The Absolute State of The 56%

This is what the future of The West looks like, Mutts who have no roots, no identity, no attachment, no in-group preference.
Blacks will not see you as being one of them, whites will see you as alien too...
What are those people and whats their role in society?

Other urls found in this thread:

>subhumans of new york

the truth of the matter is that no one gives a fuck here in america. she can look like that and fit in just fine.

I'm white and have fuckhuge hair sometimes, nigs and spics and turks like to touch it in public too because they've never seen anything like it before, doesn't make me feel dis-enfranchised. just look at shaun king you can fit in with any group of you make it your identity.


Sterilize them and use them as sex workers for neets.


This is a problem. You can't see that it's causing people issues, you're a fucking idiot.

>t. 56%

I think she's kind of pretty 2bh. I like her hair and pale skin.

How do people not realize that this is due to Globalist aiming for a one world government? Did you think Alex Jones was just a meme? They want on one to have culture and pretty much the other things you listed.

Pawns of the Jew World Order agenda.
Open borders, no roots, no race, shared culture or history, no religion.

Just malleable human sludge.

yeah.. you should breed with her and make it 32%

She is whiter than most people from US posting on this board.


I can bet my left nut that she ISNT a liberal. Why? Because she just outlined the problems of being mixed and having no identity. Why would she want to wish this upon other people? It makes no sense whatsoever.

>have fuckhuge hair sometimes
keep your hair short, faggot

>you after you posted that comment

She looks albino. Honestly shes ugly to look at. and I'm not talking about ugly as in shes got a beat face, she's ugly in the sense she has no identity or commonality traits with others. Shes alien. Why do people want to make more of her? She sounds miserable and lost. She'll probably end up with a nig or spic because they will go after anyone with a wet hole and end up having an even uglier kid.

I pity creatures like this.


and she cant also identify with the POC and cant play the victim card? And in what group would the libs put her in to? Is she privileged b/c of her light skin, or is she a victim b/c of her curly hair and nose? At what % is someone a minority group?

At least she's not ugly, so that's something.

>my mom is black and my dad is white
I seriously hope that you white guys don't do this

Liberals would praise her because she is a product of diversity, however she doesnt feel like that and obviously does not like being "different". Only batshit dumb conservatives would bash her for being different, since they fail to understand this makes for a perfect redpilling situation.

where the fuck do you live that there's turks?

the diversity thing always bugged me. do they seek diversity in terms of many races who keep to themselves or do they seek diversity in every person and want everyone to be a mutt?

This is what (((globalists))) want for everyone. A one world "race" of dull, ugly people that are disposable and easy to manipulate. No uniqueness, no culture and no future.

I'd cum buckets inside her

Reminds me of how vampires are mentioned on Buffy. Half man, half demon, and accepted by neither.

They dont support diversity, they support mulitculturalism.

"Diversity" is about bringing as many races as possible into small geographic locations to create more people like in the OP. The goal is to create a majority permanent underclass like in Brazil.

I agree, she's cute. Pale, predominantly European bone structure, just super frizzy orangey hair. Everything she is saying makes sense though. She probably tries to do things white girls do and ends up failing, or at least it doesn't look like how she imagines it to be, then tries to do things black girls do and it doesn't look quite right either. Nothing works how she imagines it to because she is the canary in the coal mine. It's hard for mixed people.


You forgot the swamp thing eyes

The funniest part is if you made her fully black, or gave a black girl the choice to swap bodies with her...

The black girl would do it in a hearbeat, and she'd probably commit suicide shortly after in the black girl's body.

The absolute FUCKING STATE of amerimutts just kek

Who cares what these people think of you as when all they try and do is take pride in shit they themselves didnt accomplish, like Sup Forums? Her feelings the textbook case of social pressures which not everyone subscribes to be a part of. There's a reason why you will encounter a pushback against racism and why Sup Forums acknowledges they need plausible deniability of being a racist in order to enter public discourse, KEK.

I'm aware that there are much better looking women than her and I'm not even white knighting here. But I do think girls with minor flaws, even though they are in fact less beautiful looking, tend to look more interesting and have more character which makes them seem more lovable desu. Her eyes are not 'swamp thing', they are actually pretty nice looking to me at least, she just has bags. I think she gets a lot of male attention, just complaining about feeling alone and not a part of anything. There's no grain for her to go with.

What if she breeds with a brazilian japanese? Hen son would look like an alien and become the ultimate mafia boss of the mob, favela hues, yakuzas and crips.

Well that's just sad. If only she were a little dumber, at least then she wouldn't realize how fucked she is.

but she is, even the freckles and the red hair don't save her

She is pretty for a mulatto but that doesn't mean her feeling of not belonging in anywhere isn't true. Only someone who Hates his future kids would racemix. Your child will not see himself in either of his parents. Nearly no people in the child's life will be looking like him. That's seriously not good. Not good at all.

If you want to love your children, you will want to find a mate that looks like you.

>ass hurt and insecure canadian meme faggot

oh wow ive never seen anything like this before

This is sad. Racemixing is first and foremost a crime against the children.

Worry about something useful for fucks sake.

I find 10/10m both male and female, unattractive, mainly because they look like barbie dolls and most importantly there is a 100% chance they're shallow dumb cunts. They seem to have no genuine character, opinions or depth. It's also true about actor whores. Those with a deficit of some kind like Christian Bale, Joaquim Phoenix or even pedo Kevin Spacey seem to possess a brain and spill less bullshit than plastic boys like Brad Pitt or Depp.

I find her pretty and I would make babies with her. Honestly, she's got a nice slender body and a kind face, if you would not want to smash that, maybe you should tone down on that tofu intake.

>Issue with my identity
Which part of mulatto doesn't she understand?

I think race mixed people should date other race mixed people. It's kind of a containment. Society should do this anyway. There should be a specific 'race mixing' race.

I think she is really nice looking. The freckles, red hair, pale skin. I also think they chose her to be displayed because of this for the usualy shitlib ww cat lady routine of 'oh...but yeeer beutiful!'. She doesn't think she's ugly she probably gets hit on constantly and is popular her problem is that she has no template to go with and needs to make everything up as she goes.

>diversity has a three legged mutant

She got the worst of two worlds, nigger features with red headed features. Abomination.

This is what white girls will turn our country into. Fucking nigger lovers

Mulattos don't even look much like her and mulattos are disgusting as hell

I feel bad for her.

Mixed race people are not "raceless" but basically "another race" that is neither "white" or "black". Just like mixing between ethnicities create a new one. That's how genetics works.


2nd post, worst post

Sad, but I hope it kills itself still.

>I'm (((white))) and have fuckhuge hair sometimes

Sauce on original. She's primo fap material.
Had a crush on those type of girls since the Cosby show.

jesus christ she's hideous
I guess she could identify as a Sideshow Bob.


Rootless mixed demographics split into a million subsects fighting each other, sure seems like a divide and conquer in action.

Sale semi-bougnoule du sud de la France...

Dad must have really strong genes because she is practically white

I think she's pretty too. And she has height and a great figure, could probably work as a model since agencies like unusual faces like hers, the novelty. That said, if she's not happy with herself that is what matters. I felt sorry for her, actually. She seems nice. She didn't deserve this.

I don't feel sad for her because of her looks, I imagine there's quite a few people in the 56% who find her beautiful, but if she means everthing she says, it's clear she's suffering.
Imagine that every time you talk to someone you're left wondering if the other guy only sees you as an exotic beast.

to the contrary of the peope who think that there will be more racexing in america i think the contrary is more probable , whites will start to thinking in racial terms,the ingroup preferences of all the group in america will increase and with these the relation will be worse ,whites will isolate even more


I have that hair and my skin is pale, and my parents are white...

Thats pretty lame recycling the Amerimongrel and trying to apply it to Eurocucks. The point is that Amerimongrels think and wish they were 100% white, Eurocucks on the other hand think whiteness is a bad thing and would rather be genetically mixed and "diverse".

Come on Burgers, think up something original for a change. Don't just copy the work of others.



>le practically white face

She's just pointing out that it's a little alienating to not have a set template to work from. I think she's mostly talking about style and fashion desu. But I bet she also never feels 100% like anything, so when she hangs out with whites they will always be like outcast as 'this is the 1/2 black', and when she hangs out with blacks 'this is the 1/2 white', wherever you go, it's like you are on your own. Your father can go to Scotland or Ireland and do irish things or whatever. If she tries this people will be like...'uh', same with her black side. She also probably gets a lot of shitlibs gushing at her for being a mixed race person and it's probably creepy af. She probably likes that she's viewed as exotic and special in many ways, for obvious reasons, it makes her feel unique and special and everything. but the problems are about feeling alienated, not feeling 'ugly' or 'exotic'. This piece also shows her looking sad but she could just be like hung over or something and I don't think this is a big deal to her. I think they clipped the footage to get the sympathy edit they were looking for. She probably said a bunch of dumb shit along with this.


One job user. One fucking job.


Shelooks like cutie, but lord help anyone who has to deal with her special snowflake identity bullshit.

I used to live in turkey.
It fluctuates, now it's short
If you saw me, you would say, 'that's a white person with big hair' my eyes are green and my complexion is very pale. There's no jews in my bloodline.

you're the fucking idiot. People cry over non issues all the time.

If I'd saw you i'd feel the strong urge to throw you in an oven anyways.

She looks like the nigger from Iron Sky after bleaching.

What is that thing?

>DNAfagging in the 21st century
>oh nooo people who don't look like poodles have no role in society
kys concern troll
don't worry, we'll keep a few racially pure whites and blacks in a zoo for our kids to laugh at

funny, because up here in Canada asians clearly have some sort of weird thing going on about my hair (blond, wavy)


Any race that mixes with niggers is sub-human in the first place. But honestly to me I do not think race mixing should happen with niggers, mesitizos etc. But I see no issue with Asians, Slavs or even high caste Indian girls etc.

Doesn't feel too good does it little southern subhuman faggot?

>still looks essentially white

>The West
Nobody is so hardcore obsessed with denigrating "the West" Like Putin. That's the current Kremlin propaganda campaign - demoralize and destabilize the West by getting the men to turn against the women based on false narratives.

If you fell for the Russian disinformation campaign, congratulations, you're retarded.

>im white

poor thing looks sickly

that's ireland's flag you jackass

Future is now.

i'd love to fuck her

I'm mixed aswell so i guess i can give a bit of insight as to what she's trying to say. Mostly that wether you like it or not, it's mixed kids who are hit the hardest with this whole diversity bullshit thing. Because they are the physical embodiment of the genetic fantasy of the left. And everywhere they go, they are reminded that their body is the result of some sicko's propaganda to create a European Brazil. And that you can't even fully commit to a nationalist cause because you aren't pure enough for them.

All of this reminds me of the "Geule cassée" (Broken faces) situation. They are the physical embodiment of what went wrong and the first victims, yet they are rejected the most. Feels fucking bad man

How is it to live with this type of irrational fear?

typical right wing/blackk klan propaganda. bi-racial people can be proud of themselves, they achieved a lot in america. in media, sports, literature, politics, entertainment.
they belong with white and black people. it's not their fault that whites and blacks are fucking haters.

>ginger nigger
oh god why is this allowed to exist? It's like double no-soul

No race.
No country.
No religion.
No moral grounding.

It is 'RACIST' to call a 'BIRACIAL' person black because by doing so it discriminates against their (Non Black) parent and heritage. Fact is that without the (Non Black) parent the 'BIRACIAL' individual would simply NOT exist in the first place. Biracial people are 'genetically' and 'biologically' created and brought into the world differently compared to 'black' people. And calling 'BIRACIAL' people so called 'black' also causes colourism, shadeism, featurism and confusion within the African-American community. For example, in beauty, fashion, relationships, careers – everything – our experience of race plays a role. Not only is using 'blackness' as an umbrella confusing for those of who are not fully black, but it downplays the significance of that experience for those who own it. Black people have enough to worry about without having to share the stage beige looking 'MIXED' people.


These inter-species hybrids look like some mad-scientist project that went wrong.