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German shitposting?

Not on my watch.


It's wank but sometimes banning one thing leads to worse things

What a fucking egotistical cunt, it was a lift on importing elephant hunting trophies, they're getting hunted regardless.

Came to post this.

Seth macfarlanes a right whingy little bitch anyway, hes right what hes saying but still a lil bitch


>when the free market solves all things, but demand suddenly doesn't drive supply when the hobbies of the decadent elite are at stake

Does that fagot wear leather? You know, Bovinae trophies??? Must be some kind of ass-hole.

>cows are as endangered as elephants

>pretending markets are free

Yeah we should be hunting poachers

"suddenly top news stories about elephant poaching"
hey guys look outside its a wonderful day

>missing the point and starting irrelevant debates

>cause elephants are more important than the baby brains Hillary eats.

Much of the evil in humanity is due to our disrespect of nature.

Oh geez Sup Forums, this is worse than the time I invited Ringo Starr to my cousin's bar mitzvah!

Trump's son was the elephant poacher, truly a special kind of human garbage, like father like son

drumpfshits still into that whole pizzagat thing?

It's a fucking African Elephant... not even domesticated.

Our ancient Eurasian ancestors kill their Asian cousins for our livestock. We also killed off the Eurasian lion.

Too big, too dangerous. White man went extermination.

When you ascend above hunter and become a genocidal exterminator.

The ultimate expression of whiteness is to kill all African Elephant in one fatal swoop... as if by act of God.

Trophy hunting has been LEGAL the whole fucking time. But you were not allowed to bring the trophies in to the US. The "hunters" pay a FUCK TON of money to shoot african animals. The money goes directly towards upkeep of the safari parks. It's actually helping!!

Leftist SJWs can't get it through their heads how this works, and believes that Trump has legalized poaching in Africa. You fucking imbeciles

>b-but thats illegal!

I don't see how he is right. Calling a certain person(s) garbage isn't really a right or wrong sort of thing.
But ya, allowing elephant trophies to be imported is a way to put money back into elephant reservations to keep their pets populations up and maintained.

Sauce on that?

it only costs 3.5k to kill a giraffe? all those prizes are super cheap wtf

Hunting elephants will happen. By enabling more money to be transferred to the reserves, they will be able to maintain and sustain more elephants to increase their population. Otherwise they will just be hunted out of existence with their only defense being western activists posting on social media and bureaucrats passing hunting laws to plead their constituents. They will still be hunted extinct.
Also I don't think the African elephant is endangered. Could be wrong but I think they are not

it doesn't matter

>A level of edge beyond Rick & Morty

Don't these Snowflakes realize that they have to keep the niggers down to protect the elephants?

The Eurasian killed off the Wooly Mammoth and aggressive Elephant species along with most Asian panthers because they would either eat the food of livestock or kill the livestock?

To folly dominate and civilize Africa, regions of it, the big game is those regions must be exterminated.

Snowflakes will never win in the end. It gets me so hard.

I wonder if Seth is as concerned about the white genocide of South Africans as he is about elephants?

Nah he's the king of smarmy, always "correct" faggots. The dude is a hack and I hate his fucking voice. He's probably a secret Canadian because he's obviously gay as fuck.

Kill the elephants and feed starving african Children.

Why would a jew care about goyim dying?

>To folly dominate and civilize Africa, regions of it, the big game is those regions must be exterminated.

Fucking kys.

>"lol i love the animals im so moral now excuse me while i dine on the flesh of hundreds of tortured pigs, cows, and chickens XDDDDD"
virtue signalling should be punishable by death

Feedlots are disgusting. You're right. Should everyone have to raise and slaughter their own meat? What's the solution?

I'm just saying, these celebrities criticize how "lol le hunting elephant is so immortal!!!" and then they go back to mindlessly gorging on tortured animals without hesitation. It's just laughable to me that these people claim moral superiority in any way. But to answer your question, the answer is to get rid of all the brown people in America so we don't have such a high demand for meat. Then we can do it both humanely and profitably.

i hope all the rare game animals get hunted into extinction because 1. they serve no purpose and 2. go fuck yourself, i'm tired of hearing about it

just a reminder. it wasnt trump that lifted the ban on elephant hunting. it was the countries in africa that did. trump lifted the ban on importing trophies.

if the countries in africa gove out licenses for hunting, that is because tge population can handle it, or possibly even needs it to prevent overpopulation. much like the deer hunters in america, if they didnt cull the herds, there would be a shit load of deer dying from starvation, getting hit by cars, etc... trump has no say about hunting laws in africa. only africa has a say in that.


"PPPPLEASE dont kill the pretty animals, only the ugly ones"

Once lab grown meat becomes a thing, I wouldn't mind not slaughtering animals. However, the entire reason they exist is to be slaughtered, what will we do with them if we don't kill then? Just fucking let them roam?

>it was a lift on importing elephant hunting trophies

>Have an antique elephant trophy from colonial era
>hurr dure you're going to jail
Liberal "justice"

>They serve no purpose.

And what purpose do queers like you serve?... If there be a blight on this Earth, it's certainly not wild animals that are part of a functioning ecosystem... it's worthless human scum like you.

Fuck you Seth Mcfarlane I just like killing large things and can't shoot your fat ass.

Say thanks.

Funds and practices from trophy hunting when used ethically help animal populations. Left to their own devices, endangered species will lower their own numbers due to infertile bulls preventing younger bulls from breeding and even going so far as to kill them. Those old bull would have been put down anyway by park rangers so they may as well make money on the necessary process.

That money is used to prevent poaching by funding local communities and arming rangers. Now when a Chinese investor comes through and asks a villager to kill an elephant so he can get off, the villager tells him to fuck off because there's some gibs on the way for every elephant left alive and healthy. This plus rangers get needed weapons to defend against poachers that naturally come equipped with high fire power given that they plan to hunt a fucking elephant.

Any questions?

Except there is more to it than that. Hunts provide more mobility for younger elephant males to do more mating and therefore making more elephants. And the money they charge help fund other conservation efforts.

It's not a clear cut thing like faggots seem to think.

cows are less endangered because we have made an entire economy out of killing them :) we should do the same for elephants so that having live elephants would be a bigger value

You have be a special kind of human garbage to make a degenerate cartoon that caters to children and impacts them negatively

As if black Africans wouldn't slaughter every last elephant and rhino to sell body parts to dumbfuck superstitious Chinese, if it meant their warlord could buy rims for his car.

Murderous beaner detected.

the only game that needs to be eliminated so that Africa could be used reasonably is of a two legged sort

If a rich guy will pay you 1 million dollars every year to kill the elephants on your land and he'll kill as many as you permit, why would you allow him to kill more than is viable thus rendering it impossible for you to continue the exchange any further?

Not an argument

I mean ostriches are mean beasts

They aren't. They're threatened with a majority of that being from when they were endangered and the rest because of deforestation.

that and we already allow non ivory elephant trophies from several countries it was just a nation specific ban for two countries that may now be unnecessary

Who cares. Elephants are the niggers of African wildlife.


Says the guy who exists to make jokes about pedophilia and rape

You don't read centuries old vulgar joke books, nor do you find shock value art from the same periods, history has a way of filtering the degeneracy.

>Take heart. A generation is coming who will be so horrified by the amusement at what he produced that it will be swept under the rug and never spoken of again.

Another idea is to just leave the elephants alone and let nature do what its done since time immemorial.

Maybe if humans stop engaging in senseless habitat destruction that serves no purpose other than to enrich the few, and breed ever-more retards... there would be no need to mitigate any damage we've done to the natural order of things.

Giraffe aren't endangered or threatened because the Chinese don't believe giraffe neck makes your dick long.

Who knows? I don't know why he lifted the ban. I get the impression he doesn't do anything for free. What did he get in return? Something for himself, or something for his country, and was it worth it? I say this as someone who love elephants. It was probably wrong to lift the ban. But "human garbage?" I am so fucking tired of this hyperbole. It's just a verbal tantrum.

what a retarded ignoramus, once you remove yourself from the programming and propaganda of the television you see just how insane all this is and how dishonest these hacks are.

To an African, that's often more money than they will earn in their entire life.

Elephants are magnificent animals.

You're the only nigger in this situation.

>Hunting elephants bad
>Murdering millions of babies every year is ok though, in fact it should be free!

God I hope every liberal in America dies a slow and painful death

>live alongside niggers for thousands of years
>b-but they aren't n-niggers t-themselves

yeah that's only if you get to shoot it. There is a lot more, the skinning and seperatoin of animal parts $$$, the taxidermy and mounting of throphy $$$, terrain $$$, the guide $$$, the jeep $$$, the cook/chef $$$, the stay $$$. In general that is a small small part of the package. A tour like that makes the residents a LOT of money. You can't give someone 3.5K and go kill a giraffe. There is a lot more to it, and nothing is outsourced. It all goes back to the park.

You have to be a special kind of human garbage to allow abortions.

That's great and all but that does nothing to combat poaching. Where does Zimbabwe get the money to fight of organized crime breaking into reservations with powerful weapons to kill an animal that the locals don't give a shit about and probably see as more of a nuisance than anything.

>Be poor dirt farmer in Africa
>Elephant tramples your crops and kills your child
>Want to kill it and eat it's meat and sell it's tusk to some rich Chinaman but you can't because a liberal 10,000 miles away wants to jerk off to pretty pictures of a jungle monster

I'm bi, you straight peasant. Learn your place.

there's less elephants than people, ergo they are worth more

Genesis 1:26-28:
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."

Earth is yours.
Take it.
Rape it.
It's yours.

So what's the purpose of lifting the ban?

So, with the ways things have been going, how long until it's revealed he hunts baby seals?

I was more referring to your character, your attitude, your callous disregard for things that in reality are far more valuable than YOU --- not that you're a dicksucker. That's just the cherry on top.


That's why I'm of the opinion that armed white men need to patrol these wildlife sanctuaries. Many would gladly volunteer to do it. After all, it's pretty much ONLY whites who organize environmental conservation efforts.

To hell with the (((political ramifications))).

your little brother

niggers are the niggers of African wildlife

>your callous disregard for things that in reality are far more valuable than YOU
If you count any whole group of animals against near any one person the animals would almost always win out on poundage of the meat alone. Though not a single animal in niggerland stacks up to the objective worth that something like horse would have commercially if people would get their priorities straight. None of those animals are worth a damn. Virtue signal as much as you like, your both shit. All they are is a point of controversy. Kill them all.

This might be nice is it were actually true.

As someone who spent three deployments (US Army) on the African continent I can tell you that ALL of this money actually goes into the PERSONAL BANK ACCOUNTS of the likes of Mugabe and his ilk.
It is simply one of many methods used by individual, corrupt leaders in Africa to extract wealth for personal gain.

If you support that...., fine.
But stop spreading this bullshit propaganda about the "greater good".
Go fuck yourself, shill.

>le trump lifted the ban so parks would get more money
get the fuck outta here, what America first purpose does lifting the ban have? Rich people importing Elephant trophies will surely give rednecks their coal mining jobs back

How think an elephant dies without meeting an abrupt violent end?

1. Teeth rot out.
2. Eat less and less as bones atrophy and grind against one another in an elephant size case of arthritis.
3. Eventually starve or due of infection.

No sudden heart attack from greasy diet american diet. No hospice. No morphine. Just a slow undignified living death.

liberal insanity at its finest, you can't refute the facts so you resort to ridiculous name calling and fallacious aruments. nice.

once you peel back the bullshit and see things for what they are you can't hide your ugly faces.

What facts you dumb fucking nigger. Answer me. What is the fucking purpose of lifting the ban?

>Elephants are the niggers of African wildlife

No, that would be niggers, user.

you seem awfully upset friend, i guess it seems you forgot i already did that in my first response to you. but i have no problems doing it again
there you go buddy, glad i could help

Oh shit, I didn't know army rangers had a tax and charitible actions observation division!

because Africans don't understand economics
>see zimbabwe

I'd much rather see everyone who thinks as you do dead -- people who weigh everything in terms of 'commercial value'.

Appreciating nature and its wildlife IS a virtue. One of the few.

I suspect you're right; and that's why I don't buy arguments that this money ever finds its way back into actual conversation.

1. Not a Ranger, but a HUMINT collector for INSCOM.
2. We actually spend a significant amount of time monitoring the corruption pipeline, in general.
3. You are a 14yo. clueless moron.


So Trump lifted the ban because they're getting hunted regardless, the money goes directly towards upkeep of the safari parks. It's actually helping!! And there is a lot more, the skinning and separation of animal parts $$$, the taxidermy and mounting of throphy $$$, terrain $$$, the guide $$$, the jeep $$$, the cook/chef $$$, the stay $$$. In general that is a small small part of the package. A tour like that makes the residents a LOT of money. You can't give someone 3.5K and go kill a giraffe. There is a lot more to it, and nothing is outsourced. It all goes back to the park.

Also because people would like to get their antique elephant trophies back home even though Americans are economic migrants who went to pick squirrels because they were to fucking useless back home.

Simple question why would the president of the US go "hmmmm better lift than ban so Zimbabwe gets more money". What is the purpose of lifting the ban?


Natural Selection

Yes. Nature is brutal. It's sad indeed. If the ONLY elephants that were killed were those who were weeks away from a natural death anyway, it might not be so bad. Still, even dead elephants have their place in the ecosystem, as food for many other creatures, who themselves might starve and die without the occasional elephant carcass.

trophy hunting is retarded. i encourage hunting but for food and pest control purposes only

i think that people who criticize hunting aren't fully informed on why it is beneficial