Twitter is beginning the great purge

Twitter is beginning the great purge

First they decheckmark everyone and now they are banning people they dont like

MDE was just suspended a little while ago

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>all of this happens after the new Saudi prince gains power at the behest of (((America))) after (((Kushner))) visited
dont worry though Trump will fix this, he is god emperor afterall right?

Where have you been user? Those that don't kiss the lefty ring have been getting the axe left and right for the last year or so.

Meh. Twitter could solve all their problems right now, if they really wanted to. That blue check mark is seen as a beacon of privilege, despite the fact that it's just proof that you are who you say you are. The one privilege it DOES come with is the fact that you can screen tweets from all people who DON'T have the little checkmark.

But imagine, if you will, that Twitter, in it's crusade to end the death threats, harassment, and the like, decided to take the stand that literally anyone who could prove who they said they were was able to get a check mark (and the privilege to ignore those without them). All of a sudden, normal people wouldn't see the death threats from unknown people, and the people who sent the death threats/harrassment that had blue check marks... well, you would know exactly who they are, wouldn't you? Of course, then the Blue Checkmark Society wouldn't have the privilege of ignoring legitimate criticism from normal people.

Twitter is a dying company, and it's their own doing.

Looks like Kushner might go down. Hilarious that those on the Left will be talking about Kushner's e-mails.


I got my account locked for suspicious activity, when all I did was like a couple Trump tweets. I literally have never sent a tweet and rarely like anything.

I never had one, but my wife got her account locked after making a single tweet, after being dead in the water for years.

Doesn't the Saudi Prince that owns the four seasons at Mandalay Bay or the guy that tried to assassinate the Saudi Prince that owns the four seasons own 70% of Twitter? Rosanne Barr got shut down on Twitter asking for Q user to dm her pizzagate stuff. IGE, pizzagate, gamergate, PBIS, common core, DiGRA, DARPA, Mandalay Bay mass shooting, Saudi Arabia, alphabet soup niggers, oh my god it all makes sense now. Pedophilia and worse. It's not Twitter purging. It's the deepstate it's all connected. It's (((them))) oh my god. Bad shit's going to happen.

Saudi connections to IGE and gaming?

Bill gates and Microsoft are involved too. Bill co owns four seasons with that one Saudi Prince. Xbox, Windows, internet, hardware, technology, etc, oh my god. It's all connected but i don't now how. Even feminist SJW's are losely connected.

Was Bill Gates meeting with his Saudi business partner that night? About pizzagate and gamer gate and how to better weaponize SJW and video game journalists? Was Bill Gates the VIP black water user was trying to hint about?

Not surprising, dead people can't tweet.

I started a satire bana alabed account relating to Catalonia which stated it was satire on the page and it was locked after 2 tweets

Well, that's suspicious. You should've tweeted one or two things ("I'm on Twitter now, yay!") and liked/retweeted/responded to some normie stuff (news or whatever).
Just making an account and then like a bunch of tweets looks like a bot.

Fuck off, Sam. Nobody fucking cares, stop trying to push your "comedy troupe's" half-baked swill. Just because the production value's gotten better since you and yours started out, that doesn't mean that your content's good. You're the "conservative"-comic equivalent of Michael Bay, stop trying to Jew us into consuming more idiot swill. And stop trying to use serious political issues like the Twitter purge to push that swill.

Too late!
I already deleted my account yesterday!
Fuck you Twitter! Go hang yourself!


Picrel is bullshit, I know people on stamps, a mother with two kids gets like 4-5 hundo a month. Hollywierd just believes anything they're told.

Doesn't matter. A single person could feed themselves for a week, even when limited to 30 bucks.

Sam Hyde is a self-admitted pedo.

Please don't make him mad, we have made it days without a mass murder but you're trying to set the madman off!

I wasn't disagreeing with that, but they get enough to eat really well, they don't even have to budget properly. I buy my food with cash, food stamp mamas always get better food than me, name brands while I get walmart's brand.

wow, Sam Hyde is so popular!
what a great account he lost
so sad

>despite the fact that it's just proof that you are who you say you are
No it's not. Their terms explicitly state that it is removed if you "associate" with people or use sites Twitter doesn't support.

They don't understand the implications but that's what it says.

When we gain power, never forget what they did to us

well what are you guys going to do?
cry about it?


This cant be. Sound horns

The world needs a new, free speech microblogging service, I do not want to use reddit or faceberg...

Get a reality check bud.

all liberal platforms are dying because there’s only so many times you can talk about white privilege, the patriarchy and made up genders and sexual orientations before everyone starts repeating themselves in more and more desperately left ways. these “people” are dead inside and live only to virtue signal the same exact shit everyone else on their garbage platforms signal and it just all blends together into a creative dead zone filled with the most pathetic form of hatred and jealousy for normal people

also for fuck sake trump is single handedly keeping twitter alive. every one of his tweets becomes an endless chain reaction of liberal butthurt and signaling. they fucking live for daddy’s tweets


>abusing power is only justifiable because we (the left) have it
Gee, and you wonder why so many people hate you these days

>t-twitter should respect my speech
>f-free speech is in the constitution; it's a constututional right
twitter is a private company you faggots, you can't complain them for not wanting pieces of shit like you muddying their website up and ruining it
they have the right to do that, it's a fucking website

The check mark has more purpose to it.

Supposedly if you have it you can switch to only seeing comments from other check marks. Liberals want conservatives un checkmarked because then then they don’t have to read their comments in their sanitized twitter accounts.

this. silencing the opposition is a fascist play

sam is not going to let them get away with this.

>mde twitter is gone

fuck. I kind of liked seeing it peppered in between all the porn. 90% of twitter is just worthless morons complaining.

>unironically defending discrimination
The irony is rich.

>social media platform actually starts bothering to punish people disobeying their terms of service
>this is truly our night of long knives

go make your own shit then, faggot

This is not any different than banning people who shit up an online forum. Everybody from the community thinks it's a good idea, so it's not really thought of as "discrimination".

>edgy comedian makes edgy statements
colour me surprised

>It is a Neo-Liberal play.

Everyone knew this was coming. He set himself up with the perfect excuse to get rid of him.

But why?

Never really considered that, but it makes sense.

Who is this person and why should I care that they got banned from Twitter?

Twitter is a private company. If you don't like them censoring your shitty opinion you're free to stop using their service(s). They're as free to discriminate against your ass as you're to discriminate any random negro or Bulgarian or whatever in your house.

>its not real discrimination
If you say that Twitter is a service and say if someone who held strong religious convictions was (((banned))) on the basis of their religious convictions or alternatively lets say the Terms of Service specifically reserves the right to ban people for holding strong religious convictions.

Then it is still discrimination.

>private company isn't letting me do x with their platform

But they can vote democrat.

>muh private company
Not in certain US jurisdictions discrimination on the basis of political opinions or religion is illegal and those regulations have no Constitutional constraints and apply to businesses that provide services which means it includes Twitter.

They're getting ready for 2020. They want 0 right wing presence on Twitter for the next election

They just nuked MDE? Christ... WHY???? Twitter isn't going to have anybody left. They will only use it to check in on what Trump tweets out.

MDE = "Million Dollar Extreme."

This argument is old and tired. Doesn't work anymore. Find a new one.

I know a bitch on food stamps and the only kitchen I've seen better stocked was at a friend's house who's dad was the District Attorney.

>Pretending to understand American law

>mfw still considered private company even though owned by millions on stock exchange

Yeah dude I'm sure Trump's people called up the crown prince to discuss Twitter bans

>Still using Twatter for anything
>Why do dey keep silencing us on a platform that hates us and we keep trying to use it instead of making something else?

>it's discrimination to stop people from using your company's platform after they violate the ToS

Not even worth the (you).

>yfw twitter is doing this as pretense to finally permaban Trump account
>trump then goes to Gab and the race war finally starts

>Harvey Weinstein is still verified

why they ban MDE?? It was pretty lightweight pro-trump feed, nothing to fancy

why would you post that ugly frog on here you fucking faggot

6/10 with big butts are the best you stupid paprikanigger

>internet censorship is okay if gatekeeper multinationals exercise it voluntarily
>implying kekistanis and freeze peach commies won't find themselves without a platform as well once this ball gets rolling

>You're the "conservative"-comic equivalent of Michael Bay
top kek. I still like MDE though. Kickstarter TV is is fucking classic.

>reaching this far for an outdated media platform that until recently had a 150 character limit
>advocating against free market
if you don't like their new rules then don't use their products, are you retarded?

It's raining special snowflakes

This is truth. Never date a 10. They are problems. 6/7 cuties with rump are absolutely the best

>serious political issues like the Twitter purge

What right do you have to use someone else’s platform?

Do you own the company?

Well I think that’s bullshit and I believe in freedom of association. I should be able to refuse service to niggers and fags, and they should be able to refuse service to me.

But black dynamite, WE'RE fascists!

>duuuuuh f-fwee mawkit doe

Its based out of California, which is one of the few states that has has laws against discrimination due to political views.

do you know how publicly traded companies work? Just asking

Never apologize, the very nature of Sam Hyde means he would eventually be Shoah'd.

There is NOTHING he could say to not make him hated and targeted by the liberals. Don't grovel, don't beg, don't apologize.

anybody know what sam got banned for, specifically?

Chink Nigger doesn't give a fuck about Anas husband

>commie cucks

Just for who he is, he was slated for termination by Twitter a long time ago. For him to not be terminated he literally has to be another person with a completely different set of beliefs.

grabbin that bacon

sammyboi just can't win anymore. I'm afraid he will commit seppku or become a homeless drug addict under 2018

No clue, likely a victim of a group of people deciding to abuse the reporting system.

She's wifey material, in twenty she will probably still look close to this good, even after sprogs; while your 9/10 will have put on a hundred pounds, and become a butter face.

I just signed up and they called it "automated behavior" and locked my account almost immediately.

>post about shooting liberal darlings for a 100% guaranteed ban = not apologizing
You're a fucking moron and a liability to anyone close to you

Imagine voluntarily pozzing for corporations on Sup Forums.

You are astoundingly naive if you think he would be spared.
They've been itching to pull the trigger on him and he knew it.

Only going to get worse. On dec 18, twitter will start banning you for unapproved websites you go to while you are not logged into twitter. You know, all the ones they don't like. All those wrongthink websites all over the web...

There is no FoA. It's only the lefty homo cartel that gets to decide.

but in May 2016, twitter signed an agreement with the EU that they would go by EU laws, not american ones. twitter is just the first to apply narrow-minded EU laws on us...the rest will follow

>speaking up for the basics of capitalism against commie cucks is bad
lol back to redd*t, fag

Once again, you're a fucking moron.

He gave them the perfect excuse instead of contributing to the cause by going down for something ridiculous that will backfire on them.

who do you think they are really targeting, based upon who they currently ban for the sole reason of being a conservative voice?

I've had two accounts shoa'd in the last two weeks. One with over 1k followers. Fucked up

The problem is that with net neutrality they had the benefits of being a private corporation without any downsides. We should have issued them an ultimatum to respect free speech in exchange for government regulation against isps.