500 years of Protestantism

500 years of Protestantism
See the women smiling in the back

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Protestants are our best allies in the destruction of Europe

Their cuck countries will fall without a single battle

The Ummah will rejoice

What the fuck is a ummah? That some sort of goat cheese?

stop bumping your own thread with false flag comments you faggot

All Muslims are part of the Ummah working torwards a global Caliphate

Ummah in Arabic means nation. Here he's referring to the nation of Islam.


Damn I'm so scared oh no a bunch of low iq savages who fuck goats want to kill us all oh nooo

Is this okay tho? I mean if muslim kids were asked to in front of jesus statue in a church, parents would go absolute nuts. What do christian parents say?

the ummah is just a dumb term for the Islamic community. its stupid as shit today though because of how divided Muslims can be

500 years of Protestantism? Who are you kidding?
>250 years of secular humanism

Jesus is one of the prophets and important figure in Islam, so I suppose it would be okay. Muslims actually believe that in the end times, Jesus will return on Earth to lead Islamic world until the judgement day. ISIS believes that it means that Jesus will return to first destroy the enemies of caliphate in Middle-East, and then he will become it's divine military leader in world conquest.

Islamic Jesus is the Christian anti-Christ.


>they live in garbage can countrys
>they fuck animals
>they rape and commit crime
>send babys and woman out as bombs
>look dirty at all times
>never have anything intelligent to say or do
>wear puke colored robes as a international fashion
>live in a post apocalyptic desert because they live like fucking pigs

meme flag. sage.

Actually is not okay since Muslims shouldn't pray/prostrate to a human, Muslims rejects the divinity of Jesus, as he is just a son of man, and his Father greater than he, and none stand the same/higher ground as the Father ( thus muslims rejects trinity doctrine), He is One and Only.

Jesus is just another enlightened man teaching truth, just like thousands of others before him , so to muslims, prostrating to Jesus is considered blasphemy, even more so to a statue since it is considered idolatry.

A daytrip once in their lifetime to a mosque isnt as degenerate as half the stuff they see online probably

Oppai pic is prime cherry pickan

This is 150 years of nihilism.

Protestants basicly are main reason for undermining of west and christianity. Protestants dont have any standarts they are ready to jump any bandwagon for short term popularity.

Also fucking Sola Scriptura is reason for all this shitty small cults and other idiotic groups. Protestants dont have anything to do with christianity anymore.

Only Orthodox and Catholics can be respected anyway. Sadly it seems that Catholic have chosen protestant way in last 40 years.

>the looks on those teacher's faces

Shouldn't happen anyway but that expression of pure glee makes my fucking piss boil

I can't disagree. Plus, Sola scriptura, if you really think about it, is something really Muslim.

Speak for your own congregation, but my Presbyterian minister is true to the Spirit and the letter of the Bible, preaching the Father’s supremacy and the Son’s salvation. I’ve often thought about catholicism myself, but praying to anyone but Jesus or the Father is blasphemy, heresy, apostasy and all the rest, and believing anything you do here on earth is in any way good enough to outdo the grace and passion and resurrection of the Lord is also heretical and false. There are many other teachings, but there is one truth, and it’s known to all who hear the words of the Lord and know them.

>Muslims actually believe that in the end times, Jesus will return on Earth to lead Islamic world until the judgement day. ISIS believes that it means that Jesus will return to first destroy the enemies of caliphate in Middle-East, and then he will become it's divine military leader in world conquest.
Well he said he’s returning with a sword so they’re not too far wrong. But if Jesus isn’t divine, how can he return to earth? Seems to me this wouldn’t be the sort of thing that Muslims would believe. Too much focus on Jesus, if he’s just another prophet.

Holy fuck those fat roasties are positively ecstatic.

500 years of Catholicism in the western hemisphere


>Knife to meet you.

fuck i know her that CB

in the picture thats caylee the one smiling

is there anything more gay and paedo than having men and kids bend over to pray with their ass sticking out in the air for mohommed?

my god wtf is wrong with white women. serious.

Mexican cartel killing.
For the record, Mexico is a 'muh based catholic' nation and yet they're about as psychotic and retarded as your average nigger and middle easterner.

The fact that Islam is openly okay with pedophilia and sex with children of either gender.

I'd say that's worse.

The thing is, Mexico is full of mestizos and Indios, they were doing that shit before catholicism arrived.
Also "muh based Catholic country" is either Poland or Italy, maybe Spain 40 years ago.

That's because the cartels are in some weird death cult, nothing to do with the Catholic Church.

I hate western Europe so much.

Can we nuke it now please

>implying you could have the latter without the former

You get nuked along with them you nasty discount turkroach

>'muh based Christian mexico'
No one has ever said that, everyone knows it's a complete bastardisation

Holy fuck, I just don't get how those children can be so fucking spineless

If it was me when I was little I would just refuse to go there, straight up, thats against my beliefs (although I was atheist pretty early but w/e) and they can suck my fucking balls

we made the kids do this, this is great.

Too bad American WASPs didn't influence protestant Europe. Muslims wouldn't be allowed to reproduce or enter Europe.

i went to a religious school, but they never made us bow on the floor. our really pray.

Seems like it would be easier to convert muslims to Christianity what miracles did prophet Muhammad even do?

Same, even as a 5-year-old in kindergarten I refused to sing praise before eating because I'd already come to my own conclusion that doing so was ridiculous and pointless. Then again I was a child genius who could read before I was 2.

American WASPs let their country be cucked by jews as long as they got their share of the shekels. Which church started to campaign against Hollywood degeneracy? Which church did based Father Coughlin belong to? Indeed, Roman Catholicism.

Jesus christ, you must be an insufferable cunt in real life

It's considered "backwards" and "ignorant" to object to your kid taking part in these things

WTF is that picture?