Europeans are soyboys and envy the Anglo


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Completely true.

>tfw 50% English
Feels good to be part of the true master race.

Remember when the anglos invented the chocolate enema?

Cause I do.

Another day another Anglo Anti European thread. Are all U.K. Posters shills?

Brits are the ugliest strain of white people though

Fuck off we are European

Europeans are evil communists

I have never recognized European authority.

No. We are Anglo.

>circle and hammer
I can't wait for Finland to finally leave EU.

No just the children with nothing better to do

You fags in Europe need to work together instead of arguing over petty shit

That guy has such a punch-able face

No we aren't you faggot.

Nah, you're Jews through and through.

>amerimutt does not understand preservation of national identity

This shit just writes itself

I smell an ass blasted remainer

Europeans importing millions of Muslims and trying to create a superstate isn't 'petty shit'.

Agreed but so does the USA with it's self

>preservation of identity equals wars between countries over the smallest things
All i said was you all should get along, not that you have to mix up into one big ball you faggot

enjoy your kike nobles/rotshild dystopia where your "asians" keep raping you and you can't even complain about it anywhere, anglobro
it's actually your little island where (((they))) are testing how far you can be pushed without revolting, you are very far ahead compared to rest of EU...well maybe sweden is comparable

>this much salt

Lmao you effeminate Euroweenie

Well I did not want to leave it was stupid
But he not the reason we left
And he has a dam punch-able face no matter what

tough boy, good..I hope you keep practicing with your butterknife

the Russians interfered with Brexit so now it isn't going to happen


White man is a very cuck gay

I'd hate to ruin the fun here but it seems to me that the EU is not really your main problem...rather it would be your old colonies.

Look at that map for example. Also please don't get yourselves arrested for posting on Sup Forums

You literally have an open border with Germany. RIP


By that response I don't think I lost to you because you can't be old enough to vote

And we all lost lol lol

Get over it you European parasites: looks like you're going to have to go suck off Germany for the cash now.

Nobody will miss the Anglos, the laughing stock of Europe.

The EU is going to collapse soon, literally Fall of Berlin Wal moment 2: Merkel is unable to form a government, and when we walk away with "no deal" you losers will come crawling back as you always have done.

>Mad about a woman getting mad gainz
The absolute state of soyboys

They really did not get that much cash off us any way compared to Germany

I thought the British Women were Ugly thing was a meme

England will continue along it's path to become the Mecca of white slavery.

The only people interested in "Great" Britain will be degenerates who are into discount 12-year old sex slaves.

this guy is literally the best politician ever.


Lol because we all know that when it happens once it happens every where in that country,
that why all Americans are dead because of mass shootings
And every one in the middle East is dead by isis

"Sup Forums never let rational thinking get in the way of Rhetoric"

Got to be a troll there no way of defending that statement

>a fucking swede

But it just keeps happening. You know why?

Just as in the case of Rotherham, britbong social workers and policemen are protecting the paki rapists.

You better check if it has happened near you.

>leaves EU because too many white people are flooding into their country
>continues to import hundreds of thousand of third worlders from the former colonies

Why are Anglos such fat disgusting pigs?

Continentals aren't white

Pakis and Blacks are though

Where the evidence there getting Protected and god shit like that happens every where it fucking terrible
About. A year ago a group of woman got jailed for abusing children and taking photos does not mean
I am not going to blame woman for it I blame them

You should read "Easy Meat", it's an investigation into the problem that shows that it's even more damning than the official reports suggests.

>Legalized gambling.

And then it's the immigrants fault...

The irony is that all of these European faggots are forced to speak in ENGLISH whilst talking in this thread.


Anglos are Europeans also Londoncuck. EU =/= Europe.

You have to go back

What? If anything Anglos are the Soyboys jealous of Europeans.
The English I’ve encountered come of as weak and effeminate and slightly autistic, and the girls look like they’ve been given a few good hits to the face with a shovel.
The one continental I met was a French fellow, he was a cool guy, and got on well with us

In short, blow it out your ass limey

Fuck off democrat.

>create an Anglo thread
>butthurt continentals and non Anglo subhumans flood in

You aren't white. Of course you got on with a Frenchman.

>f-fuck off democrat!

>be britcuck
>turns on bbcuck radio 1 for this week's nasheed Top 10 of the Pops
>puts the kettle on
>opens curtains of his filthy council flat living room
>looks out window
>sees sees muslim explosions everywhere
>shuts curtains, sits back down
>just........calms down, and makes his why to the kitchen to cook crumpet and fries
>britcuck hears knock at the door
>HOLYFUCKINGSHIT.mp3 it's the PG Teabag licence police
>h h here officer here my l licence
>w w s s sorry officer?
>poor britcuck gets tased
>thrown if of his """home""""
>gets beaten and mugged by chavs
>United Caliphate of GB&NI national anthem plays

I honestly feel for you brits. No wonder your nations informal motto since 2009 has been "Keep calm and [..]"

I picture you as that Wallace guy from Wallace &.Gromit show. Just an innocent and simple guy who just wants to eat his crumpets, drink tea, and watch the Sunday soccer league.

A completely harmless guy. Under the threat of CCTV, Feds, and Goat tickets 24/7.

Poor guy.

because i had beef medallions and curly fries for breakfast this morning

Why don’t you piss off back to your r9k Colony you filthy Paki?

No. 17 million of us won.

Oh look. Another retarded Anglofag that denies to be European. Hey, why don't you losers become the next state of the US? You are constantly sucking their 20% white dicks 24/7 anyways. And you are both Anglo subhumans! A perfect match.

> Be Anglo
>Have amazing empire
> Loose it all
>give up and join the EU
>leave eu
>still cuck your self and get raped by sand niggers

"At least we are not soyboys"

Daily reminder, Jesus himself visited England and helped build a church in Glastonbury.

My sides are in orbit

Kek.You're importing millions of Muslims too. You act like Brexit is gonna change anything.

Didn't you guys lose whole empire because of one manlet austrian painter?

You Britbongs amaze me every single time. I never thought a nation could actually be more retarded and arrogant than the Americans.


>17 million of us won
It’s already been well over a year, what’s taking so long?

Where do you think we get it from?

>This is no fair Fascism
Fuckin Lost

No, there are still 16 realms who recognize her majesty queen Elizabeth II, plus the UK has colonies today that they control fully, just they changed the name to overseas territory to be more PC

T. 1/64 “German” American At least they brexited
>be Canadian
Enough said
Isn’t it time for you to suck shlomos dick already?

top kek

Anglos are humans, not Europeans. Sorry you have animal blood in you mixing with the Teutons and Ottomans. England has always been English and always will be.


Shhhh.... Be still...

Well, to be brutally honest, I don't think we are going to really leave the EU. The plan seems to be to stall and stall for as long as possible and then negotiate a terrible deal with the EU that makes most people want to stay.
I might be totally wrong about all that but I'm very suspicious. It should be taking so long.

alright lads chill out


>paying taxes to a man across a body of water who i have never elected or seen in person.
They miigghhttt not be european. ;^)

Guess again Jamal, I’m Ethnically bure, I’d Irish extraction
Yes, we voted for Trump, he is in office, and he is having really impacts on the country.
You voted for Brexit, and no tangible results. Why?


My sister Unironically makes tea this way, and she calls me a wannabe Brit when I call her out on it
I think so desu, it sucks

I don't even own a microwave, the water tastes like shit in a microwave everything tastes awful made in a microwave. It zaps it with radiation that's why

Brexited? They just gave the OK signal for getting raped by the EU and presented it as a success lol.

I know!
She doesn’t eat any meat as well, and then she’s surprised when her hair is thinning

>ethically bure

Daily reminder - Britain belongs to Pakistani. Brexit won't change anything, it will speed up the fall of this country.

That was actually breddy gud

>You voted for Brexit, and no tangible results. Why?
Weak and feeble "leaders", unfortunately. Both main political parties need to be vanquished to the pages of history, imo. Maybe they are just waiting for the EU to soon go down in flames, then quietly whistle and leave the room.

Sarcasm my guy, learn to love it
Or don’t

Good job on that election btw, how goes things in your country?


>EU =/= Europe
Um, what?

>Being this buttmad

>it was stupiddd!
>his face is stupidd!
fuck off you child

Hello my ''fellow'' europeans i'm anglo and we are european too.