets good again.



>replying to obviously false-flagging Toukafag
You guys sure must be bored out of your fucking minds.

>the gif


Lets stop talking about Touka and Eto and let's talk about more Important Characters, like Hide. Do you think Hide is Homo for Kaneki?

Of course user, he IS inside Kaneki after all.

Urie > Hide

>tfw Kaneki will always be stronger than Arima and Eto

You're all retarded. Roma is the one and only true best girl.

>Do you think Hide is Homo for Kaneki?
Yes and it's most likely reciprocated.

I think Hide is dead for Kaneki.

Ogura was the Tokyo Ghoul this whole time


i'd fuck Roma.

I want to dominate her and make her ahegao