>BD "uncensor" comes out
>still can't see shit the whole episode
As expected of the anti-lolicon push. Lolis indeed are dead.
BD "uncensor" comes out
You can't see those delicious shoulderblades?
pity reply
I see loli butt crack, I stop complaining. You fucking EOPs annoy me.
Posting in a LolisRDead thread.
Please stop using that one same OVA scene all over, it has nothing to do with 3rei.
You literally see less than a children's show allows. Not even a proper butt shot holy shit.
>I don't care about lolicon in anime, so it's a troll thread
Oh, these replies again.
Blu-ray isn't out yet. Are you from the future?
>isn't out yet
It is.
Post the link for episode 5 then.
>Already lewd and up to standard fanservice
>Expecting more anyways or else hurr durr anti-loli!
LRD pls.
Just take a look. Yeah, shitkaku, etc.
No, you're not a troll. But you are pitiful, hence a pity reply for (You).
>already lewd
>up to standard fanservice
Are you shitting me? Jesus Christ I hope you are. The only lewd thing about is the fact of a kiss happening and it ends there.
Most everything else is 2 extremely lifeless panty shots. Please do tell me what fanservice show has this standards.
Oh boy I can't wait to see you sperg out once again once the final BD volume is out.
That being said, new chapter when?
>Killed Steam-san
>Implying not uncensored
Fucking LRD.
>I'm going to be total retard who ignores reason
Oh look it's you again. Stop posting the same bullshit if you son't want to get the same replies. What do you want? A place to praise you and compliment you? A bunch of yes men to agree with every drivel you say? Well fuck you. You keep posting the same shit, then you'll get the same shit replies. Fucking faggot.
You're just proving that the BD did in fact improve the fanservice by making it more lewd and literally better fanservice.
>killed steam-san
And still it's fucking nothing shown. I don't even mean nipples or such, but nothing at all.
Not seeing any nipples
Why would one pay for a bd with no nips?
>watching the anime
Okay, Mr "I don't care about lolicon".
>improve the fanservice
Still there's no fanservice.
Yeah, I kinda knew Sup Forums is sub-Sup Forums level casual, but seeing this many people actively defending anti-lolicon is always a bit sad.
Why so insecure faggot? Sup Forums not your hugbox
>waaaaah why wont nippon pander to me even though im an filthy insignificant gaijin
>waaah why isn't Sup Forums agreeing with me! it must be because they are not true lolicons! no, it's not because i'm a fool
>i'm never at fault
Keep crying, retard.
>not doing both
Can't get enough of Prisma lad.
>LRD is this retarded and trolling
Go fuck off.
Anti Loli Nazi strong.
pity reply again
There's more to this series than the lolis, you know
>implying anything is shown there
At least try to not be retarded when you want to call me out on being a troll.
Nice argument
Keep telling yourself that, LRD.
>Still there's no fanservice
Except the fsct that is fanservice by the very definition of the word fanservice. And the BD improved it. You cannot claim it's worse or anti-lolicon as that would go against pure logic.
You're just a troll trolling Sup Forums. I hope mods will delete your bait thread.
I don't have to tell anything, the proof I'm right is in this thread.
BD release -> still no fanservice shown.
>People replying to LRD thread
Report and sage faggot
Reminder that LRD is a false flagging troll who's actually a normalfag pretending to whiny, bitch, and force anti-loli propaganda when there is none.
Still, there's no sexualization going on at all. Nothing that's not family or normalfag friendly, not even a navel closeup, details, butt, etc. Nothing "ecchi" even the least bit.
I hope mods will delete meta posting anti-loli fags like you actually.
>Oh fuck yeah, a Prisma thread!
>It's actually a LDR thread
God fucking dammit.
>being anti-loli fags so hard that you have to metapost all over in every thread because you're so upset that someone wants lolicon instead of this crap
Good show
Have you considered just talking about Prisma anyway?
We'll let him rot by himself then. He'll probably samefag to bump his thread for awhile after he gets ignored, but that will only make him more obvious.
>The face when not even dumping unsexy Illya, Kuro, and Miyu can save this thread because it's LRD
Sage is up.
It's a "lolicon is excluded from even a material like Prisma Illya" thread.
If you don't like it, don't fucking post it, if you think it's troll, report me and ignore or something.
Jesus Christ.
LDR, you should get a trip so I can filter you
Pretty much this. The autist has literally moved goalposts and backtracked god knows how many times now. Fuck just look at a few seasons back with that trash show Taboo Tattoo.
Had a few decent shots of the resident loli but LRD will immediately not accept that shit because apparently she's not a loli. Regardless of the fact that the loli there and the Prisma girls, which as evidenced by this thread is a series he always trolls, have the same body type. That being said, this thread is shit.
>It's a "lolicon is excluded from even a material like Prisma Illya" thread.
So, a LRD thread
>Chloe: Anyway, I'll take care of this. // Although it's just a memento without a piece of emotion.
>Shirou: Aah... // That's just like Kiritsugu... I guess. // Those are stuff related to his other name. // The magic bullets of the Magus Killer, // "Origin Bullets".
He had one, but everyone filtered him, so now he's posting as user.
God save us
>Shirou: You're thinking, // "it's okay if I die", // am I right?
I want to get off Hiroyama's wild ride
LRD stretches his falseflagging to the extreme. Nothing short of a literal animated loli-h will push him into a corner. But even then, he'll just find some way to criticize even that to keep up his fake anti-loli crusade.
That's Kuro? Oh fuck please no.
Fuck off.
How does 3rei do anything even at that level?
That's right, it doesn't. And if you want to tell me that this isn't ridiculously underwhelming for a BD bath scene, well, fuck you too because you certainly don't care about lolicon.
>Chloe: For Miyu to be happy, // you must stand by her side.
Not even God Hand could save her from these death flags
Being faggot who watch anime only for lewd must be suffering, why you dont just kill yourself?
What does LRD stand for?
Large rodent degenerate
LolisRDead. It's the trip he used to use several years ago.
New BD special out
Time to salvage this fuckfest of a thread. Choose your Illya.
This stupid shit again.
I'd be content if they at least did half of the manga's fanservice level.
Or at least Flip Flappers-tier, which isn't even part ecchi.
>LRD is so mad, he replied twice
Let's not. This thread is shit and the topic is bait.
Save it for a real Prisma Illya thread, bro.
Yes, I'm a bit mad.
It's not bait. But I guess people only care about powerlevels, yuri vs anti-yuri, sub drama and such, while they give no fucks about anime adaptations butchering lolicon.
Just go and create your fucking Prisma thread if you're so irritated by the topic and you can't stomach lolicon discussion without throwing up.
God damn it lad. You forgot Zwei Form.
He can't keep getting away with it
This is a 10/10 chapter already
>17 pages
Wait. That's it?
>Bumping this shit thread
Make a new thread for the latest chapter.
Looks like it
At this point I don't know which one is LRD. OP or the people bitching at OP.
Caster Illya is so damn sexy.
Ok, give me a minute
OP and all of this post defending himself is LRD. LRD never doubts or trolls himself, so everyone who calls him out obviously can't be him.
So everyone who calls him out is the real problem, thanks.
Hello LRD
>Lolis indeed are dead.
Good. I hope they stay dead.
>title in the name field
The art is nice and all, but when was it that something last happened in the manga? I don't even remember what was happening before that flashback.
>get baited by lesbo lolis gif
>continue to watch because illya
I don't even care about nude lolis anymore
I haven't dumped anything in years
I think this might be the end of Google for me.
There is now an option to cast webms to the downstairs TV that I can't turn off. I nearly pressed it while clicking on that.
Move to the non-shit thread
Kuro a shit
wow that's a nipple
Precisely. The invisible right hand of the market will set those retarded nips straight.
>dat Rin hairstyle
muh dicc
.... oh my god i just..... i can't. the fucking racism here. you people are ill literally shaking right now..... wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable. ill never understand this......place. it feels like after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst..... blatant racism child porn spam animal abuse anti semitism holocaust denial woman hating homophobia fat shaming off topic adult cartoons the list goes on and on....... the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult...... are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!! disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!! i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...
is that a vulva?