Gooks the worst race after niggers for Homo Europeas. Idiotic sloppy eyes, closed mind, robot consciousness, flat monkey face, slavish flirting with white people, hive mind and
lack of personality, intelligence without real creativity (they still steal western and european patents).
My country full of half mongoloid hybrids, it's like living on cemetery. 40% of east slavs (russians, ukrainians etc) are mongrels with admixture of paleoasiatic subhumans, pathetic and passive inbreds with low androgens. Gooks already takes your place in Africa
Betas which mating with gook garbage girls BTFO. We know that white dumb roasties and coal burners need to be tortured and killed, but euro losers must be ashamed and killed by their hapa sons.
Kikes want you to spoil your heritage with GOOK AND NOG DNA
Other urls found in this thread:
Good thing Japanese people are white
this desu famalamington
They are literal ant people without any sort of individualism, self-awareness or morals, but some of them are quite pretty desu.
Clannad After Story has more emotion and family values than any Western art from the past 50 years, prove me wrong
ITT: butthurt Mohammeds and Ivans complain because asians dont see them as human.
Go back to breeding with your sister and drinking vodka
>tfw theres a shit ton of homemade incest porn in Russia
>family values
Japanese animation for television is mainly trash but there is alot of gold in that trash wereas you look at western animation for television it is all trash at this point.
Japanese != Chinks
Japanese do indeed posess souls, you're right, even if your example is a bit absurd.
Are you 25% Chinese or something, amerimutt?
it's only for classical mongoloids. Not rare jomon from Japan or iranid-turanids.
Most of nips are average gooks. But they have good phenotypes
tfw going to breed with a japanese with my good electrician job, there's a fuck tonne of cuties in melbourne
gib asian gf
t. ashot
arabs are the real menace
Are you 25% muslim or something from thay semen in your ass?
t. porn addicted asian-american subhuman
Stop using web for porn and stop believing in stupid names of videos. Also better castrate yourself and kill your mother and father
That woman is fucking outrageously attractive.
t. tatar
oh look it's this thread again
same pic
same text
same day
you should let it go
if it's bad thing they will know in the end
even though you could instead make more pretty white girls for the other ausfags on here that are having white sons?
what a nigger
100% white
Stay mad amerimutt, Also have some respect, you're talking to a white man after all. Mulattos should learn their place :^)
mutts BTFO
They are rude and souless by they're at least not slavs
at least link some
sorry i only breed bulls, daughters get an abortion
you're a good man user.
the shills are always posting their race mixing propaganda using "sex sells" techniques. you're providing the alternate voice that is needed.
>talks casually about aborting daughters
>wants boys only
You may not be a Chink, but you sure sound like one.
You're bullshitting about wanting only to breed bulls. You know very well you're only going to bring up effeminate soy boys.
The first two aren't true. Trump got the majority of Asian votes.
But the third is true.
I would rather have a Asian wife then a used up white roastie who's been fucked by niggers
>asian american girlfriend
that's where you fucked up
Collectively current day white women are trash and asian women arent.
Men are sick and tired of getting fucked over so they got for the next best alternative which are slavic and asian chicks its that fucking simple
>slavic chicks
Good luck.
>Gooks the worst race after niggers for Homo Europeas. Idiotic sloppy eyes, closed mind, robot consciousness, flat monkey face, slavish flirting with white people, hive mind and
>lack of personality, intelligence without real creativity (they still steal western and european patents).
spot on description faM
true dat they are also mostly trash
All woman are same at their fundament