Zimbabwe Presidential Run

I'm unironically thinking about running for the President of Zimbabwe. I'd allow white South African farmers into Zimbabwe & throw Mugabe in jail. I'd also have a Free Market economic plan set to bring jobs to Zimbabwe through business creation. I'll also reform the Zimbabwean Dollar and tie it to the price of a gram of gold. What now Sup Forums?

This isn't bait btw, I'm actually considering this.


We can endorse you, if you contractually promise to not genocide blacks.

Unless you are filthy rich and the media in that country is in your pockets,than you have no chance...if you are also white,even smaller chances.

Why the hell would I genocide anyone, that's unethical. I just wanted to bring economic reforms to Zimbabwe to bring people jobs and raise their standards of living.

Then go for it. It's hard to say, how much you'll be able to do... but it sounds like a good start.

You sound like a trustworthy individual.

What's your opinion on slave work?

Do it, also as an added bonus, rename your country to New Rhodesia, I might move there for the lols

Owning a human is unethical. I'd make Zimbabwe a Minarchist state in which people have freedom.

>genocide is unethical

well say hello to unsustainable overpopulation

I didn't say birth control would be illegal.

>I'd allow white South African farmers into Zimbabw
why would they want to go though?

I want to prevent them from being slaughtered by South Africans. I'll make everyone equal under the law under their actions.

Show me your real flag

I'm from the United States, but I'm guessing Zimbabwe is desperate for a new President to finally get rid of Mugabe.

>I'm from the United States

I hate larpers

I'm actually not LARPing believe it or not, I'm actually considering a run for President of Zimbabwe.

Don't you have to be a citizen to run for president?

How? Are you black? Where are you from?

Zimbabwe can still be Rhodesia under a black. It's values were colorblind and worth fighting for. If you represent some of those core values I would emigrate in a heart beat and I'm sure many others would, especially Afrikaners.

Make Ian Smith proud user

>I want to prevent them from being slaughtered by South Africans
so you want them to be slaughtered by zimbabweans then, coz thats what'll happen

Anyone who kills anyone under my Presidency will be prosecuted, no matter their ethnicity. They will all be equal under the law.

>Anyone who kills anyone under my Presidency will be prosecuted, no matter their ethnicity
cool, because we all know that will stop the blacks, because they never break the law anywhere else

First you'd need an army and an air force.