This is considered white in america

>this is considered white in america

56% nationalist

>this is considered degenerate in america

i just lol'd


no, no, ... I mean, uncanny. Yeah, uncanny.

that's a fucking spic


>clark county

My buddy spent time in that jail. Its fucking horrible.

>white supremacist
>isn't even white

at least the tattoo artist had a sense of humour and made the German soldier on his back a chink

>nazi officer
pick one, only one, then go fuck yourself

spics who can’t speak spanish get nazi tattos in prison
I can’t explain it
I know it’s retarded

Funny thing is that he would mop the floor with your dumb ass.

America is a cautionary tale for Evropa


hmmm how can you tell?

that supremecy thing is just retarded, we need to preserve ourselves, not be supreme to others. Make Europe, European again. that's all.

Defense, not Offense

Not white, delusional

she should end up in a KZ

So many killings and suicides happening everyday...
Now imagine if those faggots instead of shooting random losers killed Soros and his kids, (((politicians))), (((journalists))), (((bankers))), etc. If they're going to waste their lives at least do something useful.


>whiter than you, Mohammed

Cuck point of view >that supremecy thing is just retarded, we need to preserve ourselves, not be supreme to others.

Chad RAHOWA warrior:

>>that supremecy thing is just fucking good, we need to kill their kids, not be tolerate to others.

>a Mexican white seprmacist

Wew lads

This is what /pol want's you to be kids

1456 niggers

> Mexican white supremacist
> American white supremacist
How are they different?



blurring the hakenkreuz