Press F to pay respect

Press F to pay respect

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He did nothing wrong

Write in English you fucking faggot fuck.

Good night, Charlie.

See you in three days sweet prince.


What sentence was he actually serving again?
What were his charges and what did he do?

he wasn't a serial killer

fake fucking news

Wait, Varg died?

tell us all the people the "serial" killer has killed

Says first degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

If Manson was a serial killer, then so is Merkel.


Literally not responsible for any murder. Fuck the lügenpress.

heh, as if I'd press F.

I press "G" for "Good fucking riddance".
screw this creep.

the only crime was that (((roman Polanski))) wasn't home with Sharon

RIP, some mothers son , nobody was born bad


also he wasn't a serial killer

no wonder he killed people



You get shorter as you grow old

"some mothers son"

yeah.. you don't know anything about what CM went through as a kid....that's why there are some ppl here showing a bit of sympathy

"nobody was born bad"

I'll agree with this...

Plz no.


Look at what is going on in the world. Manson only did what world leaders are doing today. Yes bush..clinton..obama..trump...blair..cameron..may..merkel...putin...ill.. all are doing today. All he did was to convince people to fight for a cause.. be it right or wrong.. it was done. I love manson.. not for the killings.. but to be able to convince people to do such things. Him and all of the above are demigods. RIP manson



Heil,he was a great man and /ourguy,newfaggs and normalfaggs from reddit that dont know him neck yourselfs.

Why, you fucking faggot? He was a drug-addicted, gonorrea-ridden fucklord, who had several innocent people murdered.

People like this fucker we do not need on our planet.


>Can't read simple German sentence



the little Commander In Chief

he didn't kill anybody

True that


I didn't know that he ever killed anyone

May he roll the nickels in heaven.

Obviously you do not know the swinging 60's. Loads of STI's and loads of drugs... if we didnt need people like this on the planet you would never have a leader of any country. Durte has killed more people than manson.. and he wants to join the E.U?



Ide also like to point out the americunts going against manson who didnt do a think. Just preached helter skelter race war.. yet you destroyed what 4 countrys in my life time... totally fucked em up.. yet you can hate 1 man who never laid a hand on a person unless if was in the name of love... you went to war looking for WMD's and found nothing.. yet NK actually have WMD's and your like a dog behind a wired fence.. cant do shit

>Manson only did what world leaders are doing today
>it's ok because X did it as well
you're a special kind of retard
Bogdan,ciocu mic si mars la scoala

Press spit to S on his grave.. fuck you manson you stupid asshole.

Funny you call me a special kind of retard.. what country you from? Hiw many wars have your country been involved in? And how many people have died because of such thing? Im a special kind of retard because i recognise what manson did is the same as what alot of people do? I think your the special kinda fucktard. Asshurt bitch

Clinton convinced people to do the same. You love Hilary Clinton? What a fucking retard logic

Im a bernie sanders kinda guy. Hillary has nrver been a leader.. and my comment was about world leaders. Not plebs... ide vote trump over her any day

He dindu nuffin he a gud boi he wuz just on has wey to chuch homie.

Welcome to adulthood.

Ontop of that is i love manson for being able to do such things with no power at all. A deserted ranch in death valley to have a following? Thats impressiove.. a world leader doing the same is pathetic as people have to do as their told.. e.g. military.. he had nothing and gained the same power through voice and conviction. A thing america hasnt seen since manson did this

>being this much of an edgelord

I have 2 kids chap/chapette. Blonde hair blue eyed top race :) i grew up before you mum got you your first dial up connection

Manson did show what charisma of a single person can do.. I've never approved of what he did, but you can learn a lot about human behavior from him

Thread theme

and once again you apply the same logic ''it's ok because X did it as well''.
He was a drug addict and a criminal,same as his followers and there's nothing special about him or his ''message''.

The Canadian is going to neck himself.

Do not fucking intervene when a leaf blows itself.

So you are basically saying its ok for x to do the same thing without punishment?

Hitler did the same thing on a larger scale.

>serial killer
Reeeee. He's a cult leader who ordered a spree killing. He has nothing to do with serial killers.

His mother tried to sell him to a bartender to get some beer.

stop talking. Really, shit you say is so.. dumb.. stop

it's not ok but killing innocent civilians will not make any difference.

Sounds like serial killing with extra steps.

yes, thanks for that rare nugget, it's important to learn about Nazi Germany as well...

A serial killer is someone like Ted Bundy or Ed Kemper who kills people over a long period of time.


>serial killer
>killed no one



Oh, my bad. I thought you were claiming that he dindu nuffin. Yeah, now that I think about it, he does not really qualify as a serial killer.
More like a proxy spree killer.

What is 1.57 m in English?

So going into iraq and afghanistan was any different when most hijackers were from saudi? I dont get your logic. Im compairing manson as a underfunded leader killing some innocents to world leaders who kill thousands and on false information and you still think manson was a bad guy? He did nothing but preach?

Heres some info

TheIraq Body Count project(IBC project), incorporating subsequent reports, has reported that by the end of the major combat phase up to April 30, 2003, 7,419 civilians had been killed, primarily by U.S. air-and-ground forces

And you cant stand manson?


oh fuck that guy is smaller than me

Oh and america.. if you really were looking for osama.. why didnt you check his fucking house? I mean seriously..HIS FUCKING HOUSE!!!! retards

I think he was referring to Bill. You know, the other Clinton.

S. Fuck that nigga

These fucktards memory only last the same ammount at tv add to tv add. Dont worry chap. Glad you have brain cells :)

Put up a good fight there at the end.
Some of his ideas and comments are pure Sup Forums in spirit. Wouldn't surprise me if Charlie walked among us.
May you find peace

day of the rope just got sooner lad

Holy fuck everything about you screams 16 yr old nupol faggot, stop trying to form alliances by sucking user cock, and stop throwing out strawmen cos you think it justifies your argument that manson is worthy of respect. Take your kekistani flag and hang yourself with it you fucking cunt.

The proper term is politician.

Lolz aus fag.. hows the assfucking going for ya?

Atleast you and your bff can get married now right? Congrats.. atleast you can legally love another newfag ass

I don't need to see your flag to know I live in a better country than you, your broken fucking English tells me all I need to know.

Oh here's another you for ya I know how in need of validation you are what with your mum getting sold to the goat farm

RIPIP in peace inventor of the term redpill. You gave Sup Forums the greatest gift of all.

>responding to namefag kekistanis

You'll never improve your bants by sitting on the sidelines, kid

5'2, 5'3 maybe? He was the manletest of manlets.

Goat farm??? In the uk? Are you serious? Maybe i just do t put effort in for ex cons mixed with chinks and nogs

Oh and btw i have dual passports. One for aus and one for the uk. I know which to use the next time i forget to buy toilet paper

The serial killer who never killed anyone.

>serial killer
Oh? Who did he kill?

Animals kill animals, that has always been true of the world. And it's completely natural. The systems we put up because of our false morals and ideals are not so natural.
All Manson did was question ideals, that should not be a crime.

Can I have a rundown on why normies and plebbit hate Manson? His cult killed some preggo celeb and a few other presumably rich twats, and held racist views and some thought some dystopian racewar would unfold (somehow his cult would survive this) in the future. The guy seemed gifted in IQ and charisma as well. I see him more as a tragic person instead of a monster.

>His cult killed some preggo celeb

Here is the real redpill. He wasn't a cult leader. He was just a patsy

why three days? you can see him today! now!