Post traumatic stress disorder?

Hey, Sup Forums, just curious. Is PTSD a real thing?

I'm not judging or anything, but there didn't seem to he much of an issue with it prior to The Great War and then again after Vietnam. Why does Sup Forums think?

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Let me brutally rape you right now and see how you feel afterwards

I was more referring to PTSD from war. Women clearly have PTSD from something as brutal as rape.

>there weren't any diagnoses of mental disorders before modern psychology was formed

No, but did men complain about having to fight in war before?

Yeah, it's a thing. My fiance wakes me up a few times a week when at night telling me I'm screaming in my sleep for one reason or another. I don't really mention to people I've just met that I'm a veteran though because I don't want their entire view of me as a person shaped around this veteran persona but there is some shit that triggers me at times and people pick up on it. I still think it was worth it even though it's fucked me up a bit.

In that case, war is even worse than rape because not only are you probably grievously wounded, but your mates are fucked up too, most likely dead at their brain matter is strewn all about your boots and their skull fragments caught in your clothing and shit

After it's all over, you come home just barely a man, but missed out on important real world knowledge. If you had a sweetheart, she's now fucking somebody else because you're a wounded, broken man with more baggage than anybody could possibly understand, save for your comrades, but they don't wanna talk about it because it hurts too much, so you keep it bottled inside for the rest of your life until you finally decide to kill yourself

Scarily close to how I feel at times.

High explosive concussion causes minute scarring in the grey matter of your brain. This is one of the primary causes of PTSD.
It is essentially explosive induced brain damage.

There are apparently records of medieval knights displaying PTSD symptoms in old chronicles. There was a story I’ve read somewhere of a knight who would enter fits of panic/violent rage on the sound of cutlery scraping against cutlery

Nah, they were all happy to go die for rich fat fucks because fear is a modern invention.

Are you retarded?

Yes most definitely. For serious trauma only though, not mean people saying things you don't like on the internet.

PTSD is not CTE (or whatever the shit is abbr. as).

At Federal Welfare they used that bullshit diagnosis to apply for free money. When ever they throw in PTSD I think, "Bitch, from what? Not getting a parking spot at the Mall?"

War used to be more traveling around to get to the combat and then having the combat, and less sitting around knowing at any minute something could randomly blow you up for days and weeks and months on end.

PTSD is the result if long term constant stress, people who claim to have it due to one short term event are lying, or have some other kind of trauma.

>merely pretending

Yes it is, War Veterans most commonly have it.

It's when you witness something so severely traumatic that things alike it can trigger a memory and send you in a state of distress.
(aka Vietnam Flashbacks)

Tumblr however makes it a fucking fun dress-up game, whoever can make up the biggest pitty-party story for himself to garner the most attention wins.

Yes, always has been. Before it was called PTSD it was called shell shocked. The only real difference is now people are using the diagnosis after reading about on Wikipedia and tying it to some minor traumatic event from their life. Your dad not buying you a bike is not PTSD.

yes PTSD is a real thing
is triggred by intens stressful situations that are 1-3 months long, such as getting carpet bombed while in a trench for weeks.

The brain needs time to adjust, if it has no time it breaks itself to deal with the stress.

PTSD manipulation can be used with prisoniers, you can make someone believe,say, do pretty much anything you want them to do if you just keep the stress going.

You dont even have to hurt them, it's enough to just use lights and loud sounds so they can't sleep.

used to be called "combat fatigue" or "shell shock"

I know it's an actual thing, but I can't help that in modern times (read: after the 90s) it has been turned into a sociogenic illness; a more subdued form of mass hysteria. You don't fucking get PTSD by being "misgendered" or by being yelled at by somebody on the bus. People like this devalue PTSD.

woops, misquoted

I sometimes have problems with loud bangs i.e. fireworks. I spend the fourth and the month before and month after with a constant buzz to take the edge off. Sounds stupid but it's not.

I think /his/ would know more about this topic.

There was no such thing as alcoholism either till someone came up with a name and defined it in the 1850s

PTSD is used far too often. reading the symptoms, is not geared specifically for war vets/vets; thus, anyone reading the list of symptoms can assert that 'Yes', they have self-diagnosed as suffering from PTSD. once upon a time, it was called 'shell-shock' because the individual was in a war time scenario for so long, it wedged them permanently between a state of heightened alertness and paranoia; where loud sounds = incoming/gunfire, nightmares are far too realistic made of a series of unresolved conflicts, drinking helps and hurts simultaneously, no social life because square pegs do not fit into round holes. Is it real? hell yes! do a lot of people have it? maybe/maybe not as it is an umbrella term. PTSD is not curable. it's like any other affliction that an individual' life now revolves around

Consumption I believe.

Brutally rapying someone won't cause PTSD but it will cause distress, you start seek attention and validation to help.
Women actually enjoy rape, since that where from most of us come from, either raped by their husbands in arranged marriages or raped as prisoniers of war.

A woman that can deal and actually cum from a rape, is actually more likely to live and make babies

A woman who gets depressed and takes her own life, isn't gonna make babies, is she.

Thus women enjoy dominance, have rape fantesies, and most cum like whores when you rape them.

Note raping a woman or a man is not a cool thing to do, yet there is a reason why things are the way they are.

It becomes even heritable via epi-genetics.
Many fucked up brains in this world, all directly and indirectly.

That's a fallacy my Romanian friend.

1% of any given population is legitimately psychopathic and unphased by the cold, hard realities of war. Everyone else (who isn't a POG) gets PTSD tbqh

There were recorded accounts of PTSD from medieval sources. I've read stuff about knights breaking out in fits of rage during dinners for no reason, thinking they were in battle all of a sudden.

I've also read about a soldier who would go catatonic at the sounds of metal clashing with metal.

Its few and far between but it is referenced. PTSD is real and always has been, but its only recently been understood. If you look at the brain of someone with PTSD while its been scanned, you will find that their brain is constantly stressed and is essentially primed at all times for fight or flight, its relieving an experience over and over again subconsciously and ready to react which is why people burst into fits of panic or rage, because this subconscious part of their brain just takes control of them.

Used to date a girl who was raped, sometimes when we had sex, she'd go lifeless in her eyes for a second and then start screaming and punching and crying, calling out the name of her rapist to stop, it was really fucked up. She was always sorry afterwards and could never fully recall the moments before the episode, she did end up getting past it but it was quite upsetting to watch and very hard to snap her out of it.

Consumption was a term for tuberculosis dumb ass

its real. its also an over used excuse. the best thing you can do is stay the fuck away from the VA. they will just but you on 6 different meds that dont do shit but make you want to kill yourself.

In the past people that undergo stressful events such as raping and pillaging, or war. Had months in between to deal with that shit.

Most wars were conducted walking for months to a village, or you from.
So many people had no isuee yet there are reports of spirits hunting you after said stressful events or some GOD of war that still hunts your dreams, but it wasn't as bad as it was in the great war.

why, new way of fighting war, since napoleon fucked up, mobilization had to be instant and bombing the enemy position until it cracks became a standard.
War became brutal, no longer the Romantic endevor of a trail of Manhood.

My buddy afghan war vet described ghe stress from thinking he was going to die, hey got blown up on patrol and some guys died and lost legs, after that he said he just went crazy. Can you imagine thinking you will die at any time for 9 months straight? Doing some pointlesx foot patrol? Never actually seeing the enemy?

PTSD is real and documented and can be brought on by extreme and enduring stress. Anyone can become extremely stressed for a long time for whatever reason. This gypsy Is completely retarded

My apologies but there was no reason to be rude when responding to me.

there are those who have been driven to madness by madness. and there are those who are just normal people in a chaotic situation.
>war time scenario v. 9/11

There's documents reporting knights had PTSD and struggled dealing with the sound of clanging metals.

Quiet isn't jewish is she?
Right now she's my current videya waifu.

You be the judge, OP. WW1 clip.

>reason to be rude

Of couse I have reason. I have fucking PTSD and spend my life on edge ready to fight

It's not real, you're just a soyboy faggot that can't handle stress. Humans have been killers since day one.

Real PTSD has affected the brain in a physical way. It can be measured on an MRI.

It isn't just about 'bad memories'. Recent research has shown that severe psychological trauma displays similar to physical trauma to the brain on a scan.
That is partly why it takes so long to heal, and is often permanent. The connections are gone and the brain doesn't work the same way again.

>Do women have rape or fantasy of dominace?
>Do women seek and respect more that are more confident, strong and imposing
>Do women have a higher orgasm more during rapes
>Did pretty much any ancient people that have migrated or were "civilized" raped, took slaves or got raped.
>Do you think Women that were sold off by their fathers within an arrange marriage often times againts her will, gave a fuck that her future husband going to get on top of her without her constent and pop her cherry?

If the answers are yes, then where is the Fallacy

Is the fact that rape is not cool? Thats the Fallacy
Why women in abusing relationships, stand by their parther even after getting raped and getting their asses rekted on a weekly basis?

It's very real. My father had it from vietnam. He couldn't stand loud noises and fireworks after being mortar'd for months on end.

It was called shell shock back then

Yes it is. Call me a kyke or what ever. But I can tell you my best friend has one and it's horrifying. I mean right now he's pumped on meds but the first few months where terrible. Can elaborate more..

I spend most of my time walking a razor's edge of intoxication.
>wake up
>take a shot
>get ready for work
>drink a beer either before getting in the car or in the car on the way to work
>take a shot or two depending on how much of a top off I need
>eat my lunch
>get out of work
>stop off at the liquor store and buy a half pint of cheap vodka
>get home
>pour said half into a glass of lemonade or oj
>drink that
>eat dinner
>watch tv
>occasionally medicate depending on how I feel
>going to bed
>two shots of vodka mixed with a shot of nyquil
>repeat the process

You are correct, sjw imbeciles and hypochondriacs steal medical terms and misuse them.
Just ignore those people.

If someone has been in a psychologically abusive relationship for years, or has been tortured, or exposed long term to damaging things outside of their control - then it can be PTSD.

George Carlin on shell shocked

I don't feel the need to fight all the time but it manifests differently in everyone. Get over yourself my friend.

True there

A stressful and brutal experience isn't enough
Having a stressfulland brutal experience that last for 3-4 weeks ore more, causes PTSD.

You can get used to a stressful event, you can get passed it,
You can get raped then mutilated and have 10 years of process you can be stronger and wiser

Or you can get brutally raped in prison for 10 years, every day. And you'll come out a man who is dead and destroyed unable to reconnect and to heal
Thats why many want to go back to prison, thats why many who've been through war want to get back to war.

Their minds were shatter as a way to adapt to the stressful situation, as an adaption mecanism that no longer functions.

I can convert you to Islam in 2 years if i put you in awhole and destory your mind
I can make you jihad yourself by keeping the stress on and giving you the only solution in jihad.

Didn't the Vikings go to war for their own fortune and glory? Hail Odin?

PTSD: a culturally degenerate form of pathologizing the masculine expression of tribalism where it is not expressed in a society.

The morphological difference between wild and domesticated animals, despite being the same species, are due to the communicative/organizational structure. An animal raised in isolation and captivity, once released into the wild will begin to physically transform within weeks in ways that are irreversible (too late to shut down). The most well known example of this is the pig/wild boar with measurable differences in semen and testosterone.

No its not,its just you fggots being pussys.

The reason why women and men stay in abusive relationships is more complex than "run away from bad thing".
It can be due to learned helplessness, codependence and various forms of psychological abuse whereby the torturer so fills them with fear, doubts and conflicted emotions that the target is unable to think clearly and questions their own reality.

That's why all men should read about cluster B personality disorders in women, and avoid any female that exhibits those signs.
It will ruin you for life.

Compare the weapons of WW1 with previous warfare. PTSD in WW1 was caused by artillery shelling the likes of which men has never experienced.

Vikings were the niggers of that time.
They did not create anything,they raped,plundered,stealed,burned towns,just like niggers do it today.

My fiance regularly asks me if she's a good person. Literally a couple days out of the week she asks that. I hope she is codependent upon me because I know she is part of what keeps me sane.

Also the German use of chemical warfare, right?

I'd say yes.

I've never been in the military but I think I had it as a kid, and may still.

Men who have been in prison sometimes come out with prison reflexes which kick in.
I knew a guy who would rage at the first sign of trouble - as in someone shouting at him, he'd instantly raise himself up and threaten a physical fight.
It's because if you don't bark back louder in prison, you will become a constant victim.

Humans adapt to their environments, just like other animals.
A street dog, even if you adopt it after a couple of years and look after it in a nice home for 10 years, will always be different, and will always have the unknown element in some form. Even if it just means always scavaging for food while on walks, despite being provided with plenty.

What separates the true warrior from the guy who can't get over his one tour of Afghanistan? The man who overcomes from the man who is overcome?

Ernst Jünger and the Red Baron compared with your standard US military manlet of today, for example?

PTSD is not from the war itself, but from realizing that you were jewed and were fighting for no good reason
>not being asked before your vag is used for what it's intended for a few minutes is worse than being sent to a meat grinder where you see your m8s blow into pieces around you and live in constant anticipation of death for years

Fuck off, roastie

I thought that Sup Forums loved Varg?

>Can you imagine thinking you will die at any time for 9 months straight

Yes. I got over it.

Christ, the Samurai or the Ismaeli Assassins were willing to kill themselves at a moments notice--they were constantly prepared for death.

women are wired to be codependent you nut

True, it's not that simple
But as a species there is a reason why certain types of behavior still exist.

Why are women more submisive then men to men then men are to women.

Because women choose strong men that work together to hunt animals, meaning over time they only breed with this type of males.

We became many, we became succesful as a species. Then we started fighting each other, Men did the fighting mostly and in stepp societies even the women,

But in "civilized" societies we build walls around our children and women to protect them from invaders.

A woman needs constant validations, a woman needs a man with confidence. Otherwise she goes insane in doubt and emotion.

Strong women mostly died, that would say no to an invader. Proof of concept, most germanic women that would migrate with their germanic men would kill their children and themselfs not to be taken as slaves (those genes don't make babies)

Most women jump from city walls to prevent them wombs to carry the baby of the enemy(those don't make babies)

But unstable women, that require prorection, will get on her knees suck you off for validation. Is the perfect woman to have as someone you just conqured, or someone you just married.

Case and point 45.000 virgins jumped off the walls of Beijin when Ghenghis Khan sieged it. Those genes didn't survive, the whore who sucked off Ghenghis Khan, and didn't kill her self after Ghenghis khan is probably the grandmother of 0.1% of the chinese population.

In otherwords, strong women more likely then not, didn't really get to make babies
Weak women, that need constant validation did. As their men who took them were strong.

Most of this is not comparable to modern PTSD because it has to do with being exposed to constant artillery fire for weeks on end. If we had brain scans back then it would probably show up (in a lot of the cases) as physiological damage.

So you're just a neurotic? Get over yourself.

If you help to really increase her foundation of confidence, long term, she will be even more bonded to you.
Not less.

You being attached to her is fine and normal, so is she for asking your opinion on her, as long as it isn't over the top.
Tell her to have faith in herself and give her examples.

Codependent itself isn't healthy, in psychological terms, it means that two people who are bad for each other can't let go of each other because they each depend on the other for an unhealthy input or reason.
An example would be the man being a pleaser and feeling the uncontrollable drive to fix the broken female, never wanting to fail, never giving up - the female would be abusing him constantly, threatening to break up with him on a regular basis, making him question his sanity - and every time he would think about leaving, she would either change temporarily, or he would doubt himself, and want to try again - feeling that he shouldn't give up on her.
It likely never resolves, and breaks up at some point anyway, leaving the guy broken after years of mental "warfare" trying to 'fix' the girl.

Yours doesn't sound codependent, but I'm no psychologist - just observing that it sounds pretty normal.

Why do you think she asks if she is a good person?

PTSD is independent really from what is happening to the subject in the physical world.
PTSD is caused by the mind forced to face something it really doesnt want to face,be that the meat grinder of war,artillery shelling,rape,or a car accident.
Its a self-defense mechanism,the best the mind can do in said circumstance.

Only naive people get PTSD. People were used to seeing alot more fucked up shit in the old days. Someone who watches gore alot, will have less chance of being so freaked out, by seeing someones head explode IRL, that they get PTSD

You don't think those guys weren't drinking to stop their personal demons? I do.
I never really felt cheated because I had dreamed of joining the military since I had been a young child. On 9/11 I was sitting on my living room couch watching some news station (something like CNN but I think it was Fox News) and I remember watching the second plane crashing into the other tower and feeling profoundly disturbed. When AQ claimed responsibility and the whole war whispers started going around I knew FOR SURE that I was going to join the military as soon as I was of age and that's exactly what I did.

>pol is one person
>pol is exlusively kids who crave someone to tell them what to think

I'm sure she has a guilty conscience over something she has done to me over the years. I don't dwell on it because I have enough reasons to be stressed out.

That sounds pretty solid.
Unfortunate really.
In the end we'll only be left with psycho bitches.

Certain regions (amygdala) of the brain are abnormally sized in those with PTSD. That's about as specific as I can get. Google it.

Ptsd isn't from killing, its from fear of being killed.

Yes. You can get it from a wide range of causes actually. For example - I know a guy who had a heart attack while driving on the highway once. For months to a year after the event, he would get PTSD attacks while driving. No shit, he would be on the highway, then his breathing would become labored, and he would have to pull over a pop a xanax or whatever PTSD med his doctor gave him. It eventually went away, but only happened when driving. The brain internalizes certain traumatic events and the recurrence of those events can result in an anxiety attack or PTSD. He was completely normal otherwise, and not a snowflake or pussy.

You can get PTSD from seeing your parents having sex

Please do daddy, please choke me and beat my face while fucking my (boi)pussy

That's more of a panic/anxiety attack triggered by the memory of the event. PTSD doesn't just 'flare up', it isn't herpes. It's more of a constant low level buzz in the background of your brain that rapidly increases in volume when the triggering stimuli is introduced.

Try to reduce your stress in general, mentally speaking.
Stress long term is really bad for your health.
Ways to reduce it in terms of lifestyle are:
regular/daily exercise, being in nature as often as possible - even for 15 minutes it will make a difference, meditation, good quality sleep - dark and silent room - sleep including the hours from midnight to 5am is the best, changing your perspective on what matters - realising that most things aren't so important as to risk your health.
Writing your problems down before you sleep helps a lot, as does reading fiction for 30 minutes before bed - it clears the mind and allows you to sleep deeply. A lot of millionaires read fiction before bed for that reason.

Ask her why she brings it up, do it in a way that seems it isn't greatly important to you - so she doesn't avoid talking about it for feel of pressure. It is clearly something she can't overcome and wants to have out of her head.
No need to think the worst, it isn't necessarily you who she did anything to.
It could be something left over from childhood, or a deep introspection.

>It's because if you don't bark back louder
barking methaphor is a sign of agression, agression is a protective mechanism which kicks in when you are afraid
the barking dog doesnt bite, know that expression?
if someone is angry at you its a clear sign that the party you are having a conflict with is in heavy distress.
consider it to be a 50% win already in that situation.
>Codependent itself isn't healthy
its a natural mechanism.

I put $200 that she cheated on him

I suppose the biggest determinant would be your personality and the biological components that make it up. Peoples brains change when they go through a traumatic event, but for some people one even is traumatic while to another it might not be, it just depends on your individual neurochemistry. Evolutionary psychology tells us that different people evolved to have different traits to make them better at surviving, for some people they are able to keep cool in a normally terrifying scenario and they are able to overcome their fear response, their body produces less cortisol and can better manage spikes in adrenaline, these are the kinds of people who enjoy jumping out of planes. Some people are more neurotic and prone to a flight over a fight response, their fear response goes into over drive to ensure they avoid danger.

I believe anyone can have a traumatizing event in their lives but there is a spectrum for everyone that dictates where an event becomes overloading for your brain.

Once you have a traumatic event I believe it resets this spectrum, your brain gets stuck on a kind of loop reliving this over exposure to fear and you become primed all the time and over stimulated. The part of them that is reliving the trauma takes over their body when the threshold for fear is reached.

For every Ernst Junger and Red Barron you're going to have a hundred regular guys who have more traumatic experiences than either of those men did and they would have lower tolerance to that kind of exposure. The true warrior types are people who have wildly different brains to the average man, real warrior type men are much more likely to be sociopaths who lack a lot of natural fear responses, and basic instincts like self preservation.

Men who are overcome by fear aren't lesser men, they're just different men.

Kinda true, but you shouldn't see it as "we are left with psycho bitches"

If a bitch is psycho wtf she gonna do? wanna suck you off some more? Beg you to suck you off?

Hey if she is a psycho bitch makes sure she good looking and/or can be a mother. Don't put yo dick in crazy or fat chicks.

And define yourself as a strong male who doesn't give a fuck. I ask you what would a unstable girl do when she cannot manipulate you emotionally.

I can tell you, she'll probably find someone else to emotionally manipulate.

And now you are fighting for Al-Quaeda in the middle east together with your best ally Saudi Arabia who financed the whole 9 11 thing, but good thing you don't feel cheated, faggot.

>i loved shrek so much, I had all the merchadise and movies
>i pray to shrek every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given
>"shrek is love" i say. "Shrek is life"
>My dad hears me and he calls me a faggot
>I knew he was just jealous of my devotion for Shrek
>I called him a cunt
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>Im crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and its really cold
>A warmth is moving towards me
>I feel something touch me
>Its shrek
>I am so happy
>He whispers in to ear, "this is my swamp"
>he grabs me with powerful ogre hands and puts me on my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I spread my ass cheeks for Shrek
>He penetrates my butthole
>it hurts so much but i do it for Shrek
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push againts his force
>i want to please Shrek
>He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love
>My dad walk in
>strek look him straight in the eyes and says . "Its all ogre now"
>Shrek leaves through my window
>Shrek is love, Shrek is life

PTSD is just psychological stress. Nothing more.
The problem with ww2/viet vets or anyone in general is that psychologists are milking their condition for $ rather than to help them overcome their newly acquired angst with simple affirmations, healthy diet and a calm enviroment.

Anyone can be cured of PTSD in just less that week.

Pretty sure that she did cheat on me but I don't want absolute confirmation because I don't want to confront that right now.
Also I have pretty bad PTSD and I always feel stressed. It's okay though, I spend a lot of time on the cusp of drunk so it keeps me pretty calm.

PTSD was a thing in The Great War we just called it shell shock if I remember correctly.

Replace Shrek with Tyrone and Ogre with Nigger.

Being a graveyard shift security guard hasn't been good for my mental health.

I know the police, firefighters, and EMTs see way worse things on a daily basis. But my few encounters with junkies, schizo hobos, and petty criminals occasionally gets to me: intrusive thoughts, nightmares, etc.

I totally believe seeing hardcore horror can totally break you.

Well, this guy for example shut down the situation quickly with a sudden and overt display of violence/aggression, instead of letting it escalate bit by bit, or by being passive or walking away.
In prison if you remain passive or accept the punishment given to you, just like with bullies in school, it will lead to you being a constant victim.
In that case, if you lash back hard enough in the beginning, the bully/other prison will not pursue further, because there is consquence for them.
It isn't quite the same as the little dog syndrome.

Every psychological facet is a natural mechanism, it doesn't mean it is healthy. Read about codependency with borderlines. It really isn't healthy at all, and leads to the destruction of a previously normal person, sometimes they develop facets of borderline themselves.

Was probably hell