Shingeki no Kyojin

Very soon, mutinyb owl will become a reality. Eren will shatter Armin's heart over and over again, and Mikasa will kick it into a volcano. Armin will be broken, dreamless, and with no friends. He'll be alone.

That is what you wish for, right? To see him destroyed by the people he loves the most.

First for dead general

Mikasa and he will never be far away from each other. Eren has other things on mind.

I'm glad this manga and fanbase are fuckin dead.

>That is what you wish for, right?
Pretty much

It's not dead, just fucked from the lonely mongs that keep going on about wanting to be made pregnant by characters.

Don't get triggered pls

I'm not done with the first season yet but is anything more expanded upon of the child sex trafficking ring in the universe? I honestly think a series about trying to bring people like that to justice whether there is any point in a world going to shit overrun by Titans would make for a much more interesting series rather than getting some generic zombie shit.

Go away

I do wish for it yes.

I would like a series of this. It would work amazingly.

mite b cool

>That is what you wish for, right? To see him destroyed by the people he loves the most.
EMA a shit and I want them to fuck off or die, so the story can actually focus on interesting things.

The story it is focusing in something more than them. Ymir for example, is as important as Eren and Zeke in this story. Armin and Mikasa are going to stay behind when Eren goes and I think they will work better as characters without Eren on their lives. He is special and nothing compare to them.

The problem is there should've been more investigation in the crimes committed by the people living in the inner walls while the scouts deal with the Titans would be a secondary, rather than have them be the main focus 100% of the time which got a little boring.

Isayama said this arc about the warriors, so I'm at least a little optimistic not every chapter will focus on the EMA turds. Sadly the rageturd is already obvious, because of his connection with Zeke.

No, that's worst.

*is about

Actually, it is all about Eren and his muh memories all the time. The SL will be better without him, I wonder if they will tell the people about the basement and the outside world.

>Actually, it is all about Eren and his muh memories all the time.
The warriors are Zeke, Reiner and Annie though, not Eren. Ymir will most likely get focus too, since there are still mysteries regarding her as well and also the legend in Grisha's flashback. There is also the SL and how they will deal will the new infos. So these things make me hope there will be a lot of not EMA related chapters.

A police procedural in this setting sounds super interesting, which of course means that we will never see anything like it. Isayama is the king of wasted potential after all.

Nothing important about Annie though, with Reiner is enough (talking about their childhood). We will still have more of EMA and especially Eren. I think Isayama will follow two routes like when he did it in the Uprising arc.

>We will still have more of EMA
Nothing important about Armin and Mikasa either. Sadly Eren is connected to Zeke.

Seeing that in a monthly manga is impossible but if they make a series they could cover it.

Well, Armin is a shifter and Mikasa is an Ackerman so yeah, they would still be important. I wonder what would happen with Levi, his only mission is to kill Zeke and maybe he will go to the warrior village too. Who knows.

>they would still be important.
Not more important than Reiner or Annie. The warriors situation and how they will deal with it is actually interesting, expecially after the new infos from Grisha's flashback.

>it is actually interesting
Not really, they aren't the only ones who suffered. They are just part of the group of Eldians in Mare. Annie is still on her shell so if she plays a role, it would be to guide Eren to the warrior village.
Armin and Mikasa, along with Hange and the others would still be important.

>Not really
At least more than EMA and their boring drama again.

I don't care about EMA but you should just accept they would still be as important as they are now. There's nothing that can be done.

Armin a shit and worst shingeki.

It is known.

>We will still have more of EMA and especially Eren.

It's a shame Eren is fucking boring, very simple minded, and the least proactive MC in a long time. I understand now why Isayama said Eren was only a vehicle to tell the story.

Well when he was also asked why EMA are the MCs, he just said "somehow".

I believe it.

Say what you like about that creature now. I am sorry for defending it.

When did he say that? don't recall.

>Isayama said Eren was only a vehicle to tell the story.
>Implying that's a bad thing.

It is a bad thing when the MC is retarded and less interesting than a bag of rocks.

There's not such a thing as s shonen without retarded MCs. Plus I find Isayama not having "feelings" for his MCs rather advantageous, If he pretends to kill them in the end.

Eren much shittier. Armin is the only character holding the story together. Fire Hanji and hire Armin already.

Fuck off stealth mrs smith

They are both making the story worse.

OWL sacrifice soon. Best boy died to give us Grisha and that's just not fair.

I haven't read since we found out Grisha was actually a good guy and Zeke is a treacherous cunt. Anything good happen since then?

how did jean die?

That was just one chapter ago.

I don't understand how time works. I thought that was like 3 months ago. My bad

Is Kruger Eren's real father?

He's too based to have such a turd as a son.


the whips complete it

Nanaba makes for a surprisingly good dom

YH is canon.

I'm so happy.

More sub/dom?

Anyone in particular?

YH soon.

Eren and his devilspawn thralls will not succeed. Humanity will be victorious.

Just make it sexy. Or kinky.

He touched Mikasa



Whats going on in their pants

Bad anatomy from fan artists

Trouble in paradise?

Also, his character is so undefined that the whole fandom misinterprets his personality on a level that's never been reached before in manga history. Just look at Erens fanart, where he is 90% displayed as cute, friendly, shy and innocent, especially in EL dynamics. In my opinion he is the exact opposite. Fandom Eren is disgusting.

A bubbling party that's about to explode into my womb.

Mikasa is shit. Just floating that out there.

Marie pls.

They can be left aside easily for chapters as you can see on castle Utgard. Especially after Isayama said this arc won't focus on them.

Armin is way, way worse than Eren.

>Grisha is a good guy.


Thanks for reminding us, Annie.

>using my edit
Feels good


So, now that Levi only lives for revenge, does that mean that Zeke is as good as dead or is Isayama getting ready to finally kill off manlet?

>Levi only lives for revenge

I miss Utgard.

Levi is kill soon. The King of the Eldians will save humanity.

I want to be in Japan the day the chapter comes out and Levi is kill. Probably will be worse than Michael Jacksons death.


God Marie is lucky
I would let them 'explode into my womb' as much as they wished


Femanons need to go out and get a dicking

can Levi survive at the end? he lost his friends, his Squad, Erwin, Manlet deserves to be happy helping Historia with the orphanages

He's going to die at the very end. He will become "The Final Shifter" and leave it up to the remaining Scouts to kill him, finally removing the titan scourge.

Going by skill alone he's one of the very few that has any right to still be standing when this shit is over, but "stuff" happens and if Isayama wants Zeke to survive their next encounter (since manlet now obviously has a hate boner for him) we might see a situation similar to the annie fight, only this time Levi might not get out of it with just a messed up leg.

maybe he survives but he lost an eye

This wakes the little titan

Annie is not for lewd though. Annie is for hugs, headpats and telling her everything is okay.

When will Reiner come back?

Annie is absolutely for lewd. 100% best girl status at all times.

I know

So if the outside world people have huge resources and the walled-out kingdom is merely a small island, why can they only afford to send 2-3 autists like BRA? if the coordinate is so important, shouldn't they throw all warriors at them?

Wouldn't a full scale attack trigger the king and release the wall titans or something?

How the fuck can Zeke turn people into titans from midair?

Try again. Use your words.


We don't know.

Annie has a boopable nose.