Boogie is absolutely right

Boogie is absolutely right.

Trump needs to be impeached due to the countless sexual assault allegations against him.

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop giving these faggot losers a medium to display their stupid ass opinions

lmfao its real

But it's a FACT that Trump is being accused of sexual assault.

Eugenics is the final redpill Sup Forums needs to swallow

And it’s a fact that I just accused you of being a shitposter


And it's a fact that I'm accusing you of being a faggot.

Boggie is playing with his life here.

>clinically depressed
>hates on trump
>internet likes trump
>gets on suicide watch when people hate on him on the internet
>makes him piss off Fiona
>she leaves
>pushes him off the edge

>can't stump the trump

digits confirm it's no joke

>innocent until proven guilty
>"yeah but you have to prove you're innocent"
That's... that's not how that works. At all. You just said he's innocent until proven guilty, so why would he need to prove he's innocent when he hasn't been proven guilty?

This fat ass piece of shit should watch his wife cucking him with his black "roomate" instead of throwing accusations on twitter. Look how clueless he is.
>"My wife has never cheated on me. No, not with the black guy in that photo (who is 100% homosexual btw."
Or he should watch what the fuck he's eating since he already had a heart attack and has trouble standing up. No fucking wonder since he spends all of his days in a fucking chair and stuffs himself with mayo.
>12 women accusing him.
Shut the fuck up you worthless cuck. You well fucking know most of these women are making things up and the rest are grabbing for attention. It is motherfucking known that women sleep with their superiors for either money, job promotion or attention. Tell me fatso, how long did it take for these worthless roasties to come public with these accusations? 10, 15, 20 years? Oh why didn't they report it to the police? Perhaps because they didn't want to be seen as whores they are?
>Innocent until proven guilty
Fucking exactly you waste of oxygen. Until authorities prove without a doubt that he did what you say he did then fuck off. I so fucking hope Trump would sue all of these faggots for slander and drain them dry of money.
>Kill yourself boogie

And yet quite all those 12 women spoke up just weeks before the election and then shut up right after he was elected. Almost like...Idk someone paid them to accuse Trump but after he won they didnt want to be sued for slander so they didnt press any charges and they went away

I've seen a few of his videos and he did mention a "roommate." I didn't know it was a nigger.

Why anyone would ever let a nigger live in their home (actual house) is a worthless retard in my eyes. It certainly doesn't help when they used to weigh 500 pounds.

countless = 12
lol, the absolute state of college education

What's up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, though the power of the internet!

>slurps chemically concentrated transfat
>punches chest to restart heart


>obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder
*lisping* Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis annd ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?

>Gets 10000 likes

I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers, *desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils* but today is different, because this affects me so so much, and hope you guys will understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!

>smears mayonnaise on upperbody
>skin obsorbs mayonnaise*

Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!


>I'm all for innocent until proven guilty BUT
He really is an idiot, isn't he? His critical thinking skills are that of a child.

>has no argument to defend his precious drumpf
>resorts to petty name calling

>missing the point
This dialog is too advanced for you I guess

Harvey Weinstein should be the President of the United States.

We've never heard a single word from these women after this 2 week period right before the election. If there was a shred of truth to it would the media really have stopped coveting it? I mean they run stories about Trump eating 2 scoops of ice cream or drinking some water, would they actually kill legitimate stories of Trump committing sexual abuse?

It was a desperate, last minute move by the deep state to keep Trump out. The media and establishment politicians were all complicit and used it to call for Trump to immediately stop campaigning and just let Hillary win. So funny how this theme, with the same NY lawyer representing the accusers, is repeating itself.

That bait was so shitty that it made me reply good job m8

>*blocks your fridge*

"Hellooooooo. How ya'll doin dooday?

Fat coward giving tribute to his shitlib masters

And it's a fact that most if not all of them have been debunked with further witnesses. Even if their accusations were real, they are retarded for waiting until the man was running for president. But anyone with IQ above a carrot knows that it was a continued character assassination attempt by the democrats. Same for Roy Moore. It's an obvious and desperate tactic.

>Oil driller who almost died because of obesity.
Nothing this person says has any value whatsoever.

a fat man whos only viewing trait is hes fat so its funny. meh

>needs to take time to try to prove his guilt or innocence
>try to prove his guilt or innocence
>prove his innocence

that's not how it works

reasonable doubt and preponderance of evidence

also I'm curious as to what his opinion on ole' Bill Clinton is


You fuk'n punkass libtards need to gofukurself while the rest of us #MAGA. Crybaby faygits like you idiots are the problem & we are the cure. Your libtard days are over, ya weakass soyboi puss pusses...

Not an argument

It's cool OP, I know what you really want.

hmm 3 people accusing OP of being a faggot now. I hope he defends these claims. no one would make incredulous claims after all

Hey guys, orrj5Prr sexually assaulted me, he jammed his gross tongue down my supple boy hole, someone please investigate orrj5Prr.

>also I'm curious as to what his opinion on ole' Bill Clinton is

"Bill Clinton isn't the president anymore, if he was I would say the same thing, but he isn't so I'm not."

The same shit these idiotic left boot lickers always say

every day i see news of a new sexual assault against people i dont give a fuck about.
how long until someone(hillary) makes up some elaborate shit to get trump impeached because the public wants it?

someone needs to open a case on all those innocent chickens that died for all those tendies.

I have proof of Trump sexually assaulting Kathy Griffin (unwanted hoverhanding), pic related

Democrats are the GOOD rapists. You are not allowed to prosecute them, because they only rape bad people, like that homewrecker Monica Lewinsky.

Either we allow sexual predators to sexually assault our mothers, sisters and daughters or we don't. If we decide not hold Trump accountable, then we can never claim the "family values" high ground. The fact is, we wouldn't miss Trump at this point. He managed to win one election with populist hucksterism and Kremlin propaganda campaigns, but he's no conservative and he's already making the GOP lose elections. He's not worth the graft and baggage.

>fuck due process and shit

Aight then

What a brave fat fuck. Sage

>someone needs to take the time to prove his guilt
>someone other than me though obviously i'm super busy

could your mom be a coal burner and ur sister and daughters? answer truthfully please.




This guy is so fat when he fell out of bed this morning
He fell off All 4 sides of it

It's actually like 6 or something now, since several women during the 2016 election pulled back their accusations when it reached more serious levels and they had to prove that it actually happened.
The remaining MIGHT be true, since Trump met a lot of women and in today's world you will get accused of rape if you touch a shoulder the "wrong" way.

that's cool but why should i take advice from a guy who can't even take care of his own body