How did Asuna win the Kirito bowl?
Suguha had everything a man would look for in a woman
>Great body
>Excellent health
>Waif material
SAO Thread
"Too close to home"
1. kirito is a fucking punishment not a prize
2. suguha isn't fertile
Cant fuck your sister
Loose sidetail is a top tier waifu hairstyle
holy fuck that is a low quality stitch
>1. kirito is a fucking punishment not a prize
>2. suguha isn't fertile
She's more fertile than the bedridden cachexic mary sue
I read somewhere recently that 80% of all marriages prior to the modern age were between cousins.
>Sugu confesses to Kirito
>he just stands there with a strange look
>never answers her and goes back to his hunt for his fellow sue
Shit was painful.
Men tend to loose rational thinking when their parental instinct are awakened.
Didn't she do the same to that kid who confessed to her?
now i see why Sup Forums hates SAO so much, they clearly didn't have two brain cells to rub together when watching it and only managed to take everything at face value
She didn't play a video game with him continuously for two years.
Shit hairstyle
every girl in SAO wanted the gary stu dick, except maybe the loli. asuna has the "main girl" archtype going for her, and "main girl will always win" is a pretty standard trope in lazy writing.
Suguha was still flat when he met Asuna.
Best girl in a shitty series.
Kirito should at least make her pregnant.
Goddamn, I want to tease those thighs until she's like a flowing river.
>Suguha had everything a man would look for in a woman
That's precisely it, Best Girls have 0 chance getting with MC.
Exhibit A: Pic Related
Suguha is a fat bitch with shit boy hair.
>The MC himself stated that her hips are solid and totally stable.
she didn't end up with kirito because shes destined to be mine
Because they spent months together in a death game and they developed a strong bond. Since Kirito found out Suguha wasn't his sister he started ignoring her, so there's also that.
She's her cousin so it's ok.
Boobs are literally bags of fat.
Ergo, she's a fat bitch.
Kirito is shit, Asuna is shit. 1 + 1 user.
I feel Yuuki is really underappreciated.
How many chance she have of at least be part of a harem ending?
Why best girls always lose.
Stop this meme. Almost any woman between the ages of 14 and 45 is fertile.
>Because they spent months together in a death game and they developed a strong bond
Relationships made in extraordinary / dangerous circumstances are not healthy.
little rally who?
I haven't seen any Alicization updates in a long time, and I haven't seen a new AW volume in even longer, what's the holdup?
Go back to your homothread
asuna has the better doujins + she was pretty cute too
asuna >sinon =sugu
Anons who find sugu as their ideal women(hips,tits,incest,kendo, oniichan) claims sugu is best girl in SAO
Anons who find Asuna as their ideal women(beautiful, long hair, strong, deep love, shared memories, anti incest) claims Asuna is best girl in SAO
I think you are all equally retarded
>it's a Sugu impregnates herself with Kirito's sleeping dick doujin
So what do YOU value, user?
Don't remind me of that pain
>"traps aren't gay"
Im the first love interest is the best girl type of guy. Asuna was first, so Asuna gets my vote. Everyone else that came after are simply slutty whore dorobo neko's. This goes for all anime/manga's i have watched/read except Naruto. Even tho Naruto's first love interest was Sakura i could not bring myself to like her at all and Hinata was the clear winner.
Literally who fucking gives a shit would be my answer on that one there Sup Forums
You might have noticed but modern anime fans especially are dumb as rocks and possibly developmentally delayed in some capacity cause otherwise I can't grasp why they would watch and be genuinely entertained and intrigued by some of the shit they put out nowadays that's supposed to be top tier for Japanese animation. Nobody has any standards or insight into anything either, they just watch what they are told is hype so how could they take anything other than at face value. I mean literally all anyone talks about anymore are which girl is best and who's gonna win the "x bland ad shit male lead bowl" cause that's all they can comprehend or take away from thsee shows so it's no wonder that's all we get now. It's just meaningless and trundles along like a zombie medium with its zombie fans who don't care if the current season is 90% identical to the previous one as long as it gives them plenty of fuel to hit up those two beats they can wrap their stunted brains around
>" cause that's all they can comprehend or take away from thsee shows so it's no wonder that's all we get now. It's just meaningless and trundles along like a zombie medium with its zombie fans who don't care if the current season is 90% identical to the previous one as long as it gives them plenty of fuel to hit up those two beats they can wrap their stunted brains around
Welcome Sup Forums
Holy fucking shit, you need commas. Also, kill yourself, newfag.
Because the writer is fucking retarded.
>That's precisely it, Best Girls have 0 chance getting with MC.
They used to always win. Until this show came out.
But why?
The easiest way to write a relationship story in any medium is to have the best girl lose to the least obvious girl. And sadly, people still prefer it.
>wanting aids
Wouldn't fuck with a 10 layer condom
How old is this child and what does she eat to have the body of a goddess?
What did ANYONE hooked to the system for years eat?
She wasn't the first woman he met in the first season.
>How did Asuna win the Kirito bowl?
In case you didn't notice, it's a shit series.
>I don't know how to have a normal conversation or read anything longer than a paragraph full of generic memes so therefore I'm just going to get angry and hostile like any idiot would.
Or if you will how to be a lazy shit and still attack any opinion that doesn't parrot about the status quo of trash for morons is the greatest.
Anime barely has any good regular writers and it's only gotten worse since companies like Aniplex figured it would be a great idea to let shitty LN writers write shitty anime for them so we end up with abortions like Qualidea Code for example. I mean when people seem to be at a consensus that the greatest writer of their generation for anime in Japan is a manchild eroge writer/producer with obvious personal issues that can barely commit to his projects but at the very least tends to apply himself and play to a comfortable rule of cool that is agreeable to most that just says it all. Like literally the "best" "new" writer is the best simply because he's one of the few that comes across as passable and honest.
Anyway I fully believe that anime will cruise through the rest of this decade without producing a single new noteworthy and memorable franchise for television. It just isn't happening with the kind of people available for it.
It's simple. She's 3D. Within the game, everyone takes their real life appearances but adapted to fit the 2D game. The protag saw everyone he met as 2D because it's a game world. 3D cannot hope to match 2D.
Your entire post is full of dumb generalizations. Obviously because you don't have specific examples to cite.
Wow, this post reeks of anger and ignorance.
I'm still ENRAGED that Mutsumi didn't win that shit, man. Just fuck my first harem manga experience all up.
so is the point you're trying to make that SAO is a standout from the norm of mediocre LN adaptations and much better than a lot of people give it credit for or...?
Everything you see is 2d too. Specifically, 3d adapted to fit a 2d array of retinal rods and cones
Exactly, Kirito went for 2D instead of 3DPD like she should.
source on this? progressive?
SAO 17.
dang not that far yet sounds bad ass
Better question, why the fuck suguha like the gary stu? Just because she is his cousin/sister/childhood friend or whatever doesn't mean that she automaticly like him unless shit writing on the purpose of wish fulfilment.
Oh wait...
In my experience, the type of people that take everything at face value are ones that like SAO the most.
sinon best girl
Fuck yeah
theres a lot to hate about SAO if you elect not to look into it, and most complaints i've heard about the series are from people who do just that
>kirito is a bland and paper-thin character who does no wrong and is moody for no good reason
>why would he fight solo in an mmo lol
>kirito's beater speech doesnt make sense
>asuna and kirito's relationship feels rushed
>lol how is kirito a master leet hacker
>how did asuna break paralysis
>this is very clearly A Harem
>sugu's infatuation doesnt make sense
>asuna becomes a plot device damsel in distress with no agency
there's a lot more but these are the popular memes from people who actually put more effort into their blanket hate than 'edgelord gary stu wish fulfillment self insert'
Aren't the fan translations of AW totally dead?
I think so.
Mutsumi was too good for Keitaro, he deserves Naru for letting himself become SetaJr
I also love Mutsumi, but she was too much of an idiot for letting him go TWICE
Mate Kirito is the biggest catch a woman could find in that world. He can do anything and probably has a big dick too.
>literally wanting a GaryStu that isn't Oniisama
Try looking at it from the point of view of the characters themselves. I'd totally let Kirito fuck me given the chance.
>letting Kirito fuck you
>not letting Kline romance you tenderly
>not pining for, yet respecting, bad mutha fugga Agil
Agil's already married.
>BallsdeepsixtyKlein & someone who's already married vs semen glopping girly boy
But how can MC fuck best girl when MC is the best girl?
Then the MC can go fuck himself
>Quoting Speed
Kirito is a better girl than asuna.
Except she wasn't first.
Sachi was.
Not anymore.
They have to be alive to count.
That's a stupid way to decide on best girl though, we all know it's Argo.
Mustafa please leave.
Cousins are OK in most of the world, including Japan.
He's fucking asian. Baby dick confirmed and probably a cuck.
MC isn't Sinon though.