what does Sup Forums think of katanagatari? I thought it was pretty good
What does Sup Forums think of katanagatari? I thought it was pretty good
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It was pretty good. It's objectively an 8/10 anime.
One of my favorites. Shogi girl a best, and the final episode/ending was great.
I've had this question forever: what does Shichika mouth as Togame dies at around 14:30?
on Sup Forums, if there are no shitposts about it it's usually pretty good.
idk about that, ive seen plenty of good anime shitposted here. in fact someone calling katanagatari along with flcl overrated was what pushed me to watch it
If the LNs were translated beyond part of Volume 2, the answer would probably be hidden there.
fucking cuck shit
You mean 6/10.
Every time.
How can anyone dislike the best fight scene ever?
I still don't understand why Shichika killed the Shogun.
He's barely involved in anything that went on, much less worthy of any kind of blame. Togame cooked up the sword hunt to get herself promoted, she wasn't ordered to do it, and as far as I remember, the Shogun didn't order anything that gave them hardship, so why did Shichika kill him? I could maybe understand not killing Hitei, but the Shogun dying just felt pointless.
Shichika says something like "I need to make an example of you", how is that? He didn't fucking do anything.
The whole fucking show is "this character is this, thus they're that" and same with events.
It's a nice show to watch but takes the dry folk telling too far.
it was pretty good until I thought about the fact that Togame was a deviant blade user and then it became great.
if you notice though she was pretty bad at using shichika apparently, considering he wrecks everything without the tenets holding him back
Slightly above average until the ending which bumped it to an 8.
yeah, and as she gets better she gets more "corrupted", and it ultimately costs her her revenge.
the only reason Togame did what she did is so she could be granted an audience with the Shogun in order to assassinate him
and to assassinate Shichika, though that didn't go as planned.
So she wanted the Shoguns power? Again, that's up to her, there's no real fault on the Shogun for anything that happened in the story.
Shichika and Togame were badly written characters.
Shichika killed his father to protect his sister but when Togame ordered him to kill her he did it without hesitating, really?
Not to mention Togame in general. It's been a while since I've seen it and the boring dialogue made it hard to finish.
It did have some pretty good episodes but too many mediocre episodes and a mediocre story.
Cutting Togame's hair was a crime against humanity
Best girl.
Not having the "don't destroy the blades" restriction would make the sword hunt pointless
> Shichika killed his father to protect his sister
What? Didn't he ask Shichika to kill him because he didn't really have anything else to live for after completing Shichika's training? Where is this 'to protect his sister' thing coming from?
> Togame ordered him to kill her he did it without hesitating
He hesitates for most of that episode.
Show itself didn't do anything for me.
But the soundtrack was GOAT. Iwasaki really outdid himself with this one.
> Shichika climbing up the stairs to the Shoguns room after decimating his best fighters
> Him throwing Emonzaemon's bloody mask on the ground in front of Hitei
I was thoroughly spooked.
Hitei was better
you will never rewatch this shit ever again : the anime
What? I rewatch it all the time.
His father was going to kill Nanami for being OP so Shichika didn't finish his training. It's why he kept trying to make different moves so he becomes a complete sword
I wish there were more 40 minute long shows.
No, his father wanted Nanami dead because he thought she was too dangerous to let live.
Shichika was trying to get her to give up the sword all episode long. And if she didn't he would have to kill her because Togame wanted the sword. He never once tried getting Togame to let that sword go. Togame didn't really need all the swords, having 11 would've been enough to meet the emperor. Even though Shichika is an idiot it still doesn't make any sense that he would kill his father for his sister only to kill his sister after some shady woman he's known for a couple of months tells him to. He just blindly accepted that Togames desire was more important than his sister. It's bad writing. I am glad that Togame died in the end, she was a horrible person.
> He never once tried getting Togame to let that sword go
Even forgetting the sword at this point, Shichika couldn't just let Nanami go because she'd gone and massacred a bunch of towns, including Konayuki's village.
Let me check something.
still furious.
Not saying Togame isn't a horrible person here, just that, in this case, killing Nanami wasn't a bad decision on either Shichika or Togames part, she was legit a monster who probably would have kept killing people indescriminately until she found someone who could kill her, they couldn't let her leave with or without the sword, honestly.
He killed Nanami because she was an insane mass murderer, and even then he doubted about killing her. Sword was just a bonus.
>some shady woman he's known for a couple of months tells him to.
the entire time he thought he was in love with her
He wasn't a saint either and had no problem murdering people. She was a horrible person that needed to be stopped but Shichika wasn't some noble superhero that was concerned for the lives of others. It's been a while since I've seen it but I don't think he ever told her to stop killing people. Just to give up the sword. For Togame, it wasn't about convincing her to stop murdering but to get the sword even if it meant Shichika has to kill her. And Shichika blindly obeyed which makes no sense given that he killed his father for her.
>Being in love means its okay to kill your sister.
>getting your orders questioned by your sword
Ending was probably my least favorite part and it's one of my favorite series
>Being dumb enough to think you're a sword
He was pretty dumb but even he had a logic and killing his sister made no sense given the previous history.
> He wasn't a saint either and had no problem murdering people.
Shichika by that point wouldn't go around massacring entire villages. You can tell when she talks about the places she's obliterated that Shichika clearly finds it wrong, especially when she talks about Konayuki's village.
> I don't think he ever told her to stop killing people.
At that point it wouldn't really help, she's already killed an ass-load of innocent people, so Shichika should just let her off the hook if she promises not to do it anymore? The damage was done, it was actually pretty naively optimistic for both Shichika and Togame to think that Nanami voluntarily giving up Bita would mean they could go their separate ways, either one would have realized at some point or another that Nanami wanted to die and wouldn't stop her destruction until someone actually beat her.
It's been a while but I'm pretty sure he goes on a mass murdering spree a couple of episodes later. I could be wrong and thinking of the masked guy but I'm not sure.
He didn't want to kill her though and even if he did see her murderous rampages as wrong he didn't see them as wrong enough to make him want to kill her. It was always to get the sword and had she given it up willingly he wouldn't have killed her. But Togame's desire to get the sword made him kill her despite his previous history. Also the way he killed her by using a dirty trick was very out of character. It was badly written from what I remember.
> I could be wrong and thinking of the masked guy but I'm not sure.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that wasn't Shichika, the most 'massacre'-y thing Shichika did was defeat the Shoguns retainers who held the swords, and then, that was justified, otherwise the swords would have just kept circulating and causing harm.
> he didn't see them as wrong enough to make him want to kill her.
I don't know user, it seems like one of those things that doesn't need to be said to be conveyed anyway, it at least seemed like a big factor in Shichika actually getting serious against her, he was able to see that she was a monster that needed to be taken down, even if he did still regret having to do so.
> Also the way he killed her by using a dirty trick was very out of character.
Nanami is basically invincible, she's insanely skilled and her observation ability makes it so you can pretty much never actually get the advantage on her.
It would probably be absolutely impossible to kill her WITHOUT using dirty tricks.
The ending was pretty bad.
I thought it was a fucking good ending. Completed Kyoutoryu Yasuri was badass. Audience got trolled decently, which is a positive.
it was half incredible half whatever
the sister was a terrible character that should have just not been in the series. togame's dying revenge speech was also kind of stupid.
but it had great aesthetics, cinematography, music, mostly good writing and dialogue, and the first three episodes were pretty much perfect.
I dropped it when the protag had to kill his sister. I was bawling by the end of that episode. It hit way too close to home for me. My older sister donated some of her bone-marrow to save my life when I was younger. She later died of complications.
Considering all I do is shitpost on Sup Forums, I don't think it was worth it. I still use her old pillow as my hug pillow and pretend it's her at night.
Nice blog, faggot. ;_;
Emonzaemon has a funny name