The movie is there and you should know your place.
KanColle Kantai Collection
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off already
I hope to shipgirls using their hips in combat. Seeing a BB fire a broadside and then pivot with a swing of their hips to deliver another broadside in the opposite direction would be a magnificent sight to behold.
They're shipgirls - lets actually see something in combat that proves they are more useful than a scarecrow on floats with a few automated turrets strapped to its arms.
Stop making threads if you don't have translations you fucking retard.
At least way a couple of hours more before making a new thread.
Give me close combat!
*hope to see
ITT people getting derriere disintegrated that KanColle has a new movie soon.
Fubuki will probably sink.
Nice general.
Fuck off, I'm a typesetter and even I don't want you to continue making these shitty threads.
shitposting isnt welcomed, stop breaking rule #6
fuck off generals
>I'm a typesetter
Sure you are.
Now fuck off shitposter. All you're accomplishing is giving mods more reason to ban these threads.
Do you have your best CV yet guys?
she is nuclear
>typesetter thinks he's a big shot
Then stop typesetting
do it, stop giving them excuses to have this general
>moving the goalpost after getting beaten
>anons shitting on people who actually contribute
How can Kaga even hope to compete?
>He thinks i'm the OP
Sup Forums is not your chatbox.
Yes it is.
>try to imply what isnt even been stated
you act like its yours
Are you dim? It takes an OP to make a thread.
Did the anime actually ever have any yuri """subtext""" or was that always just people with goggles on?
you got shown off by a typesetter, then try to change the subject twice. no dice
Poor RJ.
I like how all the boatsluts have formal attire except for Americans.
did you hug your shipfu today?
yuri fans just added that
>all the boatsluts have formal attire except for Americans.
Except that's wrong, especially now with Saratoga here.
>Formal attire
>formal attire
Subs are boats.
What's the penalty for recording a movie from the theater in Japan?
Casual Friday
10 years in jail and a couple million usd.
>10 years in jail and a couple million usd.
What the fuck.
Japan doesn't joke around with camripping.
Even if it was a $100 fine it wouldn't be worth taking the risk with this piece of shit movie.
salt is bad for your health user
I was promise fleet combat not grind fest!
It's a fleet grind fest.
I'm not sure if the arcade version is any better or different.
Actually, that has been something I've been wondering about. How does the arcade version even work when its not something you'll be around long? Does it just toss a fleet at you and you go fight or what?
Are early reviews for the movie up?
Happy Birthday to Hamakaze, I'll be spending the night with this birthday girl.
Whatever happened to the Android version of the game we were supposedly getting?
It's out you fucking retard.
I know that. But I've hardly ever seen anybody talk about it - only the PS Vita game ever gets mentioned beyond the original.
Because it's a port. There is no reason to discuss it as a separate entity when it is the same thing.
is it in english
Are you retarded?
>Is it in english
It's not a different game, it's just being able to play the browser game on android without getting banned.
Wish Hamakaze a Happy Birthday.
Is that from one of the trailers? I only ever recall seeing one trailer ages ago. Were there more since?
It's from the last episode you fucking retard.
No it's from S1.
Dumb niggato poster.
Jesus user, calm down - the anime was shite and even though I watched it to the end, it could barely hold my attention.
Thanks user.
Fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from.
Don't bully Chi.
Is Musashi a niggato?
I wanna peel those shorts off her and wear them on my face.
I rather lick every inch of a sweaty Mutsu.
What did Houshou say to make the kids bow to her?
I'm going to assume they were insulting her flat chest.
>Kancolle small C
Why are these threads so autistic? I really understand why people want them gone and that's coming from someone who's been here from the start.
I see that you've been watching Keijo.
Mio-wa needs more Engrish to be Iowa though.
Going to go together great.
Maya a cute and Atago too
I'm guessing you rage quit the anime?
In the finale Nagato beats the shit out of (I think it was a Ru) an enemy, then leans over and blows her away at point blank range.
And Ooi chucks a DD over the horizon.
>I'm guessing you rage quit the anime?
No, I got to the end.
This is the scene you're referring to, yeah?: That was cool and all, but it's not exactly what I was describing.
like so
Warspite is too goddamn attractive.
>Teitoku, is that you? Why won't you say anything?
RIP Tenryuu's boobs.
RIP Amatsukaze, my lovely ship.
I hope the movie won't ruin you too much.
I want to give her a radical cyber-punk visor as a gift.
They look kinda bland.
Welcome to anime.
Anybody got other combat gifs/webms from the final episode? There were actually a few sequences in the battle that were quite enjoyable to watch.
What else are Abyssals good for? Their purpose is to be punching bags, so it's natural to bully them.
They look bland even by those standards.
I want Kitakami to be my punching bag.
>Were there more since?
There were 3 are so, but they were all shit. The Nips are terrible at making good trailers:
Ooi is my cute wife
Poor things, I want to capture them and teach them how to be good girls.
And then the anime brainwashed her and turned her into a lesbian.