Christianity is not European

Christianity is a foreign religion.
Pagans aren't larping.
Unless you're genetically jewish, you're larping as a Christian (denomination of judaism, just like Hasidics).

I’d rather tip a fedora than have a stupid meme religion.


Basically, yeah.

Go praise Allah, Muhammad.

kek the jew tries to derail us

Nobody believes in Pagan gods anymore.
Christians do believe in Jesus. Does it hurt you that Paganism is LARP and Christians are calling you out on it? Does it hurt you that God did not incarnate as white Aryan?
I'm white and yet I do not care for your white nationalist dream.

Look at all the art, buildings and culture it left behind in europe.

only a mutt that has never been here would say something like that

Go edumacate yourself pleb

Is this now a Amerimutt thread?


The pagan gods have been disproven beyond any shadow of doubt.
Fuck off nigger.

>pagans in charge of mattering

So the disproved water and wind and fire and rain?

deus vult my dudes haha LOL guys we gotta retake the holy land LOL


why do catholic denomation love blacks and 3rd worlders so much
ortho jews hold supremacist views
sunni and other of the likes is basically arab nationalism in theological form

ijust dont get it

get lost kike




How about instead of LARPing as pagans you admit that you're simply atheists, you know, like how the Sup Forums majority was until the epic fat man with a fedora meme got to all of you and you did everything in your power to disassociate with that stereotype, up to pretending to be Christians?


Yeah, to this day I've never seen conclusive evidence that "faithful" pagans exist

They all seem to just be atheists fucking around with the trappings of religion like Varg


>Be Amerimutt
>Think you're white


Christianity is so old that it very well IS white culture you dumb nigger, its been a thing in white countries for well over 1000 years. It's more white to practice christianity than paganism.

this whole paganism thing is just people wanting to feel different and original. but it just makes you look like a retard, which you certifiably are.

>being this much of a kike slave

Varg is an autistic faggot, anyone with a brain can see that.

Better than islam.

We literally don't know too much about the original religions of northern Europe.
If you practice "paganism" you're literally larping some retarded shit frankensteined from various myths and anachronistic historical accounts by internet edgelords.

>Varg is an autistic faggot, anyone with a brain can see that
Well that explains why pagans like him so much

Those aren't white christians you stupid cuck, they're niggers and spics.


What the FUCK are you talking about you absolute retard. Christianity is ONLY European.

Back you scoundrel!

And paganism is a false religion. Get this into your thick skull, I don't give a fuck what country my religion started in, I only care about whether or not it is right.
I'm not going to join you in tree worship and drinking semen just because you wail about the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ wasn't from Europe.

Objectively true but Christcucks don't care, they actually believe some Jew in the Levant is responsible for everything in the universe.

Shit I mean they're not wrong about that part though.

>heart physically hurts seeing Constantinople green