The absolute state of Europeans

Glad I'm Anglo

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por que?

> europe

The EU parliament building (Louis-Weiss Building in Strasbourg) was designed by occultists as a homage to the Tower of Babel. It is a symbol of their defiance of God, for they worship Man-As-God and Transhumanism.

The EU Parliament has 679 seats - that's 666 + 13, the two most occult numbers. Seat 666 is permanently empty.

Viewed from above it is the All-Seeing Eye in a Pyramid. They Eye even has a clearly defined retina and pupil. It also contains Freemasonic twin pillars and star symbolism, and faces exactly due east to welcome the Morning Sun (Lucifer, the Light Bringer), just like Freemasonry tracing boards.

This ride is speeding up. r?


NIce try, Achmed.

What is the satanic fork? And the sort of wheel?

That's actually true, so I'm amazed that they actually included it. There is no God, but the State.


off by one, almost user, almost.

Anon5 knows.

>commie symbol
>no swastika

What did they mean by this?

Says mister 56%

Best thing Britain has done since the Falklands war. Leaving the EU makes me proud to be English.

When are you Europeans joining the UK?

You arent leaving. You are just entering the ride. You think what's coming? you dont have a clue.

hammer and sickle, lol.

We would fight you on the beaches.

wherever i look on nets there is a story how russians made brexit possible. and here gubermint is very pro eu - i think you should rejoin western world bongs. after all, we are same.

But the UK wants to be like Australia. Free, independent, etc

>You arent leaving. You are just entering the ride. You think what's coming? you dont have a clue.
Wasn’t that the same speach that Merkel gave to the migrants?

Not one, shot fired, Knives, in the bin, an autograph or two, and britain is sold.
How old is elizabeth? atm?

The wheel is Buddhism. It symbolizes the eightfold path to enlightenment. Would be a cool religion, but they hate life and would rather stop the cycle of reincarnation.

Envoy your refugees.

chill out man, just rejoin and trade. tons of export.

>delusional kraut on a proxy

hammer and sickle
no swastika

What gives?

Nazi Germany lost world war 2

>Written in English.

>hammer and sickle
Jewnited Jewrope confirmed as communist shithole. Once again.

kek, if burgers say jump they jump here, you are thinking about kiwis
in all honesty - i think klaus is trying new approach, can't dwell on past i guess