These are the future of Israel - ultra orthodox jews

These are the future of Israel - ultra orthodox jews

- Have 7 children per woman
- Don't have to serve in the military
- Don't work
- Gets subsidized
- Their population will increase from 1 million to 3 million before 2050
- Before 2065 50% of jews aged 0-14 years old will be ultra orthodox jews
- Will cause extreme economic problems for Israel in the future

>Don't work
how they get food then?
We won't give it to them forever

They get gibsmedats from the gouverment for Religious study. Also their wife can work too

Januzs, fetch your plunger and go back to the toilet, they need their shekels!

Thank god israel is almost 50% arabs at this point.

Why do they all look like shit?


>go back to the toilet
never been in Malmo
kikes will fail spectacularly, again, and the cycle will continue

>economic problems for Israel
No such thing possible as long as US exists.

There's actually lots of Polacks and ex-yugos living here. But there is lots of kebab too.

>never been in Malmo

behold, the famous "high iq" race that keeps being shilled about by goyim...

I pity you, seriously
you once wrecked our shit and now you are wreck yourself

This 'orthodoxy' will collapse the very minute the 13 year olds find pictures of niki manaj threesoming herself on the internet. Then they'll be immigrating to Burgerland.


None have a future

The niggers of Israel.

the mayority of liberal remaining jew will came to the usa,there is no form of get rid of them

>Then they'll be immigrating to Burgerland
Burgerland is better Promised Land than actual Israel. Jew in Israel is just a jew, jew in US is a member of sacred high caste to whom all the goyim bow. Goyim of Israel are arabs who hate jews, goyim of US voluntarily sell themselves into debt slavery. I wonder if there is a mistake in Torah regarding where promised land is.

God bless you NBAH. That's hilarious.

>I wonder if there is a mistake in Torah regarding where promised land is.


in all countries most religious and closed society people have way higher birthrates than rest of population

>truly the choosen people