1. The purpose is to log events and generate memes/infocharts to explain the deep rooted corruption and to highlight the efforts of those brave men and women who stand against it! 2. Yes, we all see the attempts to derail our redpills. Stay strong. Focus. Believe in your abilities. 3. How would you succinctly break all this news to your uninformed friend? Clear up doubt and fear, we are winning this fight! 4. Do just that. Get Comfy, We are the greatest!
Everything (you) need to know is in the ORIGINAL Qmap, before count'em a minimum of THREE fake Q's arrived to fight over which could co-opt the ENERGY to not just LARP, but put serious CASH in their pockets. Where is that map? Getting snuffed like all posts do because there is no reliable archiving team. Suggestion? Glad you asked: COALESCE and get one together.
HARVESTER's UNION POC: Bookman !!QfQSF97I4s6 MILLERS UNION POC: AntifungalLeafBread !!ED969JhqXgF
Here is all you really need to know about "Q": Q had enough KEK to carry this log about events BEFORE THE STORM for this long. What is the story here? THE STORM.
Q's letting the world know that ratlines and wealth strings are drying up and being cut. They [Wizards and Warlocks] have already carried out one of the largest silent sweeps in history (The massive amount of pedo-related arrests after Trump was sworn in). Got the lackies on the bottom, flipped 'em, and worked up the chain as much they could. Now the sources of wealth that fueled these entire operations got cut off. (The +++ ++ + is a countdown associated with bleeding the three groups: SA Rothchild and Soros) The ones in the middle of all this are on their own, and freaking out. With the full weight of the Military, Navy, and everyone Loyal to the American People/Trump (in what you might call a position of STRATEGIC PATIENCE against the bad actors) left. Pray for those who are saving the Republic of America.
SA > NA > ASIA > EU >"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.."
Keen RD (for NORMIES)
1. PRODUCE Infographs/CIRCLEMAPS/Memes detailing SA, CF, NK.. EG: TEMPLATE 2. 3. REDPILL families, friends 4. Dig into $$$
NYT Post (Declaration of war per Q) archive.is/VUm5R ================================================================= Older breadcrumbs have been linked to OP Posts to reduce information overload Concise Event Log Nov 10-12 Nov 13-14 Nov 14 Nov 15 Holy Get
LASTEST Q DROP!!! 11/19/17
Owen Fisher
--------------NOV 18------------- U1 informant has video of bribe money
Steve Motsyn, HRC SuperPAC, dies
Pedo ring with ties to Pope Benedicts brother uncovered
--------------NOV 19-------------- Mugabe dismissed as country leader
-=-=-=-=-= INFOGRAPHS =-=-=-=-=- Osama Bin Laden History CIA Asset Follow The Money Killary's History Killary's Body Count Deep State Ratlines Epstein, Weinstein & The Mossad Epstein Temple Podesta-Madeleine Comet [not] pingpong Trafficking Arrests *BlackRock Redshield $$$ NEW THE SWAMP THE CABAL U1 TIMELINE NEWER MEMES Feinstein Move on goy Move on V2 Mccain RS HRC HRC U1 PG Obummed SA OB SHH Lots of MEMES White Rabbit MEMES V2 Fix this MEMES SIDE DISH SWEET! /CFG/ Mockingbird
BATTER OF LEAF BRO, COMPARE IF YOU THINK THIS ONE IS MOLDY >>Nov 15 Clinton Pay4Play Scheme Podesta gets annihilated on twitter FBI McCabe Vault info drop Trump announcement involves New Zealand Before/After pictures of Trump @ dinner Clinton helped CPS Child Trafficking with legislation FBI states ANTIFA = terrorists Whew, soros everyone Trump tweeted +++ Remember Wonderful summary of groups involved John Taylor Gatto Current Theorized Summary of Latest Q Drop < - only pertains to latest drop