Damn, never thought of it that way


Other urls found in this thread:


I thought the European settlers of North America were colonists, not refugees.

>"Hey remember when the natives accepted pilgrim refugees and got wiped out? I bet you feel silly now you racists"

there was no ideology behind the other ones

The Vietnamese were refugees to the US?

yea. Miami is a paradise on earth with all those Cubans (provided you don't leave very specific areas).

Numerous Settlers and settlements were wiped out by the savages

Europeans made it to america first, neck yourself sitting eagle.

Ask this Brit cuck why England didn’t just accept more refugees from Germany and Norway and Denmark and the Ottoman Empire and the Barbary coast

Oh ya they were raping and killing people off the English coast so much that no one wanted to live there anymore

The only reason some didn’t stay is they needed to get home to fence their loot and come back

Yes. We let in lots of south Vietnamese in after the war. It's been a mixed bag.

>TV memes
Kill yourself degenerate fag. Stop dragging the mongoloid people watching that idiotbox into this sphere.
>terrorist doing terrorism after they came into your country is unfounded tears
Fucking TV logic for you slaves

1. Show them this


Oh look, another South American country hating on based Cubans.

it's kind of funny that I'm supposed to assume guilt for the former and see how I condone it with the latter.

Oh wait, no, it's not funny; it's retarded.

Go ahead there, current year man. Conflate a bunch of wishy-washy feel good bullshit into the argument if ya want...I'm not keen on accepting a massive group of people with little documentation and orientation into a welfare society that would feed em and breed em like fucking guiney pigs. Oh yea, they kinda have a problem with killing people too.

nah, women voting is bad enough. I'm not keen on grabbing any more dependants to fuck up an overly corrupt election system which would invariably have these mongrels vote illegally in a transgender, new world order agenda.

Oh, and those natives that we're celebrating? Yea, the ones that 'we' wiped out...

yea, lets talk about that.

why am I being implicated in a murder that didn't take place? There are clearly little wigwam's running around and still clearly alive, so...#notallinjuns

get fucked by a stegadon.

2. Show them this
Whites are the natives of the Americas.



I fucking hate this British mongrel almost more than anyone. He has no idea what he's talking about. Sicilian and Calabrian immigrants shitted up New York City big time with their crime and gang kikery.
The Cubans didn't integrate worth shit. They have their own little country in south Florida.
spic retarded detected. Cubans aren't as bad as Mexicans, but Miami is a second world shithole.

Wait, are you telling me nobody wants to be conquered by foreign invaders?
Was diversity not their strength during the trail of tears?
Didn't we pretend to be their friends and they invited us in, then we fucked them over?

Hmmmm... I think the leftist propagandist is right, If we accept refugees they will slaughter us and celebrate it in the future. We should not allow them into our homes and country. He's right.

3. End with the assertion:

History would be practically unchanged had native Americans simply not existed


We wuz savages?

In all honesty what good did any of those refugees do,for America besides make it a shitter place?

To the left words can mean whatever they like to push their agenda.

Everyone hates this cunt in the UK. He couldn't get work properly for years until the braindead yanks decided they needed another despised Brit on one of their talkshows to pontificate to them.

>when Mormons were right

So it's a gamble then

John Oliver is such a tryhard.

He wrongly frames the argument as a refugee issue, when the majority are economic migrants who want free gibs.

you turboretards, they were escaping RELIGIOUS persecution, so they were refugees
dumb fucking niggers

>White people are illegal!!!
Oh, it's that time of year again. I got the turkey early this year, though! Bought from a local 4-H'r, so I know for a fact it doesn't have tons of hormones and shit in it.



I grant you permission to drown all English who emigrated to the USA in the last 50 years in a vat of skunk piss.

They are all lawyers, engineers, and doctors though.

They just happen to not be attending school yet and are in the rape and pillage stage of their lives.

>Whitey lands on the shore. Meets "Indians".
>"Indians" are friendly. Help us get set up. Help us survive the winters so we don't have to eat each other.
>"Indians" are pretty cool.
>"Indians" tell us about another tribe. These guys are apparently dicks.
>Cool "Indians" are bros. We'll help our bros!
>Western expansion begins.

It's not hard to understand. There were many injun tribes throughout NA. There still is. And before whitey, they were constantly at war.
This is nothing new for humanity, or even apes for that matter.

The fear of Irish refugees wasn't unfounded. They were coming off the boat by the hundreds of thousands, living in slums no hope of work, many still starving to death. The calls to stop refugees coming in didn't just come from racists but humanitarians who couldn't sustain them or help them and knew that Irish people were coming into conditions almost as bad or worse than the ones they were leaving

todays immigrants will be okay 500 years later.

You forgot the part were european ignorance and lack of hygiene killed everybody like the wrath of the old gods.

I don't think the indians liked that part.

Is in this moments when I wish the moors have conquered us, at least they have already developed germ theory.

Yer dam people doing there jobs lol
Don't try hard


To bad we aren't having a reaction to commie englishmen.

Plus look at the history of Democrat politicians and how they used Irish immigrants as a way of winning elections by buying their votes. Unwanted immigrants have always been used by the democrat party as a way of securing power.

Irish-Americans are largely responsible for the destruction of white America. They refuse to accept it these days because they feel accepted as whites and don't want to lose that notion.

We can get into the reason why Irish immigrants were such nigger tier scum but that is irrelevant when discussing the actual impact they had on the US.

What people forget is how damaging Tribal settlers have been to countries in the past;
-Goths seizing most of the West Roman Empire
-Slavs literally wiping out the peoples who once lived in the balkans
-Turks settling in the Eastern Roman Empire and Suddenly Seizing most of Anatolia
-Andulasians taking most of Iberia
but John Oliver is such a smart, well researched man, r-right guys?


The majority of people coming to America were not Puritans or here for religious reasons.


I feel like this sort of argument fails to take into account the changing economic outcomes.

There's a massive lack of unskilled manufacturing jobs to funnel these refugees/immigrants into, which creates welfare-driven ghettos.

Well when you're advancements grow faster than you're rate to deal with them you have problems the USA know that better than most

Head to Lebanon Pennsilvania and tell me how great the 20,000 vietnamese boat people are scumbags. They were housed at ft. indiantown gap in camps and moved into community. rampant gang drugs and most of them still on welfare. 0 intergration.

But what if we pay them three times as much welfare as our citizens and house them for free in a high class hotel?
Surely that will keep the problem of ghettoization away!

>Muh ideology

England's really not socialist. And if the last year has proven any thing that total freedom can cause a total fuck up of epic proportions

Damn, he should go back to the inbred back water island he came from and support open borders and refugees there.
Fuck this 4eye'd spineless weasel.

Nothing you could have done really, the moors were just smarter and more advanced, it's due to their genetic superiority after all, one of the things we accept as we accept race realism.

m8, people came to the US because of


And, looking back, I bet they wish they wiped out a few more...

If lack of hygene killed the injuns how come it didn't kill the Europeans as fast as it did them.
Get your facts straight, Texas

kek, how have I not seen this before

Biological immunities from centuries of disease spreading.
These diseases weren't present in the "New World" therefor no immunities.

Not really just different factors and spacing and advancements
But the was huge outbreaks that effected the Moors too then I'm talking history You're talking rhetoric and that's really not realism

Pigs caused the worst damage.

Wow...what a...come...b....a........c........k........!!!


Indeed they did.

By the way I wrote capitalist pig and the browser opened the congress page.

Cows saved us from the pox too. What's your point?
>Cow pox was the standard immunizer for pox viruses.
>Most farmers who handled cows, got the pox from them, and were better off for it.
>Injuns can't into farming.

>dat japan bulge.

>get fucked by a stegadon.

This is a new one. Am a fan.

Actually those are facts I consider too.

Moors learned from those outbreaks, just like they learned from their age of violent conquest.

When you entered the age of violent conquest they were already in the developing science and medicine stage, that's due to superior genes of course, no other explanation it's possible.

You're both right, it's some of each. But you can see the effects of the puritan refugees even from US posters today screaming about muh degeneracy

It was an ironic question to show his ignorance, you weren't supposed to answer it, Leaf.
But I do understand why you would answer since Sup Forums is historicaly illiterate

He's not allowed to criticize, he's not American.

The global population wasn't 8 Billion.

I'm saying pigs introduction to the new world caused massive damage to ecology, populations, and helped spread foreign diseases much more than humans did. Not their role in Europe

Yeah, I assume everyone is retarded on Sup Forums.
It's a default setting for good reason.
That and you never know, some lurker might learn something!

I know. I just wanted to mention shit. I'm not fully awake yet and distracted with getting ready for work.


Everyone learned from there outbreaks never said they did not do amazing things don't really care who did what first, not the kinda person who thinks I am entitled to any greatness or proudness from what people have done before me,

But if you think it via superior genetics you might want to learn how genetics works first or at least the basics

Ephigenetics theory agree with me.

As long as they did it first their genes were just better.

Yooooo where'd you find that spicy mem. I thought nobody else knew about the strange looking musician man/woman

Or, Europeans arrived in the Americas way before them injuns and were the first inhabitants of the continent. So in fact we're talking about reconquering the Americas that is celebrated.

"In 2009 scientists announced the discovery of a carving of a mammoth or mastodon on a piece of bone found north of Vero Beach (the general area in which Vero Man was found). The carving may be among the oldest art found in the Americas. Scientists studying the carving noted similarities with Pleistocene art in Europe. Art historian Barbara Olins Alpert has noted that similarity does not prove connection, as finely executed realistic art styles have appeared in various times and places."

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vero_man

No it does not because taking it as a total which does not work a few advancement don't work out as superior because you can not take a few factors and beleive it to be the whole

Not to say that the effects of epigenetic are over hyped and that the inheritance of non generic features acquired parent most scientists now think are rare. And unimportant

Check Matt Ridley's papers on it

> And those fears have been broadly unfounded.
Love it when 'Muricans speak about unfounded fears while Europe is literally going to shit due to "refugees". Worst part is that our "GUtmenschen" lefties shamelessly parrot everything the American Left says regardless of how stupid it is (They see the American Left is seen like a great role model of multiculturalism and progressiveness for some reason), which further worsens the situation here. I invite him to come here and walk around in a district controlled by Arab crime clans in the evening. Or near a "Refugee" camp; best would be if he wore a Cross or a Star-of-David - because most of the muslim Refugees brought their hate towards christians and jews (especially the latter) with them to their new host-countries. Alternatively, let him send his wife/gf here; she wouldn't even have to wear anything - being female is more than enough for those barbarians to physically assault her.

Hell, every "refugees are not violent!!!!!" people should be rounded up and sent right to the places where the "refugees" come from. Which - by the way - is very rarely from Syria, Iran or Afghanistan, but instead other African Countries where violent thugs try to leave for free gibs. If we're lucky, the problem solves itself, since the local dindus/arabs might just kill them off in a sudden moment of peaceful rage (?). The ones surviving should have gained a more realistic view after seeing other lefties's fates, and could come back as redpilled afterwards. If they survive the way home, that is.


Rolling for bugman Oliver's death. If repeat digits, he dies this week! Let's go, Satan!

Makes you think

Who is this “we,” you fucking faggot. You’re British.


>A few advances.

What did you have that was superior during that period?



I think you don't know what Puritanism is

You'd be surprised how few people actually know about 4H, glad to see it isn't dead yet.

2nd try, I hope he has at least a terrible christmas season

Didn't he say this exact fucking shit the last two previous years?

Are they running out of material or some shit?

400 Episodes of Drumpf not enough?

>lack of hygiene and ignorance

No faggot, Europeans had the same plague in the middle ages. Several of them really, those who lived on passed on the surviving genetics. Natives just got passed the torch. Be glad though, cuz apparently your ancestors lived and you are stronger for it.

Most of moorish- hell most of Islamic inventions /"discoveries" were merely ripoffs of the cultures they invaded/subjugated. There's a reason their scientific progress stopped when they killed off the intellectuals of areas they occupied. And also the reason none of modern science is based in any of their findings.

Even the Arabic number system is ripped from Persians/Hindus

Yes a few advancement don't lead to genetic superiority
Even if some other country has less advancements

Still don't see you're point

My point it's amerindians are just as genetically appropriate as whites or arabs, I just wanted you make my arguments for it,

Broadly unfounded
Wait until you import any kind of Arab or nigger
t. Netherlands overrun with these worthless imbeciles

The absolute state of John Oliver

>No need to fear refugees
>They only killed the former inhabitants of this great country once before

>hey don't have an ugly reaction to refugees, those fears are broadly unfounded
>oh and remember that one time refugees committed cultural and literal genocide?
Is he an idiot? He just disproved himself

He only disproved himself to people who aren't brainwashed or retarded which is 0% of his viewership.

>>They only killed the former inhabitants of this great country once before
You mean the british killed native americans.

They were illegal alien squatters and their anchor babies i.e. all whiteys need to go back to Europe.