I hate america so goddamn mutch

I hate america so goddamn mutch








Shoulda let FDR give Brazil a permanent seat on the UN security council like he wanted.


>implying america saved europe by killing hitler


I like being opressed, thank you very much.

>putting retarded shitskins and commie-sympathizing spics in their place
>averting communist regimes and saving millions of lives in the process
>somehow a bad thing on america's part
Don't make me pull out the toothbrush, aquafresh.

Don't hate America. Hate those in power of America.

>During the Siege of Fort Zeelandia the Chinese took many Dutch prisoners, among them the Dutch missionary Antonius Hambroek and his wife, and two of their daughters. Koxinga sent Hambroek to Fort Zeelandia to persuade the garrison to surrender; if unsuccessful, Hambroek would be killed upon return. Hambroek went up to the Fort, where two of his other daughters still remained, and urged the garrison to not surrender. He subsequently returned to Koxinga's camp and was beheaded. Additionally, a rumor was spread among the Chinese that the Dutch were encouraging the native Taiwan aboriginals to kill Chinese. In retaliation, Koxinga ordered the mass execution of Dutch male prisoners, mostly by crucifixion and decapitation with a few women and children also being killed.
>The remainder of the Dutch women and children went into slavery, with Koxinga taking Hambroek's teenage daughter as his concubine (she was described by the Dutch commander Caeuw as "a very sweet and pleasing maiden", and some sources report her submission to have been voluntary) while other Dutch women were sold to Chinese soldiers to become their (secondary) wives or mistresses.
>The daily journal of the Dutch fort recorded that "the best were preserved for the use of the commanders, and the rest were sold to the common soldiers. Happy was she that fell to the lot of an unmarried man, being thereby freed from vexations by the Chinese women, who are very jealous of their husbands.
>The Chinese took Dutch women as slave concubines and wives and they were never freed: in 1684 some were reported to be living. In Quemoy a Dutch merchant was contacted with an arrangement to release the prisoners which was proposed by a son of Koxinga's but it came to nothing.
>Some Caucasian physical traits like auburn and red hair among people in regions of south Taiwan are most likely a consequence of this episode of Dutch women becoming concubines to the Chinese commanders.

Russia defeated Hitler and saved Europe.

None of you pussy fellow burgers will own up to all the shady shit we've done in south america. A large amount of what we've done is abhorrent, and we should honestly apologize.


>saved Europe


>pic related
great album btw

>subverting communist regimes from taking power and slaughtering millions is a bad thing
Soyboys like you are the worst.

And is still saving europe from the new threat called the EU.

keeping this part of the world free from communism is bad,how?


you mean everything China made. i dont see 'made in the US' in all the products here.

Anything to rid the world of the communist scourge. These men had a brave and righteous mission which they accomplished.

Exactly. I don't see the problem in that. The only issue is that it was done in secret, and for the interests of corporations.

We elected someone who is not sympathetic at all to the EU and is despised by Merkel so you can thank us for depriving the EU of an ally. Had Hillary won, then Russia would be doubly fucked and have to face down the Vagina Empress duo.

You didn't do either here, but yeah fuck the rest of 'em.


muh corporatiooooonsssss reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

And im glad for that but you also fucked us with a nigger last time with 2 terms.

You do know that's it's very easy for the citizen to destroy a corporation with their wallet, collectively ?

Once marxist take hold and freedom of enterprise is gone...Now then you're fucked and you need external rational powers (like the US) to free the citizens.


Brazil military regime was the best thing to happen in this shitty country.

I'm referring to the close cooperation between the American government and private interests, which has a long history going back to the Banana Republics. I am not talking about capitalism or private enterprise in general, but the way in which imperial power is exercised by the U.S.

>Che Guevara is murdered

Lol. He was a soldier in a self-declared war. He got killed in action, not "murdered."

I thought the consensus was that everything went to shit after Dom Pedro II died.

God forbid governments might actually discuss and coordinate with captains of industry.

Congressmen and cabinet members are fucking walking encyclopedias who know everything about everything.

They killed president Roldos in Ecuador too if I remember right.

>God forbid governments might actually discuss and coordinate with captains of industry.
Is this a euphemism for "corruption"? No wonder Romania is so fucked governmentally. It doesn't matter if they know everything if their interests lie not in public service but in private profit. One of the basic tenets of capitalism is maintaining a wide gulf between the state and enterprise.

>Brown people sell out their nations for shekels before being defeated in a war
>White people sell out their nations for shekels after being defeated in a war
>After losing a the biggest war in human history and getting nuked twice, Japanese people...

A nation state should never show weakness.

Finland is honorary Americans

Fuck up some Russian commies and quit whenever it feels like victory

Don't post it if you're not posting the webm cucklet!

I know it's all bants but theres Americans who unironically believe things like this and thats terrifying

It was a glimpse of hope. That was the last time we would have any resemblance of a strong right wing movement on Brazil until 2014

Wasn't it you Bongs who said "Ignorance is Strength?"

If they didn't act at the time Brazil would be looking a lot like Venezuela today

No one really has the right to say they hate something they have no real experience of; an American living in America has a far more absolute and genuine reason to hate the entirety of the nation, what it stands for, comprises, etc. than someone who has not lived here. Hate the foreign policy of a few dozen bloodsucking sycophants of Wall Street and their Lisa Simpson minions who passed the foreign service exam. Hate Walmart and McDonald's and Apple and Starbucks. Hate some specific general in charge of some military operation: you probably don't hate America. You probably don't know America. Very few people know it, just like they are probably unacquainted with true love or justice or real friendship. America is more a nebulous set of ideals and forgotten history and halcyon days than anything real, and I would hope you don't hate that. I am part of that; I like Faulkner and Melville and John Ford and lots of things and places and people and moments and landscapes that don't exist anymore. But I would no more associate those things with the people now living and speaking and acting on behalf of the state that inherited that name than I would call the barnacles and crabs that now inhabit it the new crew and passengers of the titanic.

shut up commie

>ussr saved europe
That was a mistake. Look what happened now.

Brought a tear to my eye.

Did your burger boyfriend switch over to Colgate?

The role of the US in most of those events is greatly overstated.
I wonder why the media never makes similar graphs about the involvement of the Soviet Union in the region?
They were as involved as the yankees were.