
Volleyball is―

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It's confirmed that Egawa Hisao (myanimelist.net/people/1481/) will voice Coach in episode 9-10.

I only recognize his role as Mademoiselle Saigou in Gintama.

---not a game for those too afraid to fight and win.

on ice.

just a club


>Egawa Hisao
Talk about a career built around playing support roles. He's voiced nobody particularly memorable. I wonder if he'll try and voice-match Tanaka, he's almost 10 years older than Tanaka was.

I sure didn't expect that this week's manga chapter was going to be about Kiyoko.

It was refreshing. And she's totally hot in those panels.

I don't want ;_;

Reminder that the most intelligent member of Karasuno got schooled in how to love volleyball by the series equivalent of Captain Caveman.

>his VA died

Bokuto an ugly piece of shit.

Stay mad, pleb, you'll never be beautiful enough to set foot on his court.

I don't want to be on the court with an overgrown baby. He's gonna job at nationals and lose to fucking Sakusa in the first match then throw a tantrum about it.

Have we ever seen this team before? I don't recall.

When Owls send Sakusa's autist ass home in a bodybag, you'll suck a hundred dicks to be allowed to die for your wretched faithlessness.

No. They're from another prefecture.

Did they start the nationals already?

Nope, new team from a place that's never even been referenced in the series before. Repping a different region from the super powerhouses that got mentioned earlier on.

Won't happen because Itachiyama is getting hyped up and Sakusa is supposed to be better than Bokuto anyways. You just better hope Fukurodani gets matched against some fodder team first so they don't completely embarrass themselves.

Owl is cute, though

Should be next chapter but at the rate it's getting padding out maybe not even then. Hinata losing his shoes was just a waste of time.

Hinata losing his shoes was a plot device to showcase Kiyoko's POV and to have Yachi sitting on the bench with Ukai and Takeda for the first time.

Sakusa might be better than Bokuto, but he's not better than Bokuto + Akaashi. Itachiyama's going to lose if they face Fukurodani.

We don't even know Itachiyama's setter yet. Plus their libero is supposed to be #1. Fukurodani only has Bokuto and Akaashi and we all know how risky it is to depend on Bokuto and his moodswings, especially against a skilled libero not letting him through.

They have to find a way to make Itachiyama seem more OP than Shiratorizawa and it seems like Fukurodani has to be the one to fall on the sword. If the manga decides to go to the next year then Karasuno will probably defeat cats but lose to Itachiyama too.

Kiyoko's been Misaki'd already?

Subs out.

Tsukki's back next episode!

Having Fukurodani lose against Itachiyama seems like a smart way to make them menacing. To be honest I really doubt that Karasuno will face Fukurodani this time since there's been barely any build up for that, while Itachiyama is being hyped a lot and I see a match against them one where Kageyama would have to go into full king mode in order to unleash all his team's potential (remember that Hinata has crowned him king again). On the other hand an official match against Nekoma is the manga's goal but I can't see that one being the final one, so probably they will face the cats in the semifinals?

Yeah, the super powerhouses from way back and all the new characters from the training camps had me doubting myself.

A sport for high school girls


Seems to be setting up for a really long and frustrating arc. I wonder what Sakusa has that will make him more threatening than Ushijima. He seems like the kind that would get triggered if you even touched him.

The match against Itachiyama will probably be another namek. And the one against Nekoma too. I hope that this first match and the ones that will follow won't get too long, especially because I'm pretty sure Furudate will show bits of Nekoma, Fukurodani and maybe even Niiyama and that is going to fill up more chapters.

Itachiyama's setter will probably be to their game/team what Tendo was to Shiratorizawa.

Goodbye coach.

Shit sucks, yo. God's got some shit to answer for.

Holy shit, I haven't been so HYPE'd for a long time.
Those are the last words of Ukai's seiyuu in Haikyuu and they sure are epic. Manly tears were shed

RIP. Wonder if they will include a memoir of something in the credits, never seen it in any other seasonal anime I can think of.

I agree he'll probably bounce between different teams matches. Karasuno's first match will probably be 3-4 chapters tops. Karasuno vs Nekoma might be long, but it will be better than Shiratorizawa since they have long standing friendly rivalry built up between them.

I was wondering what his last line would be, this seems so poetic and fitting for a send off.

I hope so. Something white-on-black, absolutely silent, for the space of precisely 5 heartbeats.

>Suga calling Tendou out and headfucking him

Mr. Refreshing played Freak Boy like a fiddle.

He looks almost like the dude from prison school.

Yeah, I don't mind Nekoma's match being as long as Shiratorizawa's because of the friendly rivalry and how familiar we already are with Nekoma.

If his face scrunches any more it might devour itself.

>2 episodes left
Season 4 when?

>2 episodes left
>1 point left

stand back.
i'll save karasuno.


When Nationals is over in the manga. So 4 years from now probably.

I'm glad they didn't choose to drag things or put some filler to get a full cour, but it still feels bad.

Even if they waited for more manga, no way this match would have fit in anywhere with a full season without feeling unbalanced.

Makes me wonder if they can even do additional seasons with the matches lasting longer and longer. It'd have to turn into one of those shitty ongoing anime and sacrifice it's good animation.

The answer is movies.
They are gonna release some compilation movies while waiting for more material to animate.
And if the series dies by itself by then, i guess nothing will be lost to them, fujos will latch onto another sport series with homo undertones sooner or later anyway.

Wait, what, the guy died?

>singing your shitty school anthem.

BTFO, you shitters.

>Didn't care about him before
>Now my favorite character

Who else


I wouldn't say he's my favorite, but I definitely went from hating him to loving him. It's hard not to. The development for him has been solid.

I don't think they'll do movies since shiratorizawa wouldn't even fit in the movie time slot. If the anime continues they'll just have a lot of cliffhanger endings. Fujos have already lost interest in haikyuu so they won't have that cash flow, but I think it could sustain itself on the typical shonen demographic.

His development has been here since the beginning of s2 and you only started liking him now?


Goddamn, that was amazing. I never get tired of Hinata making everyone quiet


Is Tsukki meant to be the deuteragonist? Literally naming them sun and moon and Tsukki gets the most focus after the MC.

Don't look down, Sup Forumsnons.

why is this the only animu i enjoy anymore
when this ends it will truly be the end for me

That fucking artwork

You could read the manga or get better taste.
It might come as a surprise but haikyuu isn't the only sports animu out there.

Major character I guess. Furudate just really really likes his non-subtle symbolism.
Gotta remember that kage in Kageyama is shadow. So he's the shadow to Hinata's sun.

i tried to get into the basketball animu but it was gay as shit
anything better?

Because you are retarded. There plenty other stuff to watch.

KnB is shit

>an anime about volleyball
Shieet, is it good lads?

Maybe one of the best sports anime ?

How new? This is episode 58

The question is when will Yamaguchi get an arc. Of all the first years, he seems so far behind. It even seems like Kinnoshita might overlap with him.

>S4 when
Probably sometime next year if IG is only doing 1 cour seasons now.

Fugg, I'll have to download it.

I never browse here last anime I watched was Angel Beats lmao.

His got time in S2, and is consistenly developing slowly as the pinch server. Ennoshita also got time.
The ones getting fucked over are Kinoshita (though he plays sometimes, like today's ep) and Narita who is literally who.

I want to pat his fluffy head.

He already got his resolve in the match against Aoba.

That was nothing compared to Tsukki's build up and pay off. They were introduced around the same time so you'd think he'd have gotten more, but I guess you run into this problem when having too many characters and trying to make them all shine.

KnB is superior to Haikyuu.

Tsukki is a bigger character in the sense he's a starting player whereas the yams is a pinch server.

Haikyuu is gayer than Kuroko, all sports anime are gay, sweaty, emotions are high, team of all men that need unconditional trust etc. Even individual sports anime are gay somehow.

They are the same level, but haikyuu fans like to pretend it's superior because no superpowers.

I just couldn't stand all the edglord characters in KnB, it's just cringy.

Then you're not gonna like where haikyuu is going.

The bigger question is when will Tanaka ever grow in skills
Everyone else got a power-up or has a specialty and he's just a regular wing spiker who hits things less hard than Asahi.

wut who except Akashi who shows up at the end is edgy?

All of the main 7 are top edge

All the 2nd years besides maybe Noya are neglected. It really seems like they won't get developed until the 3rd years are already graduated.

Tsukki is Furudate's favorite on Karasuno and he doesn't know what to do with the rest.

I wish they have recorded until the end of the season. Not looking forward to next week.

By that definition then all of Shiratorizawa are edgelords as well.

>The bigger question is when will Tanaka ever grow in skills
Now that he has a waifu he will power up.

they're tenacious in their love for the sport but I wouldn't exactly call them edgy, in fact I'd say all main characters are distinct and fun to watch, their interactions are what makes the show great.

They win right? My heart can't take it if they lose

The fact that they have recorded until this far is amazing.

the only edgelord was that faggot with the thick eyebrows.