In 24 hours, the fate of Sup Forums will change forever.
Are you ready?
In 24 hours, the fate of Sup Forums will change forever.
Are you ready?
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Date: 11/27/2017
Time: 2:00 JST
Special Guests:
Jun Fukuyama (Lelouch), Takahiro Sakurai (Suzaku), Yukana (C.C.), Ami Koshimizu (Kallen), Narita Ken (Jeremiah Gottwald)
Goro Taniguchi, Ichiro Okouchi
Oh fuck, it's already today?
Totally forgot about this
>inb4 it's s3, everyone starts spamming "all hail Lelouch threads" but mod deletes them
If this post ends in 3, it's going to be a R3 that lives up to all expectations.
Pachislot confirmed
>doing anything except Gundumb and LL! Abandon hope.
Bamco finally bent the knee and gave me AC7. It's only time that they give us R3 too.
>Jun Fukuyama (Lelouch), Takahiro Sakurai (Suzaku), Yukana (C.C.), Ami Koshimizu (Kallen), Narita Ken (Jeremiah Gottwald)
Seriously, the fact that they bothered to get all of them together is enough proof that they are all getting roles in the new show. Kallen in particular, meant that it will not be a major timeskip and the next conflict would not be that far in the timeline.
I won't accept this. Rerolling.
>Goro Taniguchi, Ichiro Okouchi
Season 3 with Suzaku as main character and Lelouch only in flashbacks.
The tears would be glorious.
Who gives a shit about Geass after awful S2 and bland and boring Agito?
>Wakamoto isn't there
Is his health failing him?
>Who gives a shit about Geass after awful S2 and bland and boring Agito?
Enough cared that Sunrise is willing to give them another shot. Gundam hadn't been holding up so Sunrise is betting on a revival of old IPs.
>yfw announcement of announcement
How do you want them to reveal s3?
>the fate of Sup Forums will change forever
oh you mean the legendary Sup Forums
the Sup Forums that are in a state of shitpostiness and chaos right now
heck yeah we are unified
/codegeass/ bros
Sakurai announces it after spin kicking Fukuyama unconscious.
The Emperor died.
I badly need another Mecha trainwreck from Sunrise.
>Sunrise is betting on a revival of old IPs.
>yfw Code Geass R3 vs Mai Hime sequel will be the GOAT for shitposting of all Sup Forums
The Generals will not save this board
if this post ends in 3, it's pachinko
I will literally fund Wakamoto's Hospital Bills if R3 confirmed.
He needs to be in it.
yeah, pachinko featured in s3 :^)
>Anniversary of the Miracle
probably just a 10th anniversary box set
Lelouche lives!
He was the cart driver!
Not getting my hopes up
This is going to be one hell of a pachinko machine, I tell ya.
>Full Metal Panic
>Code Geass
>Possibly Panty & Stocking
I know they're strip-mining old IPs, but the fanboy in me doesn't care.
People will eat anything with Lelouch.
>awful S2
Good meme.
Guys, you know a Code Geass Pachislot already came out in June, right?
So, Pachinko is actually off the table here
Hyped for something new.
Give me new Code Geass
Pachislot R2
But that is set in R2
Fun fact, Monica uses her her KMF, Florence, from Oz the Reflection in it, and it features an original custom Akatsuki and VIncent in it.
Knightmare of Nunnally adaptation.
Why would they do that when this image they're using for the anniversary site only uses the canon Code Geass stuff?
A fellow Sup Forumsce i see
>Fun fact, Monica uses her her KMF, Florence, from Oz the Reflection in it
I spent a long time looking for footage of that with no luck.
Yeah, I can't find any either. But you can see it in the trailer at around 1:16 behind her
Its nothing, just like Gainax PnS "announcement"
Not KyoAni, so who cares?
i`d rather VVV season 2. It has great potential with the way it ended and timeskip.
Meanwhile Geass universum is dead.
This image triggers me.
>Season 3 of CG
>Lelouch is 100% confirmed dead
What would our reactions be?
Can't have that user.
Haruhi never.
>i`d rather VVV season 2. It has great potential
Said no one ever.
VVV is most discussed show in Sup Forums`s new history after post limit raise, newfag.
Extreme sadness, Lelouch's ankward shenanigans were half the show's charm.
I was in the threads kid. If you think Valvrave is anywhere near as popular on Sup Forums as Geass you are flat out delusional.
They just did a Zegapain movie recently, and I don't think that show was popular.
There are rumors of a live-action adaptation.
So effectively nothing.
it hurts mang
fuck you too :(
>live-action adaptation.
Boy, I know I can't wait for another unwatchable abomination.
Nothing is was or would be near as popular as Geass when it aired (except Seed Destiny), but that doesnt mean new Geass would repeat its fate. Franchize is dead, Akito proven it and continuation would hardly get the same response.
Meanwhile both VVV and CA were hits here, VVV more so and having actual cliffhangers and room for continuation.
>this announcement will revive or kill Sup Forums
Please Sunrise
Depends. Some live actions are good. For example Nodame Cantabile > anime. Best Nishio Ishin adapatation is also live action (sadly Zaregoto got shit Shaft threatment instead of getting one too).
It all depends on how much effort they put into it. Good live actions are good, shit are shit. Just like anime really.
>Akito proven it and continuation would hardly get the same response.
Gee I wonder why CG without the thing everyone liked it for wasn't popular.
You leave out the tiny fact that even people who watched VVV generally didn't think it was very good. I know I watched it every week and thought it was shit. Hilarious shit, but shit nonetheless.
It will do neither. Not even TTGL new announcement would revive or kill Sup Forums. Dead shows are dead - stop living in the past. (i still want Mai Otome, fuck Hime)
I'm okay as long as the next MC is his kid with CC
Not to mention the second half was not only shit, it was also boring compared to the first half.
>You leave out the tiny fact that even people who watched VVV generally didn't think it was very good.
That is your projection and opinion, and its wrong one. You admitted yourself you are one of the retarded crowd who watched it because "it was so bad it was good" and though it made no sense - itt. cancer.
Akito proved nothing.
It had shitty pacing and an entirely different cast. Also a storyline about something that happened in fucking EU that no one gave a shit during the original show or after.
Not that I expect a new geass season to tank Sup Forums but saying it's dead using Akito as a basis is just flat out wrong.
I really don't see Geass working in live action, not unless you make the characters act like real humans beings instead of like Geass characters, and where's the fun in that?
>Not even TTGL new announcement
Oh look, it's the "TTGL is bigger than Geass" guy again.
>Franchize is dead, Akito proven it
>Sells very well
>"proves" Geass is dead
Heres a (You)
VVV was also hot liquid ass, so it's got that working against it.
>I really don't see Geass working in live action
The talk was about Haruhi Live action, which could work just fine.
>Akito proven it
It's as dumb as saying Nagato Yuki-chan proved that no one gives a shit about Haruhi anymore.
Please don't be R3.
Please don't be R3.
Please don't be R3.
>Happens at 5am in Shitland.
>That is your projection and opinion, and its wrong one.
>the retarded crowd who watched it
Let me get this straight: you are claiming that I am wrong that most people thought it was shit, while simultaneously claiming that there was a crowd of people watching it who thought it was shit.
You're like, some kind of super genius aren't you?
Technically, no one gives a shit about Haruhi anymore - and its the real reason we`ll never have S3 made. Nostalgia doesnt pay bills.
There are people watching Hyouka and Hibike telling its zzz shit shows they watch for cute girls. You are similar to them, yes.
VVV had great threads, a lot of story speculation and overall a blast experience while it aired - exciting for every episode, since people tried to predict the tweests and still failed: still leaving room for a lot to talk about.
And then there are retards like you who though the show as kind of funny trainwreck and frodoed about "lel is shoko autist?" and "steel beam lel"
>Nostalgia doesnt pay bills.
This is wrong, though
>Nostalgia doesnt pay bills.
Disney would beg to differ.
>unironically saying VVV was good
I think you're putting the cart before the horse. Akito still sold pretty well even with the delays and it's only one possibility in terms of making more Code Geass so you shouldn't imagine everything else would be the same. The staff would almost certainly be different people, so the idea that anything has been "proven" in that respect is quite questionable, user.
If they made a weekly TV series with enough of a hook, that would certainly make people start watching, even if some don't initially care.
Valvrave and CA had more people talking on Sup Forums but they sold less, despite being weekly shows.
>lot of story speculation and overall a blast experience while it aired - exciting for every episode, since people tried to predict the tweests and still failed: still leaving room for a lot to talk about.
I guess that makes Mayoiga or Danganronpa great anime too.
New Products packaged to appeal to fans of "old" might be successful, but only if its genuine new stuff - attracting people that never cared about original. Thats the way successful "reboot" movies in Hollywood work etc.
Meanwhile continuations and attempts to return to old, fail - practicly always.
So for example PnS S2 will fail. PnS "reboot" might have chances.
Haruhi S3 will fail. Geass S3 will fail. Mai Hime "continuation" will fail. etc.
On other hand you can take Astroboy no one watched, and reboot it with Trigger making completely new anime with modern story and flashy effects and it`ll be success.
>And then there are retards like you who though the show as kind of funny trainwreck and frodoed about "lel is shoko autist?" and "steel beam lel"
Yes, clearly you can tell that that was exactly the kinds of posts I made in those threads, going by my posting style here. It's funny how people always call people the things they themselves are. Like you accuse me of projecting, and here you are projecting like a motherfucker.
And you didn't even reply to my point. Or the fact that this supposedly incredibly popular show so far only has you defending it while everyone else here is calling it shit.
>Valvrave and CA had more people talking on Sup Forums but they sold less, despite being weekly shows.
VVV was also most talked about in Japan as well, having highest post count on 2ch and otherwise. It didnt sell well, true - but its impact and exposure were immense.
>So for example PnS S2 will fail. PnS "reboot" might have chances.Haruhi S3 will fail. Geass S3 will fail. Mai Hime "continuation" will fail.
You've already been proven wrong. See Fafner Exodus for instance.