EU to push for 40% quota for women on company boards

The European commission is to push for a quota for women on company boards to address the slow progress to gender equality in the senior ranks of publicly listed businesses.

Under the proposals, companies whose non-executive directors are more than 60% male would be required to prioritise women when candidates of equal merit were being considered for a post.

Previous attempts by the EU’s executive to set a 40% goal for women in the top ranks of listed companies have been blocked by Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden overs fears that Brussels was overreaching into domestic affairs. Hungary and Poland have opposed the move on ideological grounds.

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The result of the impasse has been slow progress to greater diversity at the top of companies. Women made up 29% of recruits to UK boards in 2016, down from 32.1% in 2014 and 31.6% in 2012, according to research by the recruiter Egon Zehnder.
The proportion of women on the boards of the largest listed companies across the EU has more than doubled, from 10% in 2005 to 22% in 2015. However, women account for only 7% of board chairs and presidents and 6% of chief executives in the largest companies.

On Monday, the commissioner for justice and gender equality, Vĕra Jourová, will publish proposals to redress the gender pay gap.

Speaking to the Guardian before the launch, Jourová said: “We have so much evidence that it is good for business to have diversity, to have women and men on boards. Women [make up] 65% of university graduates, so why don’t we use that talent and the investment?
“Women have a very good talent for long-term, sensible spending [and] for crisis-solving because they can come up with proposals for negotiation and compromise. It is a necessary balance to the approach of men: attack and escape.”

We already have a 40% women quota on election lists. The irony is that both big left and right parties that pushed the law didnt have 40% women on the lists but had enough money to pay the fine essentially fucking over the smaller parties.

Ok so? Prioritising women doesn’t mean that they choose any random fuckwit. Just means that if two people come in with more or less the same qualifications, one being male, one being female, they are more likely to pick the female candidate.

How about they make laws banning economic slaves being imported from elsewhere in the world and actually try to employ people. Boomers should be stripped of their power

It means that if you need 10 people, 4 must be women. Even if you have 4 male candidates more qualified.

why do people not understand basic math?

discarding meritocracy for quotas necessarily reduces quality in any field over time, by immediately prioritizing less deserving individuals, and by destroying the motivation toward quality over longer periods

this is jewism and we will veto it to the oblivion

Not really. Those people still need to compete to get that job.

If the female applicants they get aren’t qualified they won’t get the job. They don’t hire random fuckwits.

>Just means that if two people come in with more or less the same qualifications, one being male, one being female, they are more likely to pick the female candidate.
Hahaha, no.
It means you get adverts like this:
>COO position available, men need not apply.
Swiftly followed by
>CFO position available, women of colour only.
Of course, the pools of talent in both those groups are miniscule compared to the regular men who end up in these jobs, so companies fight like hell for the few semi talented women, just like American universities struggling to get smart negros onto their courses. Pretty soon you'll have articles like
>The highest paid CEO is a BLACK WOMAN, take that MEN.

Fucking insane. That is absolutely fucking insane.

>need to compete
then you don't understand quotas, and you are ignoring the long term effect

Reminder, this is how women think.

>when candidates of equal merit were being considered
>of equal merit

And who can determine this? The theoretical "100% same resumé" scenario doesn't happen in real life.

>shouldn't have to work
>hard working
its like they are children that don't know words

>attack and escape
fucking manhater

How are they going to enforce this in Islamic countries?

The time for revolution is now.

This shit is insanity.

>“Women have a very good talent for long-term, sensible spending [and] for crisis-solving

Quotas are there as a way to brute force change in culture in regards to women in the workplace. Over the years certain fields have been heavily tied to males and some others to females. This can be due to marketing, media or prominent social figures. A good example where we can see that this is in fact the case is women in compsci. Women in compsci were continually going up until around the 1980’s where there was a massive drop off. This was due to the rise of personal computers, video games and the rise of “geek” culture, all of which was aggressively marketed towards young boys.


Culture surrounding tech fields is changing but it is a slow process and people want change today, which is why we have things like quotas and affirmative action. They may not be perfect systems but they are necessary.

This won't affect the UK will it? Will we get out before this comes in?

Brute force backfires

In 2017 niggers and women are payed as much for destroying a company as men are paid to improve them


>ggressively marketed towards young boys.
Being a "nerd" was never marketed. Nerd culture began as a subculture; that's the whole reason they where vilified by the normal kids throughout school.

Why just 40%? Why not 90%? That'll show those racists.

>address the slow progress
>required to prioritize
>Ger, Neth, Swe playing dialogue dummies, Pol, Hung are nazis
>elaborated telling of the results of the social engineering
>Commisioner for gender equality
>Women aren't getting paid as much as men in a wage controlled environment meme
>women are saints, men are subhuman meme

>40% quota in your fucking parliament holy shit

>More likely

>Beef up the state meme


>It means you get adverts like this:
>COO position available, men need not apply.

>Under the proposals, companies whose non-executive directors are more than 60% male would be required to prioritise women when candidates of equal merit were being considered for a post.
that's fucking retarded


>Hahaha, no.
It means you get adverts like this:
>COO position available, men need not apply.
>Swiftly followed by
>CFO position available, women of colour only.

Can you show me any of these adverts that aren’t a some small business owner? Quotas and affirmative action have been around for a while so you should be able to.

>They don’t hire random fuckwits.

Isn't that the definition of sexist? God evil preaches tolerance until it gets power. Then it practices silencing the opposition.

please dont make the same mistakes that we have done

That’s a casting role for TV dude.

>be white
>apply stating you're not white
>get job

now you are baiting
the secondary effect of brute force method is always to disincentive-use actual quality by knaves trying to game the system, and reinforce the new system so that it can be gamed indefinitely

brute force always backfires

if you want more of something, subsidize it

affirmative action and quotas subsidize anti-metritocracy

Must suck to know that the only way you can get a job in that field is to force yourself down others throats.

Race war now!

It ruins a strategy of subversion, and under-the-table traitors and their lies become very public.

For a TV host you cock-sucking retard.

Are you fucking kidding dude? Every single video game ad was marketed towards young boys back then. There was a shit ton of mainstream movies with almost identical plot lines. Read the article I linked.

Ron Paul is spinning in his grave.

The difference being?

No its quite sane and calculated. This isnt about women but they are all indoctrinated to think it is so any fight back is sexist. What is reqlly going on is pushing white men out of power.

This is happening everywhere and fast.

The stupid cunts dont realise they are next.

Feels better and better each day to be american.

>Previous attempts by the EU’s executive to set a 40% goal for women in the top ranks of listed companies have been blocked by Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden
How the hell are they even trying this shit when these cucked countries are blocking it even. Who is even pushing for it then, the French, the Italians?

>Quotas are there as a way to brute force change in culture in regards to women in the workplace. Over the years certain fields have been heavily tied to males and some others to females. This can be due to marketing, media or prominent social figures. A good example where we can see that this is in fact the case is women in compsci. Women in compsci were continually going up until around the 1980’s where there was a massive drop off. This was due to the rise of personal computers, video games and the rise of “geek” culture, all of which was aggressively marketed towards young boys
You are a fuckin idiot.

>positively discriminate
what the fuck is this shit, they're constantly rearranging words to make their intent seem good. When did the left go from calling discrimination against white men "reverse discrimination" to "positive discrimination", will we see "positive racism" soon as well?

>blocking orwellian feminist initiatives
what timeline is this?

I'd be interested to see how this works purely from a legal perspective.

I assume that most member states have signed into law some form of anti discrimination legislation. This policy would demand discrimination. Conflict of law is inevitable - unless they are also demanding an exception be written in to say that discrimination in this form is not an offence.

In the UK, political parties designate certain constituencies to only have female candidates, against the wishes of the local party. These are placed in safe seats. Then they have a quota for the front bench (of course it's not an explicit quota, but there better 1/3 women). This has lead to a rash of shitty incompetent women, in all parties, who then push shit like females quotas on company boards.
It's cancer. It spreads.

Replace "women" with "children" and you will understand the problem better than the out of touch and silly EU commission.

I'm for this. I'd love to see some of these big companies fall. And it's not because of women they'll fall but because it's antimeritocratic. I've seen it and been involved with it myself, the highly productive people will leave at the first sign of unfairness and there's plenty of places willing to take them on that have to care about meritocracy.

I'm against quotas in general, but why are they going for 40%? wouldn't it make more sense to push for 50% if what they want to acchieve is pure equality. Maybe because they can't force all boards to be an even number

There's still Belgium and the UK (before Brexit). Both countries are pretty fucking bad.

Literal fucking brainlet. If you rank order by competence and there are less than 4 women in the top 10, you are discriminating against a more competent person based on gender.

This is a bad move for society and business.

Ok fag. Lets have an exercise... how many women are auto mechanics?

Legislating '40 per cent' also introduces some amusing problems. If you have a three member board, does one member have to be a pre-op transexual?

There is nothing intrinsic to the job that a white man would do differently from a person of other color; therefore its discrimination 101 .

I for one won't believe we've got genuine equality until 50% of street cleaners are women.

Women ruin everything
>work all day at plumbing company
>start own business
>grow until large scale
>hundreds of cars
>women bitch at your workers when on site
>board must be 40% women
>applicant is the bitchy women from sites
>no other choice

Why aren't they pushing for a gender quota for miners or trash collectors or sewer maintenance crews? Women are severely underrepresented in such fields, why is that of no concern? Fucking hypocrites.

Wouldn't it be much easier to replace this EU commission for a less stupid one? I ask because sometimes nobody thinks about the simplest solution.

It must be pretty bad seeing how desperately they try to outcuck Germany and Sweden

Holy SHIT you are stupid.

They are DISCRIMINATING against whites for media positions, not characters in movies or TV shows that the plot demands be minorities. In our own countries none the less. It's called demographic displacement. The Quota system prevents merit and rewards the stupidity of other races/peoples.

Why should a poor black receive more aid than a poor white when both are struggling in poverty just as much. Why should a lazy idiot with a lower grade receive favoritism over a hard worker simply due to the color of their skin?

This is all a part of a larger agenda.

RIP EU businesses. Cultural Marxism will be the death of you.

That’s not what that means.

Reverse racism is just being a dick to a white guy because they are white. This system is to help fix a culture problem. Women are more inclined to choose certain jobs others because of years of society pressuring them to do so. Same with men but to a lesser extent (e.g nurses).

So this system is described that way in the form of a “greater good” argument (although I will agree positive discrimination sounds bad).

Do people that identify as female count toward the quota?

The nationalist movement could use some more talented recruits.
Thanks EU.

>I for one won't believe we've got genuine equality until 50% of street cleaners are women
Thats the thing there will not be.
Nobody will force that quota.. why? We all know the answer. Well maybe one in this thread doesn't.

>positively discriminate
Hello Orwell! According to this Jewish logic, killing white people in Africa would be "positive genocide".

What’s your point?

I already explained the reason behind that is societal pressure to do something more “girly”.

Those who don't participate are able to out innovate and out produce you because your brute force methods are wasteful. They can only work if you're able to force everyone into the same requirements. This is why they always try to use governments to force the change. But since there is no one world government, countries who adopt these policies end up losing economically to those who don't. Making it EU wide just means all of the EU will be at a disadvantage compared to Asia and the Americas. This is also why communists push for a single world government and openly say communism can't work fully until that one world government exists.


The advent of PC meant that computing stopped being about socializing around the mainframe and started being about working individually. Women dropped out. Yeah, who would have guessed...

>Reverse racism is just being a dick to a white guy because they are white. This system is to help fix a culture problem. Women are more inclined to choose certain jobs others because of years of society pressuring them to do so. Same with men but to a lesser extent (e.g nurses).
People like you are the cultural problem. Women are not the same as men. You only wish to destroy natural systems. Gas yourself

>although I will agree positive discrimination sounds bad

It doesn't just 'sound bad', it represents a legal nightmare. One super jurisdiction demanding laws that discriminate ('positive' is a meaningless prefix) means that the jurisdictions obliged to change laws in line with that policy must examine everything on the books and create exceptions to align with the super jurisdiction's policy.

Then we get into the equality before the law dilemma. Discrimination is bad, therefor it is illegal, but now we need to discriminate, so here's the exception. You've just undermined an entire legal concept.

It won't get up, just a case of policy proclamation before seeking legal advice.

Youre getting the fast track version of no white or male at all so I dont know why you're happy. USA is united AGAINST you coz fuck drumpf

We are all fucked. Once our positions in the community are gone we can't fight this at all and with the astroturfing of us being subhuman we wont be treated well. Not like we treat others now. Already you have african americans refusing to treat white people in hospitals, laughing at old men dying in nursjng homes. Who is going to be your ally? We are losing any platform online to organise and fight back. Too many people have been brainwashed by the power is racism bullshit. Watch that definition change when we dont have any at all. It already prevents us being treated decently as a minority anyway.

This is fucked.

Media is a completely different ballpark. You are going to cast different people depending on the show you are going to make. For example, if you are making a show targeted towards the black demographic, you are probably not gonna have a white host are you?

>EU to push for 40% quota for women on company boards

Do women really think competence of company's leadership has no relation to productivity?
Are women all marxists?

>> Culture determine personal choices

But thats literally an opinion with no academic basis. You are just repeating the opinion of some structural-functionalists that have literally 0 material proof that their theories are more than mere correlations.
Watch this. It's entry level, so you should manage it.
It's not society. It's evolution via sex selection. Women fundamentally only care about raising young, for which they care about nurturing others and cooperating with other women. This guides all choices they make in life. Men only care about competing for a mate, which requires being the best provider and getting the most meat/money. This drives them to perform the most demanding and rewarding jobs they can, even if they're stressful and dangerous. Understanding this explains almost everything you see in society.

Because feminism is a movement of self serving middle class white women who think working on the railway tracks or fixing bust water mains at 3am is beneath them.

It'll end with men as a servile class doing all the hard work. You know, how it's always been except now men won't even get any credit for it. At least now there's a chance if not a promise of success out there.

thats sexist and I say that as a woman

>This system is to help fix a culture problem

No it's designed to bypass a genetic predisposition. Blacks are less intelligent than whites. IQ tests show that even when raised in "proper" middle class families blacks still score significantly lower on IQ tests than whites.

Their is a bellcurve, but the average IQ in the US is 85, and in Africa it's 70. Having millions of them poor into your countries will only cause problems.

>Women are more inclined to choose certain jobs others because of years of society pressuring them to do so.

No because they are genetically inclined to enjoy those jobs and be better at them. By all means if a rare women is a capable as a man at being a CEO she shouldn't be discriminated against, but forcing 40% fucking percent into companies just because they are women is bad for business and kills merit.

>Are women all marxists?
It seems so.

I gave some evidence earlier in the thread. It’s pretty well accepted as fact though.

>I already explained the reason behind that is societal pressure to do something more “girly”.
Except this is wrong, and have been proven wrong in every study.
The more equal a society is, the more likely women are to choose traditionally feminine careers. It has literally nothing to do with social pressure.

>> if you are making a show targeted towards the black demographic, you are probably not gonna have a white host are you?

Using the same logic, if you are making a show targeting at female children they should be about cooking and gender specific stereotypes, because thats what the targeted consumer wants. The fact that black people are racist isnt a justification to fuel that racism by hiring only blacks.

Just lol. Everyone knows that if you let the woman handle the finances you'll be poor forever.


Have another infographic about Jewish Media domination


Women are not equipped to handle the world, they are meant to be sheltered and assist their man and raise his kids.

>Women fundamentally only care about raising young, for which they care about nurturing others and cooperating with other women. This guides all choices they make in life. Men only care about competing for a mate, which requires being the best provider and getting the most meat/money.
This is all true but natural pressures also made mens brains different. Men are better at spacial reasoning and logic problems.

No, they are just easily manipulated, well-wishing fools. It's why the majority of advertising is targeted at them. And why jews/cultural Marxists love them.

>Their is a bellcurve, but the average IQ in the US is 85, and in Africa it's 70.

Are you seriously this fucking stupid? I will admit I am not equipped to have a conversation on race realism but that is just flat out retarded.

US is a first world country. It’s doing well enough financially that it can afford decent schools and education.

Africa is a continent. From this alone its somewhat unfair to compare the two but for the most part, the countries in Africa are pretty fucking poor. They cannot afford decent schools and education.

Yeah, in fact women are today pressured by the whole Jew agenda to try and become STEM specialists or other naturally masculine professions. So many of them can't cut it, then chimp out and go on a crusade against men, hoping to brute force their way into tech industries.

>That’s not what that means.
except is it, go ahead and look it up.

>US is a first world country. It’s doing well enough financially that it can afford decent schools and education.
Oh this is fuckin rich....