When were you when KanColle officially died?
[順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]
*1 *49350 ファンタスティック・ビースト…
*2 *16927 劇場版 艦これ
When were you when KanColle officially died?
[順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]
*1 *52325 ファンタスティック・ビースト…
*2 *17369 劇場版 艦これ
*3 *11564 君の名は。
*4 *11051 疾風ロンド
*5 **5549 ミュージアム
*6 **4128 映画 魔法つかいプリキュア!…
*7 **3877 この世界の片隅に
*8 **3869 機動戦士ガンダム THE O…
*9 **3281 デスノート Light up…
10 **3219 聖の青春
[2016/11/26 13:35 更新]
[順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]
*1 *18300 君の名は。
*2 *10696 ミュージアム
*3 *10510 ジャック・リーチャー NEV…
*4 **9840 機動戦士ガンダム THE O…
*5 **7801 映画 魔法つかいプリキュア!…
*6 **7569 デスノート Light up…
*7 **7502 聖の青春
*8 **6832 インフェルノ
*9 **4898 溺れるナイフ
10 **4440 オケ老人!
[2016/11/19 13:35 時点]
Movie is flopping like thereis no tomorrow. Early Yahoo reviews are even worse than the Kizu ones.
I can't read this.
Just google translate it.
>it's shit
I like KanColle but the anime was shit. Good riddance.
>It barely sold more tickets on its opening night than fucking Kimi no Na wa 4 fucking months after it was release
It's over.
Kancolle anime is officialy dead and buried
So 2hu won?
So they didn't manage to salvage the adaptation after the first season then? Isn't S2 already confirmed or is that dead in the water now?
S2 is still going to be in the works regardless. Kadokawa and Diomedea just don't want to learn.
Apparently it was already set in stone by the time S1 ended.
>the next GuP they said
GuP won.
No one said that.
>comparing phenomenon directed by one of the top directors of anime industry to shit adaptation by shitty studio and crews.
T-That's unfair.
Still, it bately managed to sell 6k more tickets on its opening night than a move that has been in theaters since August
>top director
This is literally his first movie to surpass 100Mil at the box office. He was a no name before Kimi no Na wa for the normalfags. On the other hand KanColle was supposed to be the flagship for Otaku spending and its selling like shit. I guess the Otaku pockets are finally empty.
Nigger no one thought this. Everyone said the movie and S2 would flop. If you actually went into those threads you're bashing you'd know this.
>KanColle was supposed to be the flagship for Otaku spending and its selling like shit
No one had any expectations for the movie after how S1 turned out. They weren't going to risk their money on another flop, and they were right.
>He was a no name before Kimi no Na wa for the normalfags.
I thought 5cm per second was pretty popular with normalfags?
>On the other hand KanColle was supposed to be the flagship for Otaku spending and its selling like shit.
The figures still come out like crazy, but no one liked the anime. I don't think anyone had high expectations for the movie.
Nope. Shinkai was pushed by the reviews befor but he had no normalfag success. Hosoda was the big boy before this movie came up.
Fantastic beasts opens in many cinema though. Kancolle is very limited. I have to go really far just to watch it.
Its just a stupid meme. Sup Forums drones don't care about reality
>small c