
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>TrumpTV Weekly Update #17 (Lara) 11/17/17
>WH Video: Pres Trump congratulates NCAA champs 11/17/17
>Pres Trump welcomes NCAA champ teams to WH 11/17/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Chair Econ Adv Hassett) 11/17/17
>SecDef C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @Peterson AFB 11/17/17
>AG Sessions @Federalist Society Lawyers Conv 11/17/17
>SoS T-Rex @Ministerial in Africa 11/17/17
>SoS T-Rex family pic with AU leaders 11/17/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC against Russia 11/17/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 11/17/17
>This Week @State 11/17/17
>Women for Judge Moore event 11/17/17
>WH Video: VP Pence @Tax Foundation 11/17/17
>Pres Trump @Capitol Hill 11/16/17
>VP Pence keynote @Tax Foundation 80th annual awards 11/16/17
>SoS T-Rex meets AU Chair Moussa Faki 11/16/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC Joint Investigative Mechanism 11/16/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC meet on Venezuela 11/16/17
>House GOP celebrates Tax Reform Bill passing house 11/16/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



Posting my favorite Chris Cillizza article ever written (from February 26th, 2015)

washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/02/26/donald-trump-might-be-serious-about-running-for-president-hes-still-irrelevant/ (archive: archive.is/nobj9 )

>Donald Trump wants everyone to know that he is serious about running for president in 2016. Unlike other times in the past when he was also "serious" about running, Trump has hired operatives in key states like Iowa and New Hampshire and is saying things like "I’m not doing this for enjoyment. I’m doing this because the country is in serious trouble.”

>So, let's assume -- gulp -- that Trump is serious this time around. Heck, while we're at it, let's assume he actually runs.


>I can't emphasize that strongly enough. A decade ago, Trump might have cut an interesting figure, politically speaking. He was rich, well known and perceived as a no-nonsense businessman. That's not a bad profile for a third party presidential bid, which Trump flirted with in the 2000 race.

>But that's not the profile Trump has today. He is still rich (I think) and very well known. But, that's where the similarities end. Trump is now notorious rather than famous. He's seen as a professional provocateur rather than a serious businessperson. He has staked out positions -- questioning President Obama's birth certificate, for one -- that have badly marginalized him in the political sphere.

>Don't believe me? Watch comedian Seth Myers absolutely destroy the idea of Trump as a serious candidate at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner.

>But, wait, you say. Who cares what Seth Myers and a bunch of Washington-based political reporters think? Donald Trump certainly doesn't! He only cares about what potential Republican voters think of him!

>And, he is out of luck there too. Take a recent WMUR/University of New Hampshire poll. Nineteen percent of New Hampshire Republican voters had a favorable impression of Trump (Sidebar: Who are these people?) while 69 percent had an unfavorable view of him. For you non-math majors, that's a 50 point difference between the people who like The Donald and those that don't. Or a Des Moines Register/Bloomberg poll of Iowans conducted late last month. Twenty six percent of Iowa Republicans had a favorable view of Trump while 68 percent had an unfavorable one. He took one percent of the vote in the ballot test in that same poll.

>There's plenty more polls just like those two but you get the idea. While I tend to believe Trump is in the midst of (yet another) publicity stunt and won't ultimately run for anything, even if he does there's absolutely no evidence that there's a constituency out there waiting for him.

>Yes, a Trump candidacy would get lots of attention -- from the media (sad face) and voters. But, fascination with a political train wreck isn't the same thing as serious interest in a candidate. The real question is not whether Trump will run or not. The real question is why any of us even care.

She's coming!



What's the furthest you've gone to get laid?


These sharp hip young journalists of WaPo certainly deserve to be this smug. They really do have all the answers.

MAGA boys, hope these 1000+ sealed indictments pan out

Are we supposed to know who "Tabour" is?

Went on actual dates with a girl instead of being an autistic retard and thinking friendship is the same as sexual attraction.

I'll eat my own cum if they're actually all swamp monsters and not unrelated criminals. But until I see solid proof I remain skeptical.

Liberal reporters proving how wildly out of touch they are with the vast majority of their fellow whites

>Gizzi is in the White House Press Pool and doesn't get a checkmark
how you know the system is bullshit

Wow, decent banter from a leaf?
I'm surprised.

>Are we supposed to know who "Tabour" is?
Probably not. This article is about "Tambour".

Buy a girl a drink
>[spolier]she just let me have it instead[/spoiler]

Driving over an hour.
Never again.

I'm whiter than rice on a paper plate in the middle of a snowstorm . . . and I eat bojangles every other day

Actually, sweaty, it's "Tambor".

>not eating your cum anyways.
It's the only way to recycle your gains.

Thank you, Shaun.

Is he a reporter or a WH staffer?


I got married.

That's a pretty radical idea. This qt I'm pursuing at the moment has said in passing that she won't date anyone who can't handle being 'friend zoned' for a while first "to get to know them."

Even when they lose they win.

Chris Chan routine right on!

If it's not lost testosterone that's coming out of my dick I'm not recycling it. I don't even have a fapcup or any Fanta to mix it with.

Soros / Open Society friends list.
Emails, names, affiliations.

Bought a $30 jacket.

A reporter. One of the only people in the WH press pool that asks completely relevant and interesting questions instead of the clickbait buzzword anti-Trump topic of the week.

some amazon series where they shout yaaaas queen according to the commercials

Hmm, we may have to look into this.

Cursory examination leads me to believe it's false, I hope he burns.

Long time reporter for Newsmax and is their White House Correspondent. Smart guy.

>one hour for sex is too much
I drove 11 hours straight to see the eclipse that lasted just over a minute.
Get on my level.

Don't think about just the physical properties.
There are magical properties in semen as well.

Are there any amazons in it?

Him and the Indian are my fav reporters

(To the tune of "SS Marschiert In Feindesland")

Music: (First half only)

America, land of the brave,
in danger once again.
Outsider hordes and negro slaves,
seek the deaths of our men!

We watch them riot in our streets,
and burn all in their path.
Controlled by evil Jew elites,
instruments of their wrath!

We will march forth and meet them in combat,
we will drive them all from our land!
We will fight them until we have begat,
a clean future forged by white hand.

In our eyes of freedom and honor,
you can see the devil laugh!
Ha ha ha ha!

In our conquered land of our fathers,
we forged a new future!

We will lay down our lives to protect her,
we will see that her strength will endure!
We will bear no traitor!

Onward from ocean to ocean,
a wave of purity.
We will be America's bastion,
we will serve the land of the free!

I have to stir my sauce.

He pretty consistently asks decent questions unlike the (((new media))) who want one question answered and don't want to do any actual work.

If you don't make your intentions clear with actual social chemistry (a light touch on the hand helps too once you can tell the mood is set) then a girl is never going to consider you for a romantic relationship.
It takes practice, but having the ability to pick up on subtle social cues proved, to my relief, that I don't have autism.

Well this woman I'm after does have mild autism, so regardless of if I pick up on signals or not, it isn't clear that they're intentionally being sent.

That said she invited me to sleep over on her couch in her dorm so that's gotta be a good sign.

I got the Marfan fingers which means cold hands

>This qt I'm pursuing at the moment has said in passing that she won't date anyone who can't handle being 'friend zoned' for a while first "to get to know them."
Fucking lmao

yes, but they are "the most jewish" and not very tall

>What's the furthest you've gone to get laid?

Pretended to be slightly interested in some roastie tier band I'm a generation removed from, or music in general for that matter, when I saw she had a tattoo of them.

To my everlasting shame. It was like 30 seconds of conversation both times was the sum total of my investment.

One was in a swatch store which I promptly left after realizing I was solidly in the creeper zone, and the other I took home for a makeout session that went to first base and then fizzled.

I also was suckered into $200 worth of skin care bullshit from middle eastern whores in a mall whore kiosk but they were literally tag team dry humping me to an extent that I didn't even think was legal in public and also flirtatiously promising no end of undelivered delights.

>mild autism
You should be okay.
Fucking put a heating pad in your pocket or something, then. You need to make light physical contact at least once during the first date.

Fox just confirmed, Florida serial killer is a white-skinned black male. Be on the look out.

>guy hooked up with a 17 year old
>CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING because he crossed state lines

the jew dicial system in action

Oy gevalt

>that filename



You should have made the demo the lotion.

>that kike projection

What in the nigger fuck is a swatch?

when i was a cucked college student I traveled hundreds of miles on public transportation (tram, train, bus, train again) to see my long distance gf
got a hotel room and fucked like 30 times in two ish days, ate nothing but delivery pizza.

was fun but foolish

He will probably get lynched to death in prison too because "pedo bad"

While literal childfucker jews get two years with their own private guards and never face any harm, because "he have guard me no punch"


>putting an infant's penis in your mouth and biting off its foreskin?
>spying on naked women?

I did this often when I was young and desperate.

Prepare for spam.

That fucking LARP thread was deleted while their prophet was posting. Fucking about time.

This shit is a joke because this stuff is absolutely normal in fag communities or non-white communities
Roy Moore's lawyer or something brought this up, they want no questions asked for pregnant 14 year olds, but then want to blather about protecting children

That's not even a long drive, if it's guaranteed sex what is the issue?

Trump Campaign Coordinator And 'Family Values' Republican Pleads Guilty To Child Sex Trafficking, Faces Life in Prison.


I'm so dissapointed in Joe's recent song release, it's not even funny, at least Amnesty Don was better


Any happenings coming for Monday?




Yeah, but you said you were young and desperate. That implies you’re neither and you wouldn’t do it again.

That reminds me of driving from Winston and Greensboro all the way to Chapel Hill. God, I was so cucked.

Because there’s no reason. There’s guaranteed sex MUCH closer than that. Why be desperate?? You can go on Tinder or other apps. You can find someone hundreds of feet from you.
Driving an hour is wasted time.

County level campaign involvement. Try harder, also you have to go back.

More Trump Republitards will plead guilty.

Satan pls

I liked Mystified 2bh

Was it the “real Q?” or an imposter?

What a shill headline.

It was a fag with a 17 year old.



it's beyond parody

I don't know, but they (50% were tripfags) were rimming him as eagerly as they possibly could.

He should make a song about disavowing.

If they nuke those threads for good or send them off board like they should have a long time ago then fucking great.

I'm more mad about Fox giving any publicity to it

my fucking sides.

In 1987 Trump ran $130k of full page ads aggressively attacking NATO. And he did that during the cold war, right after returning from Moscow.

Why doesn't he take his children with him, the selfish prick? Their mother isn't going to be taking care of them for much longer.

>This is respected political pundit in the United States of America


Thank you AfD!


hey guys ive been doing some research and leafs are still the worst posters in /ptg/

who are the best?

One of the OP’s got banned for posting a bitcoin address.

>In 1987 Trump ran $130k of full page ads aggressively attacking NATO. And he did that during the cold war, right after returning from Moscow.
this is the ad in question, and it's nothing he didn't say already on the campaign multiple times (on NATO members paying their fair share).

I’ve read this a few times.
What are you even trying to say?
How does it fit as a response to my post?
Are you from reddit?

Massive investigation reveals Ivanka's business ties to a Russian fraudster in a deal for a Panama Hotel that made Trump rich


Except literally nobody calls him that.

The property that they licensed to use the Trump name had people in the building who used laundered money which is incredibly common in Panama.
Trumps weren’t aware of it.


>Trumps weren’t aware of it.

Anyone who reads that and doesn't agree 100% needs to be deported.