GOP Tax Plan for the Rich?

This is how the taxes of one student are set in increases after the GOP plan. Now single women won't be able to claim head of household due to Repubkicsn changes. How does this tax bill help anyone but the 1%? How can you support this?

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>Free Tuition not taxed

So basically Grad students want their tuition for free and don't want to pay taxes? Can you not see how this is clearly tax evasion? Th students give their highly trained research associate time to the university, and they in return could pay them in cash but instead they are paid in tuition.

Boo fucking hoo get a cheaper apartment or better yet don't go to a school with $50,000 tuition (which you are getting FOR FREE) and you wont have this problem.

t. biotech grad student slaving for barely any sheckles but you do get a PhD at the end.

Sup Forums will defend everything this globalist does, and make excuses for him every time.

>bends the knee to China
"He's getting us new trade deals!"

>bends the knee to Israel
"Israel is our closest ally! Gtfo achmed!"

>bends the knee to Saudis
"The Saudis are our allies! get out of here commie!"

>indirectly brutally murders elephants
"b-b-ut he's helping the elphants because there'll be more of a demand for them! gtfo shareblue!"

>Lets Hillary away with everything
"T-They're still investigating her!" Fuck off shill!"

>Fills the White House with swamp
"Not everything is black and white. These billionaire Rino globalists are clearly capable politicians!"

So you support tax increases. Okay.

This tax bill is clearly a violation of the promise to decrease taxes for everyone. Single women's taxes are about to go up and so are the taxes of graduate students. But when you tell Trumpies this is going to increase taxes, they suddenly support a tax increase! It never stops.

Wtf! I hate Trump now.

This person doesn’t even understand how taxes work.

>college educated single women are getting a tax hike
this is the best timeline and divine punishment though. Trump is literally doing a soft beta uprising and punishing the dumb roastie whores with this bill.

PhD student here at a private university who'd be affected in a similar manner. The $50k in tuition as far as I understand it is fuzzy accounting done by the university such that they can claim grants or tax exemptions or other funny business behind the scenes. Students never see a cent of it, however the university often collects all or part of the tuition from a national government, the NSF or foreign equivalents. For example I know someone from Italy who has all of the tuition paid for by that government, you can see why universities like this arrangement. It would be simple for universities to drop the tuition waiver -- for people like me it's just accounting (unless there's something behind the scenes I'm not privy to) -- and pay the stipend, which is well below market salary for non-humanities PhDs which is the "cost" that's really being paid for degree.

As always, when you tax something you get less of it and when you subsidize something you get more of it. Insofar as there's a glut of postgraduate education, taxing it as other income would be taxed is sensible as well as cutting off a mechanism through which governments occasionally subsidize graduate education. Like many other actions by this administration, their heart's in the right place but the implementation is rocky. E.g. sunsetting the waiver in 2022 barring additional legislation would be a way to do so while allowing time for universities to adjust and enrollment drop. Public universities would be kinda screwed with this since they may not be able to unilaterally change compensation schemes without state legislature approval. That said, if you're getting a PhD at Bumfuck State Tech you should drop ASAP.

It's also important to note that the abolition of the tuition waiver is in the House version but not the Senate version, so we may very likely go with the Senate version upon reconciliation.

It's very entertaining watching lefties argue against increased taxes for the first time in their lives.

he's raising taxes on single moms (the left) and college brats (the left) OF COURSE WE SUPPORT THIS


>Now single women won't be able to claim head of household
I love this plan already.

the mental gymnastics you guys do on a daily basis is astounding. That's coming from a guy who voted for the bastard.

didnt vote

electoral college for a reason

hildabeast won by a few mil

doesnt matter

fuck peasants

Yup its a wonderful tax plan. You forfeit your right to bitch if you lose 10k of your 80k a year finance.

Just middle upper class singles. Working class see a cut and so do corporations which keeps america numa one.

Is that Charlize Theron? That would be like poetry. Fucking niglets.

The poor need to pay more taxes.

I was wondering how long it was going to continue when I lived there. Almost 50% of the USA pay no income tax and actually a lot of them get a tax credit at the end of the year. If you are a father at work with a wife at home with your three or more kids, the tax “refund” starts to get ridiculous.

>not even the right tax bracket for the second part
luh moa

The problem is most income is taxed before people get it, so a lot of people don't even need to mess with it unless they get payed in cash. As a result, when they file for their return and have a substantial number of credits, they get a large sum back.
Its goofy and more of a problem in how the system is set up rather than how much people get taxed.

There's no glut of postgraduate education. Many tech firms are complaining Americans aren't qualified, educated, or skilled enough to fill all the positions, hence they resort to H1B.
Now, the powers that be are trying to get rid of H1B and prevent Americans from getting much needed post graduate education that the private sector desperately wants.
Basically: recipe for disaster. US will lose world superpower status if this continues.

Oh that's bullshit and you should know it. Tech companies don't need degrees in history or English. CS PhDs make up a very small portion of graduate education, and even granting your assumption that lack of graduate education is driving skills mismatch that we see, that would call for targeted funding of those programs rather than broad based education subsidies. Skills mismatch is more likely caused by lack of experience in whatever niche technologies companies are using, which is gained from work experience not education. Companies prefer H1B because 1) they're cheaper and 2) can't easily quit for a higher salary so you can safely invest in skills the employee lacks. That Americans lack ability for those jobs is apologia used to justify continuing the program.

>you can safely invest in skills the employee lacks
That's everything. Very few Pajeets I've worked with have actual degrees. They pick a big university in India and lie. Most people in India have the same last name.
They come over are lazy and they brag about lying. It's all about money for those company

>tfw I've called ICE and gotten 7 deported

Because they are edgy teenager or neets (white version of gibs me dat) that not pay taxes yet.

If your going to grad school make sure its not for zero G basket weaving. If that were tuition for a structural engineering PHD they would have it paid off in 2 years.

Why is that mean white lady trying to kidnap that poor niglet?

>all grad students drop out
>they are all hired by the school to study for minimum wage
>the tuition is now an expense for the college to train their employees
>their degrees look a little different

>make 100k a year
>my taxes will drop by $1300
let the faggots pay for their free income too

the rich get richer baka

>trying to argue that the new tax plan will tax you on loans as income

Patently false like all other Leftist lies

I'm fine with tuition wavers being taxed. I'm not OK with the university paying me $17k/year. It isn't enough to live on, hell, it's not even enough to make it through the school year. On top of that, my advisor wants me to work for free all summer.

>turning to H1B

stopped reading there, they turn to h1b because they can pay them a fraction of the cost, which is why when Trump signed that bill saying H1B's have to be paid the same as American employees Silicone valley and all those places flipped their shit.

There is enough skill, there is not enough skill to pay people to do a skilled job for dirt cheap.

you guys remember when trump was a populist?

Gets a 51k "gift" in exchange for labor.

Claims it isn't income, claims it shouldnt be taxed. Welcome to the real world. Maybe we should lower everyone's taxes and stop welfare

Maybe the university system has been double-dipping for decades.

They don't even have to do that, they can just drop their tuition, there's no law that says a school must charge tuition.

However as stated before if they don't charge tuition they don't get that check coming from the government. So now they either have to pay PhD students more or lower/drop tuition if they want students to succeed.

Colleges are a business that are subsidized by the taxpayer and while they do do good things there is currently too much bloat like any government job. Tuitions are high not because it costs more to teach kids but because the school gets administrative jobs for their friends and the high ups want a fat paycheck. So they hike tuition, and cut more needed crap to sustain all while also getting government money.

I think the Dean or head chancelor of UCSF makes 500k a year and UCI makes like 300k a year. I'm sure other schools are just as bad.

>mfw their apartment is exactly twice as much as mine xD

Yeah fuck training scientists and research engineers! Let’s let those fuckers go over to Europe with all the rest of the libtards

meanwhile im disabled and will probably get an increase in monthly benefits
thanks drawmftph

>$1k a month to spend on whatever the fuck you want after paying for rent and tuition
literally what the fuck is this snowflake complaining about

According to this all deans make atleast 150k a year.

Chancelor makes 750k at UCSF

Just look up salaries these people are making, and this is why I oppose free college, these people are making tons off taxes and jacking up prices on what's become a necessity for jobs, all while throwing out shitty degrees to keep their income afloat. If college were free you can guarantee they'd be paying themselves more and no one would bat an eye. It would just be another form of government stealing money, which it already is.

yeah man, we should fuck over higher education, we can surely compete with china by raising a nation full of carpenters and plumbers.

>car insurance
>misc subscriptions
>recreational activities like going out to eat
aaaaand it's gone. good luck affording the new nintendo

Good. America will lose more STEM graduate students. Net benefit for the rest of the developed world. BASED!!

Removing the tax incentives for divorce.

Single moms pay more

Feels good man

>we should fuck over higher education,
As a PhD student, YES. The university system has graduate students against a wall. I'm frankly jealous of these grad students getting $30,000 stipends. My school makes a shitload of money off my teaching and gains from my research while I make the decision of whether to buy groceries or pay the utilities.
The university system needs a shake up. It just sucks being the shake.

Yes, good times.

There's a 0% bracket for income from $1 - $12,000 tax bracket and he's not using it in his second formula. He's using the wrong formula. Bullshit numbers, garbage in garbage out.

>paying me $17k/year
>work for free

>misc subscriptions
It's almost like they already have disposable income, but they are counting their wants as necessities...

>health insurance waiver
IF you start asking why health care is so expensive in the first place - its because idiots like you got the state involved because of
>muh Bobama care
If this was free market medicine the best health care plan would cost less than your monthly iphone bill.
>Standard deduction
>personal exemption
Here you go again with the state getting involved in your shit where it should not have been in the first place. If you supported free markets you would be able to keep everything you earn, and not need loop holes and write off s to fucking survive.
>Tax Bracket
Suddenly a flat tax seems like a decent idea doesn't it?
>Yearly rent
I hope you live in NYC or a big city for 1100 rent... otherwise wtf are you doing not owning your property? Jesus you can get a 200k mortgage for less than that shit.

If you really care about how much you spend in taxes - maybe first look at why things are so expensive in the first place - and realize that all that stupid "free sheeeit" women vote for have to be paid for by taxes... No one gets a free ride anymore, and it was your garbage idea of the government paying for shit that pushed the national debt to where it is now. So you have no room to complain.

>. Single women's taxes are about to go up
i don't think you can pass a bill that says only women taxes will go up.

>>paying me $17k/year
>>work for free
They pay me a stipend for during the school year but are asking me to keep going, for free, during the summer. It's 100% bullshit.

look at this faggot still buying food and paying for utilities. get SIG nigga

you don't understand liberals they are entitled to all this shit. like how they're entitled to make 100k jobs after college because they learned how to repeat what their teacher said in college

Good, single women especially those wasting their fertile years taking spots away from men in grad school deserve to die

everything i listed prior to subscriptions is a necessity in todays world otherwise why live? to be poor and miserable? go fuck yourself.

>necessity in todays world otherwise why live? to be poor and miserable? go fuck yourself.
oh look I found the liberal. give me free stuff and increasing more so I can be happy and not pay anything.

pay your fair share faggot

no but you can go ahead and break your back if you want i don't give a fuck

Cool, now show me one for a middle class person who isn't a grad student and doesn't own a $500,000 house.

>hand scribbled bullshit
>women won't claim HOH
>HOH is only for women

>op hears overhears something said about proposed taxes
>anxiety attack induces
>publishes a bunch of incorrect information
>IRS hasn't come out with anything
>sky is litterally falling

OP eat a handful of your Klonopin, calm the fuck down, proposals, nothing has even yet

>NYC or a big city for 1100 rent... otherwise wtf are you doing not owning your property? Jesus you can get a 200k mortgage for less than that shit.
There's a big gap between $1100 rent and a housing market with such cheap houses. My town's median is $260,000. There's no way I'd qualify on my student wages, plus I'll only be here for a few more years.

That's the point I'm making. This is not a conservative tax reform platform where we are trying to lower everyone's taxes. The taxes that have been chosen to be lowered are selected to achieve social goals. How would you like it if democrats raised taxes on families to decrease human overpopulation? You'd lose your shit. But for some reason you're okay with the tax code being used for social engineering, as long as it's being engineered in the way you like. This is not a conservative tax reform package, this is more social engineering. Not only that but it also causes a serious problem in the higher echelons of education. We're trying to shit down the HB1 program while also constructing the number of PHDs we produce. Is the goal of the administration to brain drain all of our human capital away?

International student here, I recieve 2300$ for 9 months as TA sallary, after taxes I get around 1900$. With this I believe it will be 1400$.

I can live with 1400$, I have roommates, I don't have expensive hobbies rent+food+bills+car expenses woudl cost me around 1300. It is manegable for me. It is not manegable for people who have kids, wives who don't work etc.

Though I must admit I don't understand the american system, you pay for foreign grad students of out goverments pocket and instead of using them you are telling them to gtfo as fast as possible. So a biomedical researcher in a state university costs around 250.000$ for the country, and you rather kick him out than to stay.

oh look the liberal who still wants more free shit and not pay for anything. no wonder he wants bernie who praised mao for killing 60 million of his kind and stalin who wiped out 1/3 of his countrymen

when communism comes you'll be the first to go fag boy. prove me wrong

>why don't you think of single mothers and lesbian dance theory professors!
I don't understand what makes you think Sup Forums will be angry that people most of it consider parasites will suddenly be taxed more.

Right but you do realize that grad students are a ridiculously tiny fraction of the people who will have their taxes go up?

It's like you honed in on college students to distract from all of the real working class people who will get fucked over by this.

Fuck off you lazy nigger and pay the taxes on the FREE tuition you receive and thank society we don't slaughter you and burn your body for fuel.

i wish i could find you and rape your children

You're right. Why even debate policy? You're a fucking idiot. Neck yourself.

It is. Google "Charlize Theron son wont get into car" lol.

The little nigger is driving her insane.

this is a REALLY stupid move on behalf of the GOP, its a direct assault on the student support base.

Carefull with that edge, don't cut yourself

The majority of people have a huge grad school tuition to inflate their taxes?

no policy or guidelines=debate policy.

lol want to debate something that doesn't exist yet


I'll give you money to rape your children. you liberals don't care about kids anyways

Thank you Chairman Mao. I am humbly grateful for all of the gifts of the state, please don't murder my family.

I see you too are a believer in American concepts such as freedom and liberty. Brings a tear to my head knowing how we preserve good American values in this country.

I'm not a liberal, never said I was a liberal either, I don't understand where you get those ideas from.

My point is that current academia is costing you a lot of money, you train foreigners and then kick them out. If it was for me I woudl FORCE them to stay and serve in the country they got free tuition, stipend etc from, but hey your country your call.

No their grad school tuition is free, they're just bitching because they have to pay taxes on their free money.

Someone should throw together a simple website that actually calculates what you'll save or pay under the new plan. We could spread that shit everywhere on normie social media to counter the media's focus on "muh grad students and property tax". You could make some money from advertising.

so we just let them do whatever they wan then? thats fucking stupid

95% of them are studying African basket weaving or related garbage.
The new tax plan is really pretty damn smart. Higher taxes for single mothers, much lower taxes for married couples. A realistic tax for corporations that might actually get them to come home and pay some tax.

Nice, fuck them.

If I were in charge there would be no gifts or state and you'd already be dead.

Of course you would force you to stay Pajeet. Nobody wants you here though, and we don't pay for foreign students liek you said. You guys pay like 3x the tuition of a local

I don't think he's reading what you are saying, user. But yeah, no money should go to foreigners, but here we are.

Someone should... We should... No nigger, do some work yourself or STFU.


>make it more difficult to train scientists and engineers.

>expect to shit post on Sup Forums after our tech industry moves to europle or China

Awww. The people who bitch the most about everybody paying for their utopian society finally get the bill. How sad. I might cry.

I don't have the intention to stay to be honest with you, not a Pajeet, but eastern european.

Mind you I was talking about America not Canada, charging international students more is a viable choice. but also take into consideration that I'm talking about PhD students not some 18 year old undergrads leeching off their rich dads money.

Higher education is a money racket. What we should do is open a RICO investigation.

Well good thing you're only in charge of mommy and daddy's basement then.

Fake news

Fuck off Jewnigger.

your problem is not taxes.

it's math.

The powers that be are very careful with RICO investigations because they are all involved in racketeering.


Hahaha fuck it’s already happening!

All of that is ~$500 left over.
Car? $120
Gas? $45
Internet? $60
Subscriptions? $25
Food? $150-200 (if living with 2 people)

Money left over for other shit: $550

relax cowboy the world isn't what it used to be and the only communist that are coming to get you are named drink dispenser 9000
the world is overpopulated for our current social system and it's impossible to live life the way you envision it.
im poor anyways only making $800 a month in one of the most expensive states of course i would like some burdens lifted im unhappy

There is no shortage, they just demand fair salaries