What went so right?

What went so right?

fuck off already

It ended. Seriously, that last drunk gag was one of the only good parts.


Fuck Nene.

I'm actually the guy that made the last two Nene threads, and I'm not OP. The first one I made was delet, so I made another one, and then that died. I would never make another thread just because mine died naturally, I have morals, I do not spam, I only funpost.

Reply to this post or i'll tell the mods that this thread is a general




Why is Nene so shit? She ruined the whole show!


fuck off already daily circlejerk

Let me cum first


I want this thread, and memecchi, to die.

I'll just leave this here

Poor Aoba, her hours are never gonna get better

She lost the job.
As much as I hated her during the show, I'm really missing her now. I literally came to Sup Forums just looking for her face today



I want to go ecchi with nenecchi.

Nene's cuteness.