Meanwhile on 50s pol

>meanwhile on 50s pol

What on gods good earth is a Muslim?

you mean those dam losers

Its funny (tragic) but I was watching my nephew the other day and threw on cartoons. Was some faggot little show promoting peace, unity, and all of these fake ideals.

No wonder we have a generation of little faggots being raised in the United States.

Threw on G.I. Joe, Real America Hero. All the ideals that should be instilled in our youth. Blew that little fuckers mind.

People want to go back to how things 'were' and 'wealth equality' and whatnot back in the day but that goes hand and hand with culture.

I just hope we're not 56% of the U.S population in 2017.

I can't believe those germans systematically killed 4,000 Jews and kept 100,000 in confinement.

Playing LA Noire right now (yeah, it's a few years earlier than 50s, but not many). This has become a painful cliche, but good golly is this game redpilled. Your Vice partner is calling nogs "Fucking animals" and the women who fuck them "coal burners". I keep laughing out loud and getting bummed out that I will never live in the forties or fifties. Truly a simpler time, not perfect, but much better than today.

They're those damn polygamist weirdos from Utah.

Did you hear that a woman with 1/32nd Negro ancestry tried to enter the church yesterday? We have to stop these commies pushing their degenerate ideas.

>yfw the man in that picture is probally about 22 and already had a nice house, beautiful wife, and two children

More like 25. Still doable today. I’m 19 and once I graduate I’ll be starting my family

I'm a first generation immigrant from Germany, the reason the Jews were targeted was mostly based on their communistic ideals. What Hitler really wanted initially was to unite Europe against communism

"How was your day dear?"

Fuck you

If things were as good as in the 50s we wouldn't need Sup Forums

Fuck you


>ywn be able to support your entire family on one income

Still doable. I was married and owned a home at 24, kids at 26. Just don't buy into the manchild meme and it's not that hard desu

Haha, I know honey. That god we out of the city and got this house in the suburbs we'll never have to live near those niggers spics again.

i saw a girl peeing outside yesterday so i slapped her in the face. Police came and shook my hand for making their job easier. Some women...

Why wait? My vet is also a dr. He does both. He works mornings as a vet, afternoons as a dr and evenings as a vet again. He studied both and got married and had kids while at uni.

This is a real man with drive.

See you boys at the Elk hall! We're raising money for a new firengine!

LOL g.i. joe was garbage

imo kids shouldn't watch tv at all. they'd be much better off playing/hanging out with other kids and actually doing stuff irl like functioning human beings, instead of sitting there hypnotized by a corporate-produced flickering light show.

i wonder why no-one likes us for teaching these niggers how to not eat eachother. but maybe you guys are right, maybe an independant congo will be be more civilized and prosperous

You did well in congo but didn't finish properly.
Only 50% decreased population. Shame on your people.

I'm 31, single, and living in rent...

>mrw when the usa is only 90% white

i'm sorry

don't sell the farm

Irish, nor Catholics, are white. You want proof? We've never had an Irish OR Catholic president, and never will!

McCarthy did nothing wrong! He was the man your country needed but didn't deserve!

Ha ha! Looking forward to a fine afternoon of bantering with you gentlemen once I get home from work!

What are your wives making for lunch, Sup Forums?


She's making her mom's lasagna recipe today, boys! I'm gonna be eatin' real good tonight!

Don't mind me, just giving asthma to my kids

Tfw they would

Time to go to work at my part-time factory job to pay for my college education.