Sup Forums have been slow these days
Sup Forums have been slow these days
Go back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums then.
As much as I still love Sup Forums, it kind of is
You mean "has", BR monkey.
Go back to Sup Forums.
well I dropped everything airing this and previous season so there's really no point in coming in here too often
and it looks like winter season is going to be garbage as well
there are a few promising titles sometime in 2017 though, I hope I can finally stop working on my backlog
Speak English you nigger.
And slow is good, retards are easier to handle then.
Sup Forums post speed peaked in 2012/2013, its been a steady decline since.
This is a good thing.
Stats way before all this mod happening started to take place
>Babbies first shit season
Stats during core of the mod happening when all generals disappeared from catalog and many users banned and many posts deleted
Stats of today, still fresh out of the oven
nothing seems to have changed?
Even with it cycling through the same shill threads and bland best girl topics it still can't create an illusion to mask this. We all know it's cause anime has been dog shit for a while now and there's little to talk about but nobody will ever just come out and say it cause Sup Forums doesnt like making factual to the point observations. Everything needs some level of misguided grandiosity to try to start a meme because people are stupid that way
What's wrong with his English?
That's because there hasn't been a good anime since Madoka aired
That's what I would think so too after reading those charts.
Is this when they got rid of the non shitposters and actual anime and games fans cause this seems like a thing that happened
Isn't Sup Forums always like this? Most people prefer to lurk rather than posting.
So if the mods got rid of all the "non-shitposters" and "actual anime and games fans", and Sup Forums still hasn't really dropped down in speed or amount of replies significantly, it just means that Sup Forums really just is a now a medium-speed board.
Personally, I actually do like how it is right now. And if the repetitive permanent social-hangout threads can really be dealt with permanently, it might even become even better.
flip flappers
More like people only watch Sony shilled shit now and even they can't maintain the illusion that any of that crap has been any good of late even with the same old slap Sawano/Kajiura and popular eroge/LN writers on anything they possibly can approach. it's also like they have to be some sort of pace setter that nobody is allowed to do any better than so now that even they're stugging everyone else can only do about as shitty or worse.
I honestly don't know why the industry can't just make a real show again as opposed to all this blatantly commercial slapped together production committee crap. The stories and characters in virtually everything coming out are garbage by any standard but I guess that's still somewhat okay as long as the names are familiar and they did something good years ago. The reaction to these shows are arguable the only thing more phoned in and disingenious feeling.
Basically if there supposed to be passion as a guiding force for why anime still exists and people keep working in the industry it really could have fooled me with its output in the last 3 years straight
That would be awesome though calling them social hangouts seems like own too much credit since they come across more as blatant specific name dropping bordering on shilling for the most part
not even as a joke