What was his endgame?

What was his endgame?

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why was he strumming her leg?

i don't remember the manga doing that

fuck off crossboarder

He only wanted to obtain perfection. He wanted this world's knowledge for himself. Why should he be punished for that? What's wrong with craving knowledge? What's wrong with seeking perfection?

I was actually referring to whatever he planned to do after he became the ultimate lifelorm

Go to the beach

You have any idea how much you yearn for the beach after spending millenia without being able to walk in the sun

Any idea

>He wanted this world's knowledge for himself.
I don't think he ever mentioned knowledge, I'm preety sure that's the plot to Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

He probably would've realized that his Ultimate Life Form form isn't actually perfect, and would've kept chasing perfection until it inevitably killed him, because no matter how smart he is or isn't, he'll never know that there's no such thing as perfection. His endgame doesn't exist.

Is it even possible to kill him?

To beat the sun. Too bad his mind is too simple and only focused on the sun which is only a tiny part of space and the universe. He was never perfect or superior. He was as dumb as everything else, only chasing after that singular goal.

He got something worse than death.

Something probably would've found a way, or he would've just gotten another fate worse than death. He was fated to lose specifically because his endgame doesn't exist.

Not really, this happened to him. His brain ceased to function. If you don't think or funcion in any way, you're practically dead. Except, if he nads somewhere, he'll get unfrozen and continue to roam around. unless he gets sucked into the centre of a star, but maybe he'd be able to prepell himself somehow

How long did it take though? "Eventually he stopped thinking" how long was eventually?

He must have spent a good amount of time wishing he was dead

However long it took him to radiate his heat away.
I think it's fair to assume he can control that, at least to an extent, so probably not /that/ long.

No way to know the exact time frame, but at least he got the peace of death.

36 kars on mars

I almost spit my lunch because of this. Every fucking time I think it's not funny but then it ends up being hilarious.

>only killed his clan because they attacked him first
>only killed the Hamon users because they would have killed him
>didn't care about killing anyone after becoming the ultimate being
>only wanted to kill Joseph because the dude killed what was pretty much his family
>saved a dog

Why was he the bad guy again?

He killed Ceasar's dad

I feel like Kars gets a bad rap, mostly because everything you said is legit true. There wasn't nearly enough focus on the fact that, according to their nature, the Pillar Men weren't doing anything evil or out of the ordinary.

It would be like if farm animals suddenly learned how to speak our language and objected to us eating them. Fuck that, I love chickens. I ain't not eating chickens just because a chicken objects to it. He's delicious. That's his fault, not mine.

I bet you also believe vampires are rational creatures. Humans are human because we have free will. This means we can chose to better ourselves and rise up from the animal nature. Vampires only give an illusion of being like men. In them, intelect is nothing but a too to be used to prey on humans. And in the same vein, Kars' only a being of instinct - he had no endgame because being the most powerful predator is the only thing that governed him. He was an animal that had to be put down. And based Araki knew this.

>free will
stopped reading there

Now with President Trump we'll purge your kind. Witch hunts for degenerates like you will start anew.

Perfection. He wanted to see his race's full potential, leading to him researching acupuncture and creating the Stone Mask. Given how we see the other members of his race wielding spears, it can be assumed that the four Pillar Men we see in BT have had their abilities unlocked with the mask. Kars, however, knew it wasn't enough, and sought the Aja to find out his true potential.

Human genocide was more of side effect of his research, really.


>single-handedly created the stone mask
>mindless animal

And monkeys use primitive tools and crows can drop things from a great height to break them. Your point?

>a mask capable of striking the brain with such precision, it turns humans into vampires and pillar men into godlike beings
>primitive tool

So, you're saying that because what he did impresses you, he's a man of free will not hell bent nothing but achieving more power with no endgoal in mind?

>implying anyone has free will

eat all the humans and have sex with the sun

He has a goal, it's just that his goal doesn't realistically exist. He wanted a type of perfection that doesn't exist. Wanting something that doesn't exist isn't the same as being some mindless animal with no goal in mind.


Mind is not a physical property like intelligence is. Most animals probably have some kind of a mind, though.

Ceasar being a shit is what got his dad killed.

And the guy who's been calling someone a fixional character mind you a mindless animal doesn't deserve that title?

That's victim blaming user.

All I want to know is how the hell him and Esidisi raised Wamuu and Santana. Do Pillar babies need milk? Who changed the diapers? How did they deal with the terrible twos?

Wait, he raised them? I missed that completely.

I imagine Esidisi is probably great with kids. Seems like the type of guy who'd be the fun parent

Go back to freezing, you freak of nature

Yeah, after his clan attacked him there were two infant Pillar babies left, Wamuu and Santana.

>Finger tentacles
>"Tickle Tickle"

>cucked his son by putting a ring on Joseph too

Esidisi is a terrible parent.

>Esidisi playing with Santana in the background
What a guy.

Amazing how the main villains were basically a gay couple and their sons.

Chill out, you're trying too hard to fit in.

The main character in part 8 is basically the son of two men.

Did you not watch the series or something? Or is this the only way crossboarders know how to make threads?

I watched it.
He wanted to become the ultimate lifeform.
Then what?

His first and foremost goal was to conquer his kind's weakness to sunlight and he did it. There's really not much else to comprehend other than that Cars' motivation was based off wanting to survive and be the apex predator on the entire planet. There's really not much else to go on other than that.

It's what being a one-dimensional villain is.

So he didn't have an endgame.

He technically did, it was just tedious to get there but he reached it. Just being the top dog on earth was his endgame.


Make music?

There were some aspects of Kars that didn't get explored at all like his protective side, such a waste of a character.

That's what I'm getting at, imagine if Joeph gave up and Kars "won". Sure, fucking about in the sun might be fun for a day or so, Kars isn't very nice so maybe he can torture some peasants or whatever but after a while life would get boring wouldn't it?

Joseph and co. were just on the top of Cars' shitlist because they got the remainder of his kind wiped out. I'd imagine he'd go and try to find Santana afterwards but for real, we don't really get a sense of what he intended to do after.

I want to see a world where Kars is just slowly killing all humans, then Dio wakes up and try to find other Stand users to kill the Perfect Man.

>santana just ended up being forgotten by the characters and narrative

Consider that Wham turned out to be a fucking prodigy and gained access to his Wind Mode presumably when he was at the same age as Santana while the latter barely had anything going for him and could barely talk. Maybe he was considered a lost cause but not like Cars would have had any choice.

>could take over other's bodies which allowed him to be the first to walk outside in the sun

It's funny how Santana is considered the shitty one when all Kars had was a shitty chainsaw light show attack as a mode.

This should be Part 9, but Joseph and a disciple of him should survive like Gohan and Future Trunks.

Dio and the World against the Pillar Men against Joseph would be great.

I mostly take all of Santana's abilities to be basic skills that all Pillar Men have, it's just that they've got such an enormous level of pride that they wouldn't want to walk around using human vessels that can barely fit them.

Hey man, those chainsaws can cut through ANYTHING. Or at least it apparently can. Nowhere near as useful as Wind or Fire and I'm not sure if his "light mode" is strictly limited to his blades cause if that's the case, it shouldn't even be called lightmode. But Araki was probably not thinking too straight since if his light-based appendages can do the same shit as his arm blades, he could do some freaky shit with the rest of his body.

Willing to bet Kars will return with some kind of self-aware transportation stance in Jojo's "end saga".


I assume Ripple is still being practiced somewhere in Tibet.

Don't harmon to me or my husbands sons again.

>Part 1
Ends with Jonathan holding Dio in his arms
>Part 2
Main villains were a gay couple and their sons
>Part 3
Dio has Jonathan's body, puts his stolen penis in Pucci
>Part 4
Not really gay
>Part 5
Diavolo mentally masturbates to Doppio
>Part 6
Pucci loves the D
>Part 7
Johnny gets brojobs from Gyro
>Part 8
Gappy's balls are literally touching Kira's

Basically part 4 is the only good part

Why didn't the pillar men awaken in the part 7-8 timeline?

jojo reference?

>FMA Brotherhood reference

>Someone finally got it
I appreciate it, friend.

>Part 4 not gay
>When Okuyasu and Josuke exists


>Implying brojobs are gay
Get a load of this fag.

Who else believe's that god-tier Part 7 could be animated within the next decade?

>literally touching Kira's
He IS Kira. They're all his own balls.

Was it autism?

>Black eyebrows
>Blonde when zoomed in

Of all the Jojo villains who had the worst fate?
I mean DIO kinda just dies and turns to ash.

Kars is frozen solid in an immortal body and stops thinking.

Kira, meanwhile gets sucked in by nightmare hands to the "underworld"

Diavolo is forced to repeatedly die forever (or at least until the reset)

Pucci just sorta dies.

Valentine constantly dies in every alternate universe and then finally gets shot to death.

Who's death is the worst?


Obviously Diavolo.

either thats the smallest ass in the world or his hands are fucking huge


Obviously Diavolo.

josuke is practically his own person

Reminder that Diavolo didn't deserve it

DIO just died

Kars essentially dies, takes a while but he gets there

Kira dies, gets a reasonable afterlife in Dead Man's Questions

Pucci just died

Valentine tried to escape the infinite spin, failed, and ended up just dying

Diavolo has to keep dying forever, over and over, in different ways each time, with no real end in sight unless GER cancels out on death or something. He definitely got it the worst.

Is this ''the thread''?

I don't know anymore.

>twink dio

He's too bulky to be a twink, dumb frogposter.

That's more twink-ish that the original buff gay vampire, and it's sad

On another note, how would johnny, gappy and jolyne would look in first/second part artstyle ?

He's still buff though.

He ain't that buff tho
Except for his large shoulder frame and thick forearm he's dyel as fuck

appearently we dont deserve containment and can run rampant on Sup Forums as much as we want.

Kars really did bring it on himself though. Eventually he would wind up alone whether Joseph banished him or not. Someday humanity would go extinct, from war, or overpopulation, or a meteor, and the earth would just get swallowed up by the sun.

Immortality is scary because he was always destined to the same fate


Damn, not sleeping is killing my ability to write
I meant that except the fact that he have a large frame and juicy forearm, he is DYEL