Why do you guys hate us so much?

Why do you guys hate us so much?

Your movies and music suck. Y tu mama tambien was good, though

Because your people refuse to stay in your own god damn country.

Lets just say that we can't get the southern wall up fast enough, while the Canadian border looks like pic related and no one cares.

You say mean things about us and we have never done anything to you.

Because you keep invading my country. Yes, Aztlan is OURS! Next time, don't invite a bunch of migrants in just assuming they will integrate.

What did we say about you, Texas?

I actually don't hate Mexicans, I just hate the policy of letting you stay illegally and the fact you guys let your dumbass corruption spread here. Kill your cholos on sight and fix your shit and we will get along fine.

20 years ago you fuckers would hop the border and come to my ranch for work. Then leave in 2 weeks. No problemo. Now you fuckers are carrying guns and drugs across my ranch and it’s not safe for my family to live there anymore. So that’s about it

you're a shitty neighbor

You would do the same if you worked 12 hours a day only to get paid a peanut and a half by multinational company.

You guys are a too, you keep messing with our autonomy and most of drugs produced here go to your country to mantain your population of adicts.

We don't, we just want you to stay on your side of the river.

Then keep your companies your side of the river.

Because you are black.

If only, Pedro.

We aren't black, we are spaniards mixed with native population.

We want that too.

idk mexicans seem pretty cool, whatever nigga.

Because everyone confuse us with your shitty country

Your IQ is lower than American niggers, with an average of 83, while theirs is 85.

I have lived in Cali around your kind and it was a total nightmare. You are basically black.

Do something about it then.

You are pointing your finger in the wrong direction pal. Most working class Americans want our businesses back and out of Mexico. Almost everyone with a brain wants that. But globalists and politicians make too much money off of it to change. Just so happens Mexicans are poor and desperate so they can take advantage of bad labor laws to turn mad profits. We have the same enemy amigo.

because your government is beyond corrupt and the cartels rule over you.

You're embarrasing yourself, "El Brayan".

Gee I wonder Pedro, can't be the corrupted shithole of yours controlled by violent cartels?

Yeah, thanks for maintaining them by giving them their fucking cocaine. What a terrible responsibility to have José.

The greatness or failure of a nation rest solely on the shoulders of its people. We don't want you dragging US down.

>Your movies and music suck

and social justice warriors are doing a great work on hollywood*

You have on purpose encourage people at your bottom of your society to leave Mexico instead of taking care of your own. You dump them on us for us to take care of. Take care of your own unwashed masses. You call us racist yet ruling class in Mexico are white and you encourage "brown" people you find beneath the ruling class in Mexico to leave. It's not your color of your skin or even Mexico it's self. It's the people who you allow to control Mexican policy and lack of motivation on ordinary Mexican to change them.

Unironically this. Law abiders should be allowed in this country. Everyone else can get out.

Why do you care

Souns good!

Maybe if you entire youth stoped consuming drugs because is "cool", the cartels wouldn't be as big.

because you bring in drugs that kill our children and vote democrat

>spends the day slacking around
>goes to work and uses bathroom to waste time and work less
>didnt even finished highschool because who needs education amirite? aHaha
>goes to another country illegally and pretends there should be not problem with breaking the law
Fucking kill your self nigger YOU are exactly the reason they fucking hate us.

Chinese get paid less and they're not cartel-tier. What the fuck is wrong with your country?

Maybe your politician should stop taking money from the cartels. Maybe you should allow villages to arm them selves against the cartels.

>maybe if you weren't so DUDE WEED LMAO it would be okay
the cartels have your entire nation by the balls and then some. your government has failed tremendously and you want to blame it on us?

because we don't like indios tira flechas

I don't, I just hate your drug gangs and beaner illegals who vote (((democrat))), 14.5 percent of your country are my white brothers.

>invested with crime and corruption
>basically Spanish version of the USA

But hey, at least you don't have the "52% meme" to deal with....

Really? That many? I thought it was more like 5%

I'm not joking half of your economy function on cunts on this side sending their autism/retard/cripplebux back to you. it's fucking insane how this carries on.

Not if Trump gets his way. He wants to stop this or at the very least, tax the shit out of it. Obviously you have a harder time stopping the physical transfers but any electronic transfers could easily be monitered.

Did you or did you NOT back Germany in both WW1 and frigging WW2, as if it weren't bad enough-- that first betrayal.
If out other neighbor, Canada, did that; you would be our friend, and THEY would be the cunt backstabber neighbor we barely smile to and tolerate.
You tracking me, boi ?

I really must proof read more... :(

Those are the people white Mexican ruling class want to purge from their own country and dump them on us. However Mexican are not lazy especially ones here. They work long hours under the table getting payed very little. They do jobs that our teenagers used to do but they are too spoiled to do them now. If Mexican are lazy then what do you call American youth. I used to go around mowing lawn for $10 when I was a kid.

Start speaking English once in a while, would you?

god bless that man

You call us sudacas and stuff like that it's mean.

is he actually perched on a cactus? Doesn't that hurt his feet?


mexicans are subhumans, just like niggers. lazy, fat and an inability to accept responsibility. just glass the entire region. turn it into a no man's land

Same to you nips. Can barely understand your gobbly gook.

Mostly because you come here and vote for (((their))) agenda. If you would be like Cubans and vote with us it might not be as big of deal. Politically you guys will lead to our destruction.

We only hate the illegals and criminals.

Speak fucking English.


How can you say that?, in this same thread there are Ameicans calling us "subhumans".

git out beanback

What have you contributed to society? Our nation is about individualism whites did this whites did that don't add any merit to your existence.

After LA marches of the last decade when all of you beaners came to McArthur Park with your Mexicanistani flags, I don't want to see you on US side of border.

That's really shameful that you perpetuate that stupid steroetype that they are hardworking and do the jobs we don't want to do.

You should try living in California for a while like some of us actually have. You'd change your tune right quick.

Because there's 60 million of you here instead of there

>My personal feelings should be considered more than statistics.

How about the statistics that show the vast majority of them are on welfare and never get off it no matter how many generations they've been in America?

Which take the jobs you don't want.

Take care of your pedophile problems first before complaining about Mexicans. Like many productive Americans productive illegal Mexican has left your state. Don't get me wrong I want illegal immigration has stop but facts are facts.

A lot of natural born American hispanics are good dudes with good values. Even more of them are shitty violent cholos and gangbangers though. Alot of Mexican born illegal and legal immigrants truly are badass workers, go into a construction job if you disagree. I dare you to try and keep up with those boys and I guarantee you won't. That being said, I like Mexicans. My favorite of the brown races. Now with that out of the way, you have to go back. You guys work fucking hard, your country's economy is 12th biggest. You don't have to come here and stay. If you're born here cool but if you aren't and you have kids here, then fuck you bigly.

This is a stupid lie
Americans will do those jobs if paid well
Spic migration is keeping wages suppressed
On top of that you aren't sending your best
You're sending rapists murderers and drug dealers
You Paco are paying for the wall

Based, have a (You)

That's not true. Alot of Americans still want to do hard work. I can't roof anymore because Mexicans work dirt cheap. I tile rich bastards houses now. If I didn't get lucky and find this niche, I'd be outbid on every job anywhere by Messicans.

Because you go where you don't belong and ruin everything for the people rightfully there.

Stay in your own goddamn country and we'll have no issues.

Thats cause us beans come in hordes and often dont integrate compared to the eh's

Why dont your people get together and go against the cartels and shitty government? Or you too lazy and afraid of a struggle

you hate yourselves so much you go to a different country illegally

only a certain population are Spaniards the rest of ya are from the native pop. When you see tan brown then thats when they are mix.

Por eso votamos por Trump imbecil

Ya pendejo nos haces ver mal

I love Mexico. My wife is Mexican and we have an apartment in Guadalajara. Great culture and people.

I sincetely hope you aren't grouping the illegals with the """""law-abiders,""""" my good redditfag.

Entirely your fault, Mexico has no welfare and even poorest people manages to work, washing cars, cleaning wipers, selling fruit they collect, etc....