She is ten times better then Lauren Southern

She is less annoying and hotter than Southern

Other urls found in this thread:


she looks like my mother desu

She's really not that smart...
And her two best friends are delusional fags who think they are ladies. No thanks.

Pics my bro

Can I fuck ya mum, m8?

greek women do not look like that

except white?


>open mouth
>poster behind her says "BIG DICKS"
Cock goes here

What does it say about you that you genuinely care about the looks of political commentators?

wow lol she looks like me except my eyes are a brighter blue

Plus she doesnt burn POO

She's a MtF trap, and she's actually from NYC, and is related to Larry King from RT politiKANGZ

She's also claiming to be Independent which isn't isn't true since she is now seeking refuge money under Pogrice. Pogrice is a left wing news outlet based in Paris that endorsed Hollande. The vice chairman's brother runs a right wing Zionist news broadcast in tel Aviv, and is managed by Bibby N's PR administration on some levels as it also spreads anti Iran propaganda. Basically RT for kikes. George Osbourne (UK minster) also works for both said companies.

Always look out for controlled opposition. It might just save your life.


OP who is she?????




right, muhammed, my mother is black, no reason for your kind to come here

ashtonbirdie, new youtube right wing commentator, liking in berzerkley, california



danish intellectual

screenshot. I just watch her video because she is hot and incredibly sweet. Her personality is much better.

Coal burner eyes
You can have her but dont bring her to the christmas party this year

I prefer based Laura Loomer

why her boobs look so big in this pic?

Thinly veiled Lauren Southern hate thread.

Reminder not to bump shill threads.


She is a lolbertarian and a (((Milo))) fun. Fucking dropped

If she has no white children idgaf. I'm sick of these degenerate women gathering beta orbiters

she's pretty young, like 19 or 20

In Berkeley. I saw her having dinner with her faggot bf the other day. Huuuuuhuuughhhh. Fuuuuq.

calling me beta. Ok mate. most of you guys are obsessed with the fake Lauren southern. At least this bitch is honest and hotter.

>open mouth
>big cock poster in the background
>sucks said cocks
Slut confirmed.

she is autistic af and needs to sort herself out before preaching kekistani cringe shit, fine for the normies tho



That guy on the right of them is killing me lol. is head position ....

I thought Lauren Rose was the new Sup Forums girl.

>that picture

the then was because of auto-correct

Kys beta fag


She looks Polish

the person who moved to south korea because of yellow fever should shut the fuck up.

should have at least 1 child by 21 if you’re an actual “trad girl” and not some dumb whore trying to garner patreon bux from beta Sup Forumsacks

k neckbeard

Don't let them shit talk you Uruguay, I know your country is nice and you're doing your best.

Australian prison colony rapist and murderer faggots need to kill themselves. A whole fucking continent of degenerates.

>Norwegian education

looks exactly like pic related

t. tier 2 batreon subborter

As a SA monkey, Paraguai and Uruguai are the best countries here, hands down. Don't get me wrong tho, I love Brasil as well.

kill yourself. you went to south korea because you are into their ugly girls. hahaha

this. She'll be looking donations so she can swan around the world "reporting" ala Southern and Pettibone.

She has a nice voice

Lauren Rose is still best girl though. Bit aggressive though, she'd be a tricky gf

I don't trust Lauren but damn is she hot

nice proxy ash

That just means she's still entry-level.

Give her time and she'll go down the Faith Goldy/ RageAfterStorm route and profess race realism

Now this is one annoying stupid hippy bitch.

Southern seems more worldly-wise. Ashtonbirdie makes me feel fatherly protective.

You mean hanging with conservative alpha Chads seeing which has the most money or resources to latch onto, getting boned along the way. Meanwhile checking on the Patreon bucks from hopeless betas who think she is a "Red Pill conservative woman". "Muh waifu"

How many more of these women will choose this "trad-con" youtuber as a career choice before the bubble bursts?

Do you have any more room in your shrine? The LS pics will get jealous, get catty and compete for attention.

>meme flag
Into the trash it goes.

It's ok to be kike

Pettibone makes a measly $500 bucks a month from her Patreon. That's 1/3 of minimum wage.

You retards literally just imagine that this is somehow lucrative and that these people are making tons of money so you have something to hate against. The fact that you imbeciles actually think you're making a point is beyond laughable.

She literally said she has autism

Why do Greek gay men grow moustaches? they can look like their mums

>inb4 Uruguayans are not white.

Fuck off Norway

these whores get thousand from in person cash donations from their beta orbiters. Why do you think they dedicate their time to this? for sub minimum wage? of course not!


Prove it.

>muh feminists
>muh SJWs
>probably civic nationalist
Just fuck off (and leave her be)

choking on my burger hahaha

Just watch this video of hers.
Then unsubscribe if you did.

She's squeezing them in with her arms.

lmao what the hell, she looks exactly like the wife of a friend of mine.
cool, cool.

Do the red pill girls actually hate and despise each other?

I'm seeing alot of content overlap and scramble to secure the dwindling beta patreon bucks.

And now there's another blonde saying the same things as another established blonde..

>Norwegian education

You don't know what hot is

>hiding behind the okay sign to say white power
im surprised people havent blown up over this.

that your sister?

She lives with trannies. I was going to subscribe to her channel awhile back until I saw those things. Noped out and haven't looked back.

no, friend

i prefer aryan


>Bit aggressive though
How do you mean?


you realise how tight housing is today right? you can't really just choose who your flatmates are


Ah, le sexy red-pilled lady!

What an intelligent gentlema'am for a gentlesire like me. Make sure you donate to her Patreon gents!

she's cute but you shouldn't be sexualizing intellect, and since politics largely deals with security and resource distribution, and women are always the beneficiaries and never the providers, they have no business getting involved in the particulars of politics.

this pic is what happens when reddit lurks on Sup Forums

Don't go full Finland. You never go full Finland. It's just a piece of ass.

i dont believe her that she has autism. she probably self diagnosed social awkwardness as autism.

Why did you ignore my post that completely decimated your narrative? Afraid of discussing facts, eh little kike?

Can confirm, have met her in person, crazy as fuck, would wife desu senpai.

Hey goyim, heard you didnt like the jew southern, nor the jew loomer, so heres a new jew to hype