Most Famous People in Human History

Most Famous People in Human History

1. Aristotle

2. Plato

3. Jesus Christ

4. Socrates

5. Alexander the Great

6. Leonardo Da Vinci

7. Confucius

8. Julius Caesar

9. Homer

10. Pythagoras

11. Archimedes

Other urls found in this thread:

>Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was Greek.

Good point.

The Greeks and Romans are an extinct race now.

Lets not repeat their mistakes.

finland at it again


>Jesus - Greek


I think you mean that they were all TÜRK you wh*Te devil

Also, the most famous people in human History, do you mean the most famous now, or the most famous ever?

If most famous ever, it have to be the ancients, because waves of generations came and went, from multiple places, and they had to read the basics of culture every time, and every time there were the greeks as the foundation of the western civ.

>Jesus Christ

>Alexander the Great

I'm sorry but Donald Trump is more famous than Aristotle and Plato.

[Citation needed]

Naw nigga all those brothas were black men


Greeks are direct descendants of Greeks.
Greeks are the best Romans.


Literally who?


>Jesus Christ
Fictional characters don't count

Muhammad is more famous than those nobody

Turks are rootless hypanthropes.
The current Turkish nation was created in the 20th century.

Jesus was Greek

Ibikey, which vpn service are you using?

Jesus was Greek

Jesus was Greek

Alexander the Great was Greek


human history

Greeks are light skinned Caucasians

most famous humans in human history

Jesus is real and Greek

no he wasn't

no, but you are a retard

you are probably an immigrant in Britain

Muhammad was a filthy sand nigger, just like you Abdul.

DaVinci was Italian (Roman/Greco-Roman) too

Macedonia was Greece's trailer park.

John 7:1 King James Version
After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.

Jesus only felt safe around the goyim

>Most Famous People in Human History

1. Hitler

>Most famous people of human history

Alexander the Great was a Bulgar.


Bulgarians are russians!

Russians are Bulgars as well. They speak and write in the language we gave them.

Oh goodness, I thought you left

>a fucking land

bulgarians are tatars (mongols)

>bulgarians are tatars
Good to see you are following the yugoslav party line.

immigrant with inferiority complex in Canada

Alexander the Great was Greek

Most Famous People in Human History
>Jesus Christ
Adolf Hitler
Julius Caesar
>Albert Einstein
>Napoleon Bonaparte
>Queen Victoria
>Sir Isaak Newton
>Martin Luther
>Genghis Kahn
>Alexander the Great
>Christopher Columbus

This is your opinion. This list is useless.

Einsteins teacher was Greek

90% of Ashkenazi yahudis are of Greek origin

Greece got overtaken by Turks. Deport yourself.

i hope youre not implying old greeks are anywhere close to modern poorfag shitskin greeks

we Greeks never die
no enemy can destroy us

You have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks.

He's LARPing as ikibey you fucking newfags.

modern day greeks are Turk rapebabies

reminder than people who don't accept our superiority are just jealous subhumans currently waiting for the wife to come back from her date with Muhammad

read science > flag hiding non-white on Sup Forums

>3. Jesus Christ

Bahahaha. Are all Greeks this fucking stupid???


ikibey did you get a Norwegian proxy? :D or is this just a Norsk turbo-autist who is a copycat of ikibey?

Greeks are among the most intelligent humans in the world.

they range banned me

Ohh, I wonder why :O

Bulgarians arent even real Slavs, just a mix of Turk-Slavs.
Russians use the Cyrillic alphabet, which they got from the same place you got yours, Cyrillic and Methodius, Greek monks.


alexander the great was albanian

Alexander the Great was Nordic, because he had blonde hair. I am his descendant because I too have blonde hair. Feels good to know this.

pic related last known taken picture of him, shortly before his death

Didn't he need a translator to speak to Greeks in his kingdom? I know that his mother was Epirote/Illyrian and his dad was Macedonian. He wasn't Greek but he was part of ethnic groups that were of Hellenic stock (as in close to Greeks genetically, linguistically, and culturally). The Same thing can be said for contemporary Southern Bulgarians, Albanians, and Macedonians, in terms of genetics and culture.

Wait.....wasn't Jesus born in Nazareth?

It's obviously a shit post. Jesus was a Semite.


Alexander the Great was Bulgarian

Maybe, but if that's your standard for consideration he was born in a manger
Therefore Jesus is lifestock food.

Oh sweety....

>6. Leonardo Da Vinci

Excuse me, he was clearly a Syrian refugee. Don't obfuscate reality.

most of his ancestors and family members were brown haired

>Didn't he need a translator to speak to Greeks in his kingdom
i have never heard of that. The names of the Macedonian Dynasty are all Greek however.
>his mother who was named Olympias is not Greek

He was Greek so was Aristotle and both never made any other claims

Your ancestors discovered the fire at that time.

lol are you jealous because ur ancestors never created a big empire like my ancestor ( alexander)?

his father was Nordic, his mom could have been a bulgarian slut from the steppes of Asia I guess it doesn't really matter though

Alexander the Great was Greek

>3. Jesus Christ

Is this some kind of meme I am not aware of?

You made that up and hide your flag because you are manipulative and jealous of Greeks.

Alexander the Great was Greek

I was born here
I am a Greek


dude this is ikibey


and this is a Greek

Only Jesus is Greek

You forgot Adolfilous Hitlos

I'm a dumb nigger please translate what am I seeing here thx

He wished he was Greek before he shot himself.

Why do we call the whole world's attention to the fact that we have no past? It isn't enough that the Romans were erecting great buildings when our forefathers were still living in mud huts; now Himmler is starting to dig up these villages of mud huts and enthusing over every potsherd and stone axe he finds. All we prove by that is that we were still throwing stone hatchets and crouching around open fires when Greece and Rome had already reached the highest stage of culture. We really should do our best to keep quiet about this past. Instead Himmler makes a great fuss about it all. The present-day Romans must be having a laugh at these relegations.
—Adolf Hitler

Oh thanks, I thought he was not, but then you said
>Jesus was Greek
And now I believe it,thanks

Greeks are living fossils

i love how this is exactly how we would pronounce it

shut up ikibey Sup Forums misses you

Jesus wasnt greek dumb ass

that's a rare spurdo my man


yahudis were assimilating into the Greek culture

Miss world and mr world right now, both indian.

Would you write that with your real flag?

Why does a "communist" even care about the past and religion?

jesus was greek


Except your own hunger, pay denbts

But user you forgot to name yourself on the list aswell!!