Live in europe for thousands of years

>live in europe for thousands of years
>often having blonde hair, and pale as milk skin
>speak the languages of host nation and adopt said customs
>considered white by 99.9% of the global community and can only be identified as Jews if they tell you
>Sup Forums neo-nazi larps still say Jews aren't European
when are you going to grow up Sup Forums

I wonder, just WHO could be behind this post?

let me just ask you one simple question. Would you rather have 5 million Scarlett Johanssons, or 5 million Fatimas in your country?
>inb4 neither

The problem doesn't lie with the race, but with the racial identity.

>Jews aren't European

They're not, and there's interesting and specific differences in Jew DNA which separates them. They're retarded sand-niggers, some of who interbred with their host cultures.

Someone makeapp this asap

thats not how it is dude, maybe with american jews. But most ashkenazi are semitic looking and you can see them coming from a mile away, very distinctive people. In australia jews are very distinctive looking and easy to spot. I think we have a lot of sephardi from south africa in certain areas but we have a lot of ashkenazi too, like in the eastern suburbs of sydney. And the ashkenazi do stand out. Maybe you're just face blind

I'd rather have 5 million Croats in my country. It's Croatia, a country of and for Croats, not jews, serbs, germans nor goatfuckers.

This is factually not true.

You may as well sit there and say the exact same thing about gypsies. It's just not true.

But in
sixteenth century Europe, and before; and among the warriors of Islam,
conducting “jihad” against men of other faiths, each side was well aware of
the atrocious means used, not only by its opponents for their “foul ends,” but
by its own people and its own leaders in order to “uproot heresy” or to “fight
popery,” or to “preach the name of Allah to infidels.” Modern man is more
of a moral coward. He wants the advantages of violent intolerance — which
is only natural — but he shuns the responsibility of it.

still hyping from when daddy hitler said that croats were the only based Slavs?

false equivalency. Do you think europeans just sprang up from Europe? 90% of European ethnicities only came to europe in last 2000 years. Most coming from indo-european lands in central asia, including Slavs, Germans, Celts, and Uralic peoples. Those groups replaced the proto-europeans before indo-europeans. Which is about 90% of today's population. Jews, like the Italians, and Greeks, just have ancestors from indo-european groups along with Semitic groups. Vastly different from Roma people who come from central INDIA, and far more significant genetic and cultural differences, and little affinity for Europe as a home.


they were an ethnic tribe that came out of the middle east even if they had european genetics raped into them.

also the roma mostly live in the middle east and only came to the balkans because ottomans in 1300s, and rest of europe far later. Jews have been in Europe for 2000-2500 years. Poland was 20-30% Jewish before the holocaust for example.

where do you think indo-europeans come when they replaced the proto-europeans? We didn't spring the ether, and most came to Europe around same time Jews came, some, like the Hungarians, Bulgarians, and Slavs, came far after the Jews.

so you're saying they attempt to blend in so as to more effectively subvert? yeah, that's kind of what the case has been, glad you caught up.

>why dont you like us oy vey
>as you stab us in the back

>adopt said customs


They can be European all they want, they're still sinister criminal scum.

What? They never integrated, they even developed their own language (yiddish) to avoid integrating. They are very easily distinguishable from their host populations and almost solely identify as jews, they even established a state called Israel they claim ancestral ties to in the middle east. Throwing a horse in water doesn't make it a fish, in this case jews were a fucking bull.

Yiddish is a dialect of German, its not actually a separate language. They just use their own alphebet. If you speak regular High German, you understand 90% of Yiddish.

There were iranian tribes living in europe 3000 yrs ago, way before jews. Does that make them more european than those groups? Does that make iranians european, or even white?

They used yiddish everywhere, even in slavic countries that didn't speak german, if they're so seperate and distinct that they developed a seperate dialect, doesn't speak a lot of the alieness of jews?