Trump supporters are probably sad that he died

Trump supporters are probably sad that he died

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Yeah, we just love murderer's who aren't named Clinton, don't you know.

I'm happy he lived

We will pretend to believe whatever you want as long as you stay in your country, shitskin. skin.

>called out the jews for never letting the WW2 "holohoax" brainwash die.
>wanted to start a race war so niggers would be dead.

yeah IDK i think he might not be as bad as they say.

Why do you speak english on an american computer network?

But he isn't /ourguy/.

here you go:


Parents are obviously dead, he had no children, and I doubt he had siblings whom he knew of, he was a child runaway and barely knew his parent

Unlike you he had a gf though

>>wanted to start a race war so niggers would be dead.
manson never said anything about a race war. not ever.
and the only record of his views on race is Manson criticizing the white race for corrupting the black race.

I know this i am. He was one of the only truly great Americans to ever exist.

>comedian makes joke
>you completely miss it
god damn you're stupid


I am slightly yes. Why are you being such a cunt pedro? He was innocent and an intersting guy. However he was a petty criminal and kind of crazy so I don't feel all that sad.

He didn't answer the question at all lmao

He cut a mans ear off with a sword that he stole from a biker gang. He then instructed a male follower to kill him. He forced that man to sign over both of his cars, and hand over all his possessions.

He stabbed one of his own followers to death.

Read up on him before any of you start spouting off about how he didn't do anything. He was convicted of rape at like 13 years old.

charlie said it was so his third eye could see the truth any time he wanted it.

i know this becuase I heard him say it i was very much alive then, shit your're told now is a lie.

Jews Print Money. It's about a lot more than just the money.

It's about using it as a weapon to silence any dissent, as they take over the globe.

My grandmother-in-law used to work at the Corona Institute for Women and has some pretty good stories about Atkins, Krenwinkle, and Van Houten. Susan Atkins used to run around stark naked with a Bible in her hand, screaming.

He had some decent music. Not a bad voice either.
